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~25 200gal smartie coco grow, woah.


Well-known member
What an awesome Grow my friend....
You have a nice strain selection, and a near perfect plot of land to do it big.
Grow on Green Fields
Much thanks amigo

So one of the Sour D's has come down w/ some sort of stem rot. It's this gross black/brown moldlike substance...it seems to be eating through the stem about 4" up from the base of the plant. I reckon if given another week or two it might cause the plant to die. Already can see where it's made sort of an indent in the trunk.

Gotta look it up in Hemp Diseases or somethin, not good. The plant still looks chipper, but I know this will be the end of it if allowed to run wild.

Otherwise everything looks phenomenal. All the plants are bushin out hard.


Look at the third sticky at the top of this forum, that might be your problem. If it is, then expect more to come down with the same thing.

Looking good though man!


That probably isn't it. Real quick, how often are you watering and how moist does it stay under the canopy?
Every other to every third day. Dry mi amigo, very dry.

It's like 100 degrees out at all times, full sun...the coco at the top dry's up within 3 hrs of watering.
Top of the morning all ye gents.

Girls are doing well. Lost a diesel to the rot I described a few posts ago. No worries, have an extra plant to go in it's place whenever I find the time to plop it in.

Sucks though, was a BEAUTIFUL girl.

I believe I brought it on w/ the way I staked the girls to straighten em out. Used a coated wire type stuff...and left the stake on too long (about 1 week)...so when I pulled it off the stem had grown so much there was about 1/4" of indent where the wire was.

That's my theory anyways. Live n learn.

Bought a few 100' rolls of concrete support wire crap. The stuff for reinforcing slabs. Worked real dandy, glad I got it in time too...another week and it'd have never fit on the pots like it did.

Shits reallll sturdy, I'd highly recommend it. Also really heavy and a PITA to cut lengths off the roll. A 2 person job w/ 1 person can be tough :)

I'm amazed at how fast the Space Queens caught up to the other plants out here. They're only marginally smaller. Very happy about that.

Suckin down lotsa water an nutes. Been watering bi-daily w/ food every other watering. Seems to be working dandy as the leaf color is perfect. No burn either.

Flowering's just around the corner. XJ started showin a few preflowers, so it's off to the races now feller's!

Space Queen #2 (I believe she's cindy dominant...showed sex at about 6" tall)


Space Queens (foreground row)

From the frontage..girls just waking up.
You can see the dead diesel. She snapped over due to the rot, so I'm still giving her a day or two...but the leaves are mad wilted, so it's definitely in vain.


From the top



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All is swell on the ol' plot.

Been trimmin away the underbrush like crazy. Eventually everything inside the screen's gotta go. For now, just chippin away at it..a little at a time.

Sprayed Azatrol the other day, some leaf mining bastards were eating away at the innermost leaves..at first I didn't care, but the population seems to have gotten to the point where I had no choice but to nuke em.

Gonna hit em weekly until week 1 or 2 of flower..hopefully decimate anything that tries to get a foothold. Then go back to more lax methods.

Also been spraying some Green Cure to ensure the PM is gone.

Gonna start the compost tea's shortly aswell. Magic Green too.

For now it'll just be bene's and pesticides, the plants are super lush dark green...so I'm doubting they need any foliar feed for now.

Previously I was feeding every other watering, which ends up being every fourth day (I water/feed every other day). Gave em ferts 2 waterings in a row...gonna start doing that followed by a water. See how they do. Don't wanna overfeed, and don't seem to be yet. I also don't seem to be underfeeding because they're some of the lushest plants I've seen. They've got far better color than any of my indoor plants.

Anyways, no need to blab on so I'll just shut up and make w/ the pictures :wave:

Got a different camera too, hopefully the quality is better.

From outer space (Mine are the ones closer-ish, the ones w/ alotta spacing...friends to my left)



One of the SpaceQueens after her shave



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the grow is looking great my fellow 707er beautiful looking secluded hillside you got there witch direction is it facing you said you only get 8 hours of full sun but it doesn't look like that from the pics, it looks like you got a sunny ass hillside.I think i need to up the frequency of my feeding because im feeding once a week around 800ppm and there a few girls in the garden that i have had a hard time really getting that lush green to anyway nice plot bro
Faces south. Yeah, it's full sun all day from 7 am on.

When I mentioned 8 hrs of sun, that was a different spot that I was considering. I stumbled upon this by chance and snapped it up real quick-like.

Thanks for the compliments.

Yeah I'd up it til you either get the lush green or start getting edges burning.
I end up around 1.6EC most feeds.
Thanks cubes, please do stick around :dance013:

Got to spend a few hours with the girls today. All lookin fly, no sign of buggies either (thank god, I literally was losing sleep). XJ's and OG are the only ones getting their flower faces on, gettin ready...everything else is still happily vegging away.

