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~25 200gal smartie coco grow, woah.



Green beautiful grow friend. I love coco indoors and out! Flushing is a breeze! Please don't mangle those awesome fllowers with a machine.


Active member
wow! that must be the biggest coco outdoor ganja grow in the world! i can jus imagine the costs of the nutes! amazing job! so huge !!

I set up a 50 plant grow this year in mendo... every plant started under my tongue and each hole is 1000 gallons coco and compost. Nice grow man!!!
A californian Machu Picchu. you just made a light bulb click on in my little head.


Thanks for all the kind words everyone.

About the machine, I'm more than likely just gonna run the smaller buds through it (if at all). I'll save anything of reasonable size for a handjob (nice). Big nugs aren't so bad to trim, it's the small shit that eats the trimmer hours. Even well paid trimmers hate popcorn.

Y'all are too kind :cathug:

Camera cord ran away, hopefully I find it before I move to the spot permanently. PINK PISTILS!


Nice thread, GF. Are those Geo pots? You have a lovely spot. Your girls look perfectly healthy! I have ladies in RG products as well. I went with the mendo mix w/ additional amendments and compost. Figured it'd hold more water than the bsmt and it does. Didn't need to feed during veg at all (but did anyways ;) ). Good luck on the home stretch.


Eugene Oregon
Just stopping by, haven't been on the forum in a long time.

No better place to be then on this thread, i am extremely jealous of those big beauties.

Mouth can't stop watering...
Sending good vibes your way Green Fields! :ying:
50%? Idk about that. It's amended coco. The ratio, who knows. I just bought it. It's alot of coco + goodies. I don't intend to go full coco ever anywhere.. I like the hybrid. I ran plain coco indoors and like a mix better.

Been out on the hill for awhile, nice to come back home...have a few beers...and pop back on the ol' thread.

Y'all are too kind.

Brain - They're some knockoffs. "Camo pots". Not made by smart pot or geopot apparently.
I like the geo's best though. Seems like they put a bit more TLC into the bags.

All is going well. One of the diesels, dunno if I mentioned it before...it'd been overwatered for basically the whole season. It's dying. I might get an lb. off it...or it might just slowly fade, we shall see. It's getting watered every other day whilst everyone else gets daily.

Other than that all is well. Gonna go to goodwill and buy all the sleeping bags/comforters I can find in the morning...so nobody knows which are occupied and which aren't.

Girls are drinking about 8 gal's every day. 2400ml A+B, Bud XL, Drip Clean

This weekend they start Top Bosster, then the following week Shooting Powder begins.

In the homestretch now!

I'll post pics if I ever manage

Dam cord is up north, otherwise I'd post pics. I've got em though..so they'll be up sometime soon.

Cheers everybody. Hope it's a SAFE, bountiful and enjoyable end of season for you.

Pray a hydro shop somewhere nearby starts stocking some dam ladybugs please, thanks.
So we 4 days into top booster now, you can see bud growth daily. Pretty wild. Gonna be a real treat of a few weeks :)

Gave em a nothing but water flush yesterday, just in preparation for shooting powder..it can get pretty hot.

The weather has been really cooling down, makes for nice sleeping in the day.

The red bellied mites are starting to really take off on a few plants, no webs but a good bit of leaf damage. The ladybugs dont seem to do much in that respect. So i ordered a bunch of predatory mites. Should be on the plants tonight.

Next year I'm going zero pesticides, just predators. Seems like the pests are pretty dam resistant anyways. I sprayed spinosad, azadactrin and pyrethrins...and they still made it. Not interested in adding more to the list in the future. So next year ill just employ bugs.

Hopefully ill post pics Thursday.

Cheers, hope all is well
Sorry, no pics til after it all comes down..stuck at the spot til then...no compie.

We're now 4 days into shooting powder..buds noticeably swelling daily, magical time of year :)

The mites really took off over the past few weeks. I guess its been months since spray so makes sense. The ladybugs didn't slow em down one bit. Finally got longpipes and californicus and one other predatory mite on last week. Was hopin it'd slow em down. Hard to say, too little too late methinks.

The climate here is hugely in favor of mites. guess that's the tradeoff between here and somewhere like Humboldt. Mildew should be less of an issue here I reckon. Stays pretty dayum dry.

Still gonna pull a bomb harvest, the miteys aren't webbing or anything...just doing a good bit of leaf damage to the infected plants (maybe half or less). Seems like the diesels are a mite favorite.

Other than that everything looks stellar. Still green as can be.

Got the drying trailer built (thanks mom!) So that's exciting. 20' trailer with 4 10'x3' racks, 7 levels each. Used some beetle netting for the mesh, conduit for the sides ans 2by's for pillars. Totally modular.

Gonna be an interesting crazy busy month.

Stay safe and happy harvest everyone!
Still cruising along. Most everybody in the area freaked out and chopped the crop..we still rollin :)

3 days straight of rain. Lost one branch :)
Pulled the og, its ok.

Otherwise all is well..noticed rot in 2 xj buds, cut that out.
Other than that just pickin dead leaves n stinkin like a potplant.

Looks like the xj gets until next Friday, then we slowly start pullin everything

Had a visit from Fish and Game...not sure what that means.

Asked plant count/script count.

Were looking for guns and dead animals apparently. Found neither. I think they turned a blind eye to the shotgun. Didn't see the sks or 9mm.

Sucks cuz we'd never poach, just protect the patch. They must have got that hint from us because there's legit no way they didn't see the mossberg.

Be safe bro!

Thanks, trying.

I got sick as hell, was real cold and miserable during all the rains...nose and lungs are all jacked. Whoever said it was easy.....

Yeah no doubt yesprop, not exciting at all. I'm sure we're gonna be cool though, other neighbors had mad plants hanging n drove em out shortly after visits...they'd have gotten stopped if there were ill intents.

Been a helluva trip this year.

Growing in a dam warzone here, tweaker capital of the country..Indian res on 2 sides, Mexicans on the other two...though I'm happy about them being around.

Next year its secluded chill location, I couldn't take years on end of this spot. :)