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250w Metal Halide Bagseed Closet Grow



Hey everyone! Sort of been inactive here for a while, but I return with a new grow :rasta: . After my experiences with outdoors and CFL's I wanted to step it up so I spent a couple hundred and invested it into this closet!

This picture is before hand, I have emergency blanket on the wall to increase reflectivity ($3) and I have black and white poly across the closet door to increase reflectivity in the room and stop it outside the room ($40 for a 25'' x 4' sheet). I got a cheap fan to circulate the air at Lowes for $4, couldn't pass it up. I have 4'' ducting that I am using an 80mm Sunon PC fan that I used in my speaker grow and it keeps a steady temp of 72-73 F.

Just installed! From HTG Supply, it's a 4100k bulb that delivers about 22-23,000 lumens I believe, about $150 from eBay (I didn't want HTGSupply all over my debit card bill). I could of went HPS, but I didn't want one.

Just some pictures of my soil I'm using. The PRO-MIX is my starter mix, I have Perfect Mix for later and I use the organic choice all around - yes it's miracle grow, but I've seen and had nothing, but good experiences with it!

Quick picture of the ballast for anyone who wanted to see.

I planted them yesterday so here is day one, still not out of their shells quite yet!

Temps are great, humidity is a little low, but acceptable :muahaha: .

I'll be purchasing some nutrients soon, most likely Pure Blend Pro. Hope you guys enjoy!


Thanks for stopping by InNvBoarder! Most of the seeds have popped out of their shells and the cotelydons have appeared. I'll have pictures tomorrow when their all out :lurk: .


They've sprouted and are looking healthy, my light was a bit too far away (1 ft) so I moved it so it was 8 inches away. Seems to have done the trick.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Good luck with your grow dude

I also use PBP products, great products



Got some strange looking seedlings, guess it must just be the strains?

[Picture gone]
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Had a scare the other day when I woke up and found my bulb burned out, had to throw in 100 watts of CFLs for a few days while I waited on a spare. I got it and it works great :). I got another spare on order just incase...

I got them under 12/12 now since yesterday so I can sex them, I will re-veg the females and plant them in 1 gallon pots afterwards. So here we go again.



Sounds great! Welcome to the grow :), glad to see someone taking an interest :rasta: .

Heres an update.

looks beautiful! this is when the magic starts happening.

cant wait to see what you do with them. what are your plans?

this is bagseed eh do you know anything about the bag? are they the same as your outdoors?


I plan to do some topping, LST, etc. Gonna try to make em nice and bushy :).

The bagseed is more than likely from some high end mids we used to get around these parts, couldn't track which bag exacltly :p. Should be the same seeds or similar to last summers outdoors.
looking even better D4...... Im wondering if after my recent nute scare maybe i should switch back to fox farm nutrients and stay organic!


Active member
howdy d4, just stopped by to see what's up.
I'll be checking to see how you do with that 250


Hey hazy! Thanks for coming by :rasta: .

I have been slowly killing the males recently and am down to 5 plants, the one in the bottom left of the picture is 100% female. Which is my only one so far.

I also just got a Sour Diesel clone from a friend of mine, it is not rooted yet, but it is in a humidity dome under a 20w CFL and seems to be thriving. Gonna hope for the best :lurk: .


Hey crowned thanks for coming by!

Out of 9 plants I ended up with 3 females. They are all re-potted in 1 gallon pots and my timer was reset back to 18/6 so they can veg up for a little bit. I plan on LSTing them very soon. Their doing well, things can only get better.

Stay safe and blaze up everyone.


Hey everyone, just popping in with an update!

Here is them a week after re-veg showing new growth. If you take a look at the one in the back you can see it bending towards the light from some LST.

Also, here is a Sour Diesel clone I obtained now growing roots and vegging under some CFL's.



Active member
hey d4, those are some nice lush looking plants in there.
I like the bubbler. Looks nice and easy. Good score with that SD cut man, always keep a clone or two going of that momma.