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25k Marching through Amsterdam against Vax Pass


You are just about the most insulting member on the forum. I am not claiming innocence. Most of your replies/arguments also contain a personal derogatory comment. That you cannot see this is astounding.

im the soul of courtesy to polite people....siad it before i take as i find, anyone responding neutrally in a civilized way will get the same. anyone belittling, ridiculing, insulting should know better.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
im the soul of courtesy to polite people....siad it before i take as i find, anyone responding neutrally in a civilized way will get the same. anyone belittling, ridiculing, insulting should know better.

That you cannot see this is astounding.


Well-known member

They pulled almost 1,000 people in... Times Square.

lol. Amateur hour.

the last one that was supposed to be a "teachers march in nyc against mandates" it was like 2 teachers and a bunch of Q/conspiracy adjacent wackos lol


I think folks have a right to distrust vaccines, but do they have a right to work, travel, eat, go to events with the people that did get vaccinated? Is the same true with vaccine for polio, smallpox, measles, and many other communicable diseases, most of which are gone or hardly seen in the USA thanks to vaccines. I think it is a shame they are being forced to get vaccines, I think it is a much bigger crime they refused getting a vaccine in the first place, you can lead a thirsty man to water, but you can't make them think. The bigger the population with Covid-19 the more variants will pop up, then the unvaccinated and vaccinated may have a new problem that todays vaccines can not control. -SamS


Well-known member
The biggest problem that society has, is that there is too much society. Covid is barely making a scratch. I really couldn't care less if people don't want protecting against it. If we won't limit population through births, then there needs to be more deaths. Waiting around for somebody else to save us is futile. Our course is clear. All records and memories agree. We are living in some denial situation I can't fathom out. Our idea of survival of the fittest, is the fittest go to work, to support the less able who breed the coming generation. We are totally fucked.

The bad thing about covid, is being forced to avoid it.


Well-known member
as my man slavoj zizek says towards the end of this video - sometimes you have to force people to be free.



Active member
The biggest problem that society has, is that there is too much society. Covid is barely making a scratch. I really couldn't care less if people don't want protecting against it. If we won't limit population through births, then there needs to be more deaths. Waiting around for somebody else to save us is futile. Our course is clear. All records and memories agree. We are living in some denial situation I can't fathom out. Our idea of survival of the fittest, is the fittest go to work, to support the less able who breed the coming generation. We are totally fucked.

The bad thing about covid, is being forced to avoid it.

Society is a much stronger force in nature. The definition of fit has evolved from having a strong body to having a strong mind. Its not right or wrong. Its just a fact. We're totally fucked either way. I intend to stay as healthy as I can so I can enjoy the ride. Even the "weak" have a place in the cab.


Well-known member
Disclaimer: This is a general comment and not directed at any single member here.

What PMTFO is that those who disagree w/ my stance, prefer to devalue my ability to read/ listen/ think/ reason/ assess/ conclude etc;
as well as they are able to. Huh? Good damn thing my value is not dependent upon those opinions aye?
Folks like myself have been referred to as "stupid", "ignorant" "anti" this "anti" that; yadda, yadda, yadda...etc., etc., etc... meh.

Perhaps it is indeed the folks who now trust their gov't, who need to reassess their stances on trust and freedoms? smh.
The PTB understand that instilling fear in the populace works as a supreme manipulative tool ergo; why it has been their
tool of choice since the dawn of man.

I ain't sceered.

Have you asked yourselves exactly what you are afraid of?



We all gonna die. Get over yourselves for cripes sake.
No one is any more 'special' than any other and not one of us makes it out alive.
One absolute is that this scale of justice remains balanced.

Apologies; I'm just pissy this a.m. and tired of the bs name calling and all other devaluation
of those who think differently than the current 'status quo'. bleh.


Active member
Disclaimer: This is a general comment and not directed at any single member here.

What PMTFO is that those who disagree w/ my stance, prefer to devalue my ability to read/ listen/ think/ reason/ assess/ conclude etc;
as well as they are able to. Huh? Good damn thing my value is not dependent upon those opinions aye?
Folks like myself have been referred to as "stupid", "ignorant" "anti" this "anti" that; yadda, yadda, yadda...etc., etc., etc... meh.

Perhaps it is indeed the folks who now trust their gov't, who need to reassess their stances on trust and freedoms? smh.
The PTB understand that instilling fear in the populace works as a supreme manipulative tool ergo; why it has been their
tool of choice since the dawn of man.

I ain't sceered.

Have you asked yourselves exactly what you are afraid of?



We all gonna die. Get over yourselves for cripes sake.
No one is any more 'special' than any other and not one of us makes it out alive.
One absolute is that this scale of justice remains balanced.

Apologies; I'm just pissy this a.m. and tired of the bs name calling and all other devaluation
of those who think differently than the current 'status quo'. bleh.

Yet you still have a doctor.
I have much .more trust in doctors, even if they use the government for a voice, than I do in an anti whatever stand lead by yellow journalism and leaders living in golden towers.

As far as your pissy mood. A little Neal Diamond…



Lockdown protest described as ‘orgy of violence’


Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb has described an anti-lockdown protest in his city as an “orgy of violence.” The Dutch demonstration devolved into a violent riot that saw police open fire on protesters.

Aboutaleb described the events of Friday night as an “orgy of violence,” after protesters packed Rotterdam’s central Coolsingel shopping street to voice their opposition to an ongoing partial lockdown, a ban on New Year’s Eve fireworks displays, and the possibility of a two-tiered system of freedom in the Netherlands, one of liberty for the vaccinated and restrictions for those without the jab.

The protest soon got out of hand, and police said on Saturday that 57 people were arrested. Protesters were seen torching police vehicles and launching fireworks at police, who shot at them in response.

Aboutaleb said that the cops had been “forced” to use their weapons. “On a number of occasions the police felt it necessary to draw their weapons to defend themselves,” he told reporters. “They shot at protesters, people were injured.”

Police say at least seven people were injured. Two of these injuries were caused by police bullets, and the victims are still in hospital. One officer was hospitalized, while several others were treated at the scene for minor injuries.

the Dutch seem to have especially angry people at the anti vax pass protests. here in Switzerland the protests are massive but its a big party, you have techno, bag pipes drums and people just dancing and partying together, realizing they are not alone, that more and more are not liking whats happened in the last months with the qr code being needed with id verification everywhere you show it.

Demo Kundgebung mit Helvetia Trychlern, Aktionsbündnis Urkantone, uvm. Zürich 20.11.2021

from the front of the march

before you scream about no one wearing masks, we don't wear them outside in Switzerland for many months. only if you want.
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Austria since a few days finding back to its good old days, where the ss was also running around screaming at you to show your papers. they were also doing it for "the people" at the time. they have announced a lock down for all, as well as a vax mandate for the whole nation starting soon.

Einfach traurig! Österreich im Jahr 2021… - Just Sad! Austria in the Year 2021

Austrians reaction yesterday:
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Well-known member
as my man slavoj zizek says towards the end of this video - sometimes you have to force people to be free.

not everyone is mentally capable of freedom. some people, when paroled from prison, go right out & rob a package store or something equally frowned upon by society so they can go back to their 3 squares a day. the world is too big for them. cut the barbed wire & turn your sheep loose, most will turn into wolf shit real quick...

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