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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks bro, good to know. Insects are starting to scare me! They hold a lot of power. :puppydoge


Active member
If not for ants we would be screwed. I feel bad every time I take them out, but only a little. Bastards.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey Strangely! Cheers man! How's your cab coming along? My current thinking is that I had root aphids and fungus gnats when I treated the root aphids. Now I seem to have fungus gnats. I caught a mosquito-like insect and it looks identical. They're very similar looking pests so it's a bastard to know for sure.

But the root aphids don't like moist soil according to the IC thread on them. I was trying to keep the soil moist for this reason, but it only made the population explode. Fungus gnats love moist soil.

Do fungus gnats attract ants? That would seal the deal for me. I'll keep researching today. I couldn't identify the larvae for a black head, because the larvae changed into billions of jumpy flea-like things by now. Also, I gave the big girl another light feed. I want to ramp the feeding down slowly. Thank gawd I have filtered intakes on her!



Hope all of your problems get taken care of quick scrub. Your grow looks great, cant wait to see what the harvest will look like


Grow like nobody is watching
Right on, Dimebagg :yes: Yeah the good bit is, the plants are doing great. :cool: The ants are as good as gone.

The vert plants just grow all over the bulb, they love it, no burning. I had to put a seperate fan on the pl-l "base" now because the foliage stops the flow from the bottom fan too much.

Almost every TWxPD has the lowest set of leaves as yellow, white, or dried up, but apart from that and the thousands of flea-like things, they're doing fantastic. Way tighter than I expected for such low wattage lighting & cramped conditions, and ambient heat.

My alpine strawberries sprouted, I have several jiffies with em in.

:thanks: for reading folkz



Active member
hey scrub, I have been top dressing food grade (not for pools) diatomaceous earth. My gnats have disappeared. They are mostly harmless though, except for seedlings. they are annoying but not much more. They don't attract ants. Ants and fungus gnats work different areas. Ants like it dry.


Grow like nobody is watching
Cheers, I saw you on those threads too, mj :) I may well do that but the only thing is, I had to be a brainiac and diy airpot the bases and sides - I heard that's a major point of entry too :wallbash: but you're right, they seem like an annoyance only. I hope they are fungus gnats!


Well-known member
wooken super sweet there scrubN.
looken nice and green too.

have U seen my garden lately? I need to get new pix of them up soon. now that I have a new nice camera.


Grow like nobody is watching
Wassup cheesy-B! Yeah I'm just waiting for updates, mate. :window: but I hope you have some big ol' bushes by now :gift:

I hope it's an easy to work cam too :) There's so much on mine I never explored. Well, keep us updated!

Dr 4 four

I tell ya, those mosquito dunks help control and possibly eliminate fungus gnats like a fat kid eliminates a box of Caramel deLites GSC. You'd definitely see a difference within a week to two weeks of usage. They also last quite a while, so you may only use one or half of one for a whole grow.


Grow like nobody is watching
Yo Dr 4, haha nice analogy there :D was that you that recommended them last time? Thanks. I didn't realise till now it's biological. I saw some kind of mosquito stuff at the store recently so hopefully it has the bti stuff in it. I'm goin' in tomorrow. For now I'm just letting the soil dry out a bit. I've been overwatering anyway. Might take some pics in a bit.

I'll be on the lookout for whatever diatomaceous product I can find too. Which in this town all I can think of or have seen is kitty litter. Would that be ok? I found 100 gram packs on ebay of diatomaceous earth but 100 grams doesnt seem enough? (15 pots approx 5" diameter plus a bunch of holes on the lower half).

Thanks again guys. :smokeit:


Active member
scrub, if you find diatomaceous earth, there are two kinds. One is very bad for you and used in certain pool filters. The other one is safe.

I'm not sure how much 100g works out to, but for a 3 gallon container I use a total of two pinches. Just sprinkle it over. I'm dying to know if my gnats disappearing after I used it was just a coincidence? Guess you will find out.

Bt products are great, but kind of expensive compared to the DE. you know part of the fight over GMO crops involves a Bt gene added to plants.


Well-known member
wown wow wow wow wow wow this is the dopest looking plant I have ever seen.
I may say that alot thats cuz its very true about alot of ppls grows on here but yours is the best single plant grow i ever seen.

very high class micro grow.


Grow like nobody is watching
Ok thanks mj I didn't know that either, and gawd, you make me blush cheese! :eek:: but thanks! I struggled for a long time and would still be struggling if not for you guys - icmag as a whole.

:thanks: again!


There's an awful lot of weed there :smokeit: I may break 5 z's although who knows!


Just Call me Urkle!!
yes very very impressive! you may have the best yield off 1 plant under CFLs I've seen on here..