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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Word, or even run hydro like I used to - veg nutes...flower nutes...add a booster in late flower...get record yield. It was all so simple back then :)

Well here they are! They don't look so bad right? I just switched the whole tray around so the back is now the front, and I finally applied some perlite too. I lowered them also so I can slide them out for pics easier. I think they get a better penetration that way too, as strange as it sounds.


And I have this to flex my brain on one day soon:


Here are the 3 different sizes I have now:


My 1oz water cure gets it's last flush today too. It's all going on! :artist:



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Bro that last photo of the plants to me looks fine, just doing their thing(maybe slightly hungry) but still looking good. Could be a strain thing too bro, N or P or K sensitive or maybe their nute whores, Keep it up bro.


Word, or even run hydro like I used to - veg nutes...flower nutes...add a booster in late flower...get record yield. It was all so simple back then :)

Here are the 3 different sizes I have now:

Busy bee!

I'm a big fan of simple. GH with some additions and no worries. Why not just go back to that next round? Fewer odors, more consistency, as you said. Or is it more of a 'save the planet' thing with the organic?

Looks good from here, esp. for 110W.

I like the different size Osrams, gives you more options. Runs from 75-87 lumens/watt as you go up in size. There aren't too many places you can't stick 12 11/16" ...(insert joke here)

I mean - in your garden, of course... :)

And under that you've got CCFLs, too! A full spectrum, so to speak!




Grow like nobody is watching
Or is it more of a 'save the planet' thing with the organic?

I did it for the lulz :biglaugh: Nah, to break it right down, I wanted to be able to pour water on my plants most of the time, instead of having to measure nutes and ec + ph etc. You are right about KISS. Any halfway decent brand of hydro nutes (just nutes) is going to grow a great plant, certainly better than the results I'm getting here. I'll probably use floranova when I get back into hydro.

Thanks algrow. I guess by the numbers it could be considered low light, but it's actually pretty bright in there due to the sparsely vegged nature of the plants. Definitely could be an issue though. As could the ph I suppose. It's just that if you do full organics you're using the soil life to feed the plants. If you adjust the ph, it just makes it less habitable for the soil life. What could be a better ph than the one that they themselves have created from being happy? Of course, I have no way of telling if they're happy, so maybe you're correct.

Call me stubborn though, I'm not going to check the ph. :whistling: *prepares to crash and burn*


Call me stubborn though, I'm not going to check the ph. :whistling: *prepares to crash and burn*

you are a brave soul...all my deficiencies seem to be pH related :( a few days ago my combo pen broke so i had to wait till another got mailed to check my water. luckily i knew a pretty good estimate of my tap water/nutrient/ph down needed. so its definitely possible...just have to know ur water/nutes or lack there of


Grow like nobody is watching
Thank you J. Well my question would be; are any of you guys full organic soil? Because there's a fairly different viewpoint on PH between the styles. Like, with hydro I'm not gonna put anything on my plants until it's been PH'd, no argument. Using chem ferts with soil? - yup I'd PH everything every step of the way.

For the record my water is around 6.6 ph after removing the chlorine.

One of the many ph/organics threads

Organic pH issues

I hear a lot of people asking or talking about the pH of their organic soil mix or organic nute solution and how they might correct or adjust it. pH in organics is not an issue like it is in synthetic growing.
The best place to settle the pH issues in organics is within the grow medium. A medium rich in humates (humus) is the place to start. Humates work to "buffer" the pH of organic mediums and the nutes you pour (or mix) into it.
Humates come from compost, worm castings and bottled humus. If you use a peat based medum, use dolomite lime to raise the pH of the acidic peat. Dolomite should be used in any soil or soiless medium to provide magnesium and calcium. But since we are talking about pH here, I'll mention dolomite lime's pH correction benefits.
A medium of coir has a pH near neutral (or 7.0). But humates are still neded to allow uptake of organic nutrients that are outside a near neutral pH range.
With an active medium rich in humates you can pour in nutes like Pure Blend Pro, Earth Juice and guano teas way outside the optimum pH range without worry. The humus will allow the nutes to be taken up through the roots, even at such an extreme pH reading.
So throw those pH meters away folks and enjoy the ease and safety of organic gardening.

So I have a shitload of humus in there I would think, from the soil activator. I have the dolomite. I should have the microherd. So ph should not be an instant cause for concern. Am I missing something? I mean I can check the run off but I just don't see that it's going to help. Surely but surely it is a million times more likely that I'm just not supplying the element the plant needs, rather than a concept which largely applies to other grow styles.


