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234 watt Shower First Time Grow


Bad News Today:comfort:

We found spider mites in our grow box last night. I'm not sure how we carried them in, we were fairly clean and sanitary, but we went and purchased ZeroTolerence and started using it last night. It only needs three applications, so hopefully we will be rid of them after that.

Not all bad tho! all 5 AutoAK's are now in soil, and we have Fem'd Skunk #1 and L.A. Woman plants in the box as well now :biggrin:

I will be posting new pics of the full box in a week or so, :smokeit:

Flying Goat

GlassHoler -

Just passing thru & thot I would up a chair & sit in for awhile... I'm most interested in the Auto AK, but always interested in other folks' grow shows...



I do have a question. One of our 'bag seed' plants has come up with a 3 leaf pattern, which I'm assuming is a mutation that will render the plant useless.:

is it growing 3 branches and 3 fan leaves at each internode? if it is then dont worry its cool! i had a blueberry do it a couple of years ago. u can get a 3rd extra yeild


The Shower Grow! That's a new one! I could see alot of people finding this thread useful!
Thanks dude! Hopefully it turns out well :dance013:

Subscribed! Very interested in the Auto AK!!

Just passing thru & thot I would up a chair & sit in for awhile... I'm most interested in the Auto AK, but always interested in other folks' grow shows...

We are really hoping that the AK shows us some fantastic yield. Many people seem to think 30g per plant is feasible, were hoping to get around 20g/plant dry... Being n00bs might hurt that goal though :dunno: Thanks for stopping by!

is it growing 3 branches and 3 fan leaves at each internode? if it is then dont worry its cool! i had a blueberry do it a couple of years ago. u can get a 3rd extra yeild
Ya, its a 3 leaf per node deal, on its 4th node I think. The issue is that we have 3 small plants, all are bag seed. We want to choose one lady and run her in veg while the auto's are going. Would you be more inclined to pick a normal lady over the mut'd one? Thanks for the help!!

Really glad everyone is stopping by, hopefully you can help me with any issues we're inevitably going to run into. The spider mites have been a real b**ch. The ZeroTolerance seems to kill them off pretty quickly, but we must have missed the eggs as we found 2-3 of the bugs today while searching the box. The DR's seem to be growing really well, but for some reason many of the leaves on the lowest nodes seem to be yellowing, while many other leaves are drooping on the plants. I'm thinking that we're letting them dry out too much :dunno:

Anyways, I'll be posting a pic later tonight or tomorrow of the box and all the ladies:smokeit: Thanks for all the encouragement!
Glass, bro im telling u a few of the DR are gunna have droopy no matter what u do at least 1/2 mine are...dont stress it..but if they are already turning yellow..mite need to increase nutes...keep up the good work


Well here are the pics of the box and of the girls. Enjoy!:smokeit:

The full box and the best looking DR lady

Now two of the girls are showing some yellowing signs on the bottom leaves. One looks more like I spilled nute'd water on it, but the full leaf is yellow on the other. I'm worried they may possibly be drying out too much between waterings.

Thats all for the DR girls for now. Let me know what you think! The tallest DR is still only around 3", but it looks like in the next week or so we can expect them to put on 4-7"s :biggrin:

Keep watching and giving advice please! Don't forget we're first timers...




So I need someone with more experience to help with my plants. I'm afraid i'm letting my plants dry out too much watering every other day. My humidity is pretty low ~20%, so its quite possible that the girls are growing fast enough to need watering every day now. Also, they were sprayed with our spidermite cure, so that could also be destroying the leaves. All of the leaves are sagging badly as well.


Glass, bro im telling u a few of the DR are gunna have droopy no matter what u do at least 1/2 mine are...dont stress it..but if they are already turning yellow..mite need to increase nutes...keep up the good work

Hey Toker, I thought you had left us!
I'm starting to notice the droop that you were talking about, and only one girl is starting to turn a faint yellow on the very bottom node(check pics above). Is that a lack of nutes? I was actually afraid I had rolled on feeding too soon.

Also, what should I be looking for on sexing? I know that they should start showing around this time, but how can you tell pistols/sacks early? Any pointers or pics?? :prettyplease:


hey bro,, ya they look like shit!,, humm what soil and all that are you using and what food? they look like they are not happy with the soil or did they all curl up like that when you started using that stuff for spider mites? Are you sure you had them?

more info and we can get you going right.

ICC PM me if you need to.

Flying Goat

GlassHoler -

I have a feeling the yellowing is a magnesium deficiency. You could add a bit of Epsom salts (tablespoon or so) to the water to see if it greens up quick. Shouldn't take much more than a day or so to know for sure.

Hang in there, the best teacher is experience. Trouble is, there's only one way to get it...



hey bro,, ya they look like shit!,, humm what soil and all that are you using and what food? they look like they are not happy with the soil or did they all curl up like that when you started using that stuff for spider mites? Are you sure you had them?

more info and we can get you going right.

