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25th Cannabis Cup


Hey Guys, its that time of year again..
25th Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, maybe the last.. maybe not... who knows

Anyway, who's heading out for it this year, be great to hook up with IC member's Old friends and new!
Hope it's a good turnout!, and hope there is some decent product in the coffeeshops to try out.


wer i ge tickets man i been waitin to go one of these things n meet some of the people i speak to n come across in the forums lol this one... thc farm..uk420 i bet id bump into alot of familiar people there lol, can anyone point me in right direction to tickets plz?
a lil somethin from one of my runs before ;)
super silver n then critical mass both mr nice seeds ;)


tank you karma, mak10, tricomeconsumeR and everybodi appreciate mi work.....
This year has not been a great event, perhaps because of the police or perhaps because the coffee seeds such as bank were not trusted to put their own stand .....
We hope that next year things will change, because otherwise it will be lost a good race ....... that had the most number of appearances in the last 10 years