Tell me if I'm wrong, I don't wanna be wrong, but that's the way I see it. Peace. :witch:


true...im just a control freak and like to try and be precise. organics seems very worthwhile to me, but i would have to do a whole lot more research to fully grasp it


Grow like nobody is watching
Oh word, I can dig it :yes: I think most people would be control freaks. I'm just over that stage personally - I want ease now. :smoke:

If there turns out to be any fail here I couldn't really blame organics anyway. It's just that I didn't have the optimal ingredients at the time of mixing, namely EWC. By the same token I have some chillis in the same mix and they are soooo healthy - vibrant and explosive. I'll try to get a pic. I've kept plucking the flowers off so it keeps vegging but now I'm going to let it rip. Hope your girls are goin' great. Peace.


Grow like nobody is watching
I may not be around for approximately 16 days :)


Here's what I did:

  • I water cured 5.2gm of extremely lame popcorn shwag and ended up with 2.5gm.
  • Grind it up really fine in a coffee grinder
  • Melt 2.5 teaspoons of butter in a double boiling setup, like, have your container you make this in inside a large pot of boiling water so it's not direct heat on your goods.
  • Add the weed and mix it well occasionally for 40 mins or so.
  • Let it cool a bit.
  • Scoop into pill casings.
  • Refridgerate fairly quickly.

I dropped one and it's kicking in already :D <- That's actually what my face looks like right now


Wauw, I need to make pills like that! great stuff :D

I used a small trick when using the hydro nutes.
I don't want to change the NPK ratio by adding N or P as Ph down. My tab water is Kh 14. Even when using a fertilizer for hard water it still wasn't enough to bring the Ph down. My solution was to keep adding fertilizer until I reached Ph 5,8.
Now I had a concentrated mix with a good buffer I could mix with RO or rainwater for the desired EC.
I did one Ph measured mix for the flower, one for the flower+PK and one for the veg fertilizer. and one EC measurement of each concentrated mix. I just used the same fertilizer/tab water ratio again next time.
The EC or PPM scale is of cause linear. Once you know the EC of the concentrated mix, you can adjust your EC by using measuring cups.
Hydro without use of instruments, thats almost to easy eh? But I guess your Kh is to low, and I'm lucky we don't add Cl to our water here..
Nothing is as clean as hydro, no waste no dirt. The water goes in the toilet and contains less nutrient than what normally goes in there, and it gets treated by microbes in an Eco friendly way. Hydroponics is considered the least polluting way of farming in the greenhouse industry. :)


Grow like nobody is watching
I recommend them! I ended up taking a second one and I'm beaming. :muahaha: Now I have an ounce of water cured buds drying. I might make some more. Normally I have a constant pain in my shoulder and it's all gone. :trampoline:

Cool pedro, that makes sense. I had to wiki Kh :)

Smilie overdose :hide:


Grow like nobody is watching
This stuff is great - I got my PLLs wired on my first try!


Is that okay how I've parallelled the green wires? I'm still undecided on what I'm actually going to use them in. Current choices are:

  • In my server PC (I think I can just fit 4 in if I don't use bases)
  • In a garbage can - High-pod style (with a "twist")
  • In a really huge black plastic upright rubbermaid (120 litres I think?)
  • Just hang them in the tent
  • 2 bulbs each inside a portable dehumidifier, and an evaporative cooler

:yappy: Any thoughts?

I had a 3rd pill btw, I'd say 3 or 4 is a good strong dose.

Paranoid one

That's some wicked sh*t you came up with making those pills!
Never heard/seen that before.
So you grounded the bud up in a coffee mixer and added butter and put into those capsules and froze it? That is soo crazy! Crazy as in soo cool*

  • In my server PC (I think I can just fit 4 in if I don't use bases)
  • In a garbage can - High-pod style (with a "twist")
  • In a really huge black plastic upright rubbermaid (120 litres I think?)
  • Just hang them in the tent
  • 2 bulbs each inside a portable dehumidifier, and an evaporative cooler
Though to choose...
I would do the trash-can or the black rubbermaid.:dunno:


im jealous of ur pill making skills bro! haha im probably gonna have to make a firecracker or something today just cuz u got me thinking about edibles now. thats neat as shit man.

AND those bulbs look way intense man....36w looks very impressive if thats what they both are
I can't wait to see what you come up with for the PLLs, knowing you, you'll probably make a screen out of them and have them air cooled (with the clear T5 covers) so the buds can grow up through the lights. or something else really ingenious like that.