ICC PM me if you need to.

They both started this about a week ago. They grew fantastically for the first week; stayed green and grew quickly.

They are in FFOF, I flushed the soil heavily before putting the seeds in it. I'm feeding them seaweed extract, Molasses, and Big Bloom every other watering.

quick edit: didn't mean to ignore you goat. I thought molasses was supposed to help with Mag deficiency? Am I not using enough? (~1 Tbs per gallon every other watering)

The spider mites were pretty positive of... It was the only tiny white bug we could find on here, and we were told low humidity and slightly higher temps (77ish) would help them thrive if we didn't watch closely for them. When we spray next time we are planning on diluting the solution another part, 3 parts water 1 part ZT. Hopefully that will make it not as hard on the girls.

Now, Im positive that they were fed Grow Big (FF veg fert) at day 7 on accident. I was feeding the DR's and totally forgot that I was using nute'd water. Would this have started the slow wilting that I'm basically seeing? :dunno:

Do the DR's look ok or is there a general problem with the box?

ICC, I'll PM you when I get enough posts

Thanks so much for the help everyone! Hopefully we can get these ladies back into the party.
Hey Toker, I thought you had left us!
I'm starting to notice the droop that you were talking about, and only one girl is starting to turn a faint yellow on the very bottom node(check pics above). Is that a lack of nutes? I was actually afraid I had rolled on feeding too soon.

Also, what should I be looking for on sexing? I know that they should start showing around this time, but how can you tell pistols/sacks early? Any pointers or pics?? :prettyplease:
what's up bro..naw i just been really busy..i had DR do the same thing, but it hasnt got much worse , so im not stressing it..as far as early sexing..in my yrs of sexing these (af's)are some of the hardest plants to pre sex..anyways.. when plants are up to 3-4 internodes..u can see a small little point or ball it is like inbetween the stalk and stem.. if its a point then 2 white hairs will come out(female).. if its a ball then its a male..on a non af i can tell forsure at 30-45 days..this is outdoor ofcourse, as i must have all females in ground by july 4.. i posted some new pics , but wont show its been updated in the list.. oh well check out my little baby Blue streak if u wanna.. i dont have time right now to check into it..maybe gypsy put a block on me for speaking truth about seedbay:hide:.. hope this helps ya..sorry im not up to date on every specific part name of the mj plant..later man


Thanks Toke!
That was pretty much exactly what I was wanting to know. Most of my plants are already done with there 4th node, so I'm going to keep my eyes out over the next few days so I can sex them. I watered them very well this morning, and I also fed the DR's some Grow Big, so hopefully I'll see that yellowing mellow out a bit...


Active member
Ahem... occam's razor. They are root bound already. New growers tend to jump to the conclusion they aren't doing enough. No, some plants /w very aggresive root systems just can't stay in 16 ounces cups for very long at all without showing signs of stress. Feeding them ANYTHING while they are in such small containers is only going to cause more stress. Bagseeds especially will expect much more than 16 ounces of space by this point. I guarantee no amount of additives be it salt, molasses, or whatever, is going to turn them around. Up-pot them and you will see them rebound. And I don't care how fast you think they are drying out, watering every other day is a BIG no-no. That's too often, even for young plants. My two cents. Always start in final pots. Here's some anecdotal evidence. These are both diesel ryder, one time planted in final pots, the other started in small pots them re-potted. See the difference? Starting in small pots chokes the taproot, the taproot determines final height.

Started and finished in final 1.5 gal pot:

Started in 24 ounces then up potted to 1.5 gallon after sexing:

Which one would you rather grow? In the hands of a skilled person, transplants can and do work. But let me tell you, the people who start in 16 ounces cups and up pot, i.e. MD, SaH, ICC: they are kung-fu friggin' masters. The work that goes into making sure the starter soil is adequately strong enough to feed early development but not enough to burn is an art. Not to mention the actual transplant itself, where a hundred things can go wrong... from chunks of roots falling off because they hadn't gotten a good enough hold yet, to too much compression of the system as a whole causing stunting, to exposure to airborne fungus, transplanting is like playing russian roulette. It is worth it to learn how to do it right... but newbs shouldn't attempt it. It's usually quite discouraging.
Glass always remember that growing MJ is much easier than tomatoes. to many cooks will forsure mess up sumthing..dont stress it man..next time they dry take 1 out of 16 oz cup easy and see if there root bound. simple as that.if they are, dont wait for sex, plant it rite away, and water em in..DR can take alot of abuse.. i have 2 BS that have now been transplanted 3 times..kinda wish i handnt of done the one, it is now at 32" ..It dont take a rocket scientist to grow MJ if it did then they could grow it on the moon..lol..yes ive grow a few outside but never anything inside. so.if i can do it i know u can bro .. bro it shows my last post at 3 days ago..can u see any new post after 1-22 on my thread at all? should be a few pics....