Spent several hours trimming em up real nice on the inside of the screen. Really happy with the progress.

I'm excited that the Space Queens are bushin out real well. Happy to see that my favorite smoke also forms a nice bush. It's great seeing the diversity too amongst sisters. Wish I'da sprouted some males from my subcool stock to make a few x's. Next year I'll be fully equipped!

It's a real treat to go to the property and just hang with the girls. Life can be alot of hustle bustle..nice to just unplug and chill with em. Been getting mad exhausted lately, really looking forward to the last month or two when it's just spending day and night livin w/ the ladies.

Anywho, visual progress:

A Space Queen stock, hand doesn't come close to fitting around it :D

One of the SpaceQueen girls

A loverly Skywalker lady

Sour D or XJ can't recall, from aboveslope

My favorite SpaceQueen, I'd mentioned her before...Cindy dominant I do believe. Bushy as hell and nice slender leaves..slightly different shade than all the others. She's labeled SPQ#2

Sour Diesel, chuggin right along


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dude your doing great! really looking nice!

much respect to you also for holding down the tiered garden nicely. Its not easy to work on a hill so great job as well for that!

keep it green and safe!
Thanks Stikky :D

Yeah, the hill has it's ups and downs. (bada da chhhhh)

It's a huge plus to beable to just gravity feed the water, I'm really really into that. It's also nice because the girthiest part of the plants is staggered due to the vertical nature of the hill...so they don't seem to grow into eachother quite so easily.

Anywho here's the updates:

Everything is looking fly. All nice lush dark green. Been getting on the foliar finally. Sprayed Azosol the other week (Azadactrin (neem extract 6%)) also sprayed pyrethrim's yesterday..and a foliar with House and Garden Magic Green.

Trying to really hit em hard for one last hoorah then it's off to the flower races.

The XJ's are developing the starts of some flowers, OG some calyx's...both are somewhere in week 1 of flower or thereabouts. Everything else is just on the border. I reckon in the next couple days everything goes off to the races...the full moon is prolly the only thing stoppin em

I've switched to watering daily, 10 gal's per girl...before I was on a 15 gallon every other day regimine. There'd be 3 to 4 plants just starting to wilt in the A.M. of the second day, so time to switch it up.

Had a little pH issue last week, so if you notice a few leaves curled under that's wassup.

Switched to week 1 bloom style formula (A+B+Roots+Drip+Multi Zen) before was just veg style (A+B+Roots+Drip)
Getting fun going through the largest jugs of everything weekly :D especially Roots Excel @ $~200 a bottle...lasts a bit over a week hah!

Anyways, enough blabbering..nobody reads anyways..on with the pictures!

Diesel! I love her growth, nice quality bush. I haven't cut a limb..just trained em through the screen.

XJ to the left, one of the Space Queens right.

From atop the tanks

Everything down the front row is Space Queen from seed, you can make out an XJ in the middle row. I'd like to note that I didn't cut a single limb for training purposes. No topping, no FIMing, no nothing. Just trim up the inner shaded stuff and that's it. Otherwise it was all achieved by guiding branches through. It's nice that these do well with that, the XJ's Amnesia's and Skywalkers should have gotten a few chops to bush em..too many big arms.

More Space Queen, far left you can see 1/4 an XJ

So that concludes the update. As you can probably see, they aren't doing much in the way of vertical growth. They keep getting bushier and bushier. The pots are 4' wide, so the plants range from 6'-7' wide. The plants minus pots are right around 6-7' tall. They haven't noticeably grown vertically in weeks. HAH!

Cheers everyone, hope your plots are all shining hard :wave:



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Active member
lookin good man...i was wondering about the full moon affecting their flowering..but all mine look around week 1 flower too white pistils everywhere and small clusters forming..no nuggage yet like ive seen on some other earlier plants in other gardens..
No doubt, I'm not sure if I'm jealous of other gardens w/ earlier flowering varietals or not.

Ask me when it starts raining I guess :D

Cheers bro
Hah, they're minnows compared to the likes of Tom Hill, Nomaad, GanjaD, Humboldtlocal, Butte etc..

Thanks for the kind words :tiphat:

I think they're a nice middle ground, next year I'll push for a few goliaths...matter of fact, I think I'll start clones now :laughing:

All are startin to flower now, so I consider this the start of week 1 of flower. Everything's got lil' pistils shootin off..lada lada future budsites :dance013:

I'm torn between flushing a ton of water through to clear the coco or just letting em ride. I get the feeling they could use a good rinse...but at the same time I hate to give em any time w/o food... especially at such an important time in development. Eekk.

16 hr work day, time to sleep.

Being higher up on the ganja ladder can be completely fucking exhausting sometimes..I feel like I'm the sole proprietor of 7 businesses sometimes..up 5am, out cold 1 am...

One day I'll have the good fortune of grower only