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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Can I just get a pound of aussie blue instead? Haha. Thanks for the generous offer bro, I will likely take you up on that! I'll call it a xmas gift for myself.


Grow like nobody is watching
That's a 12l bucket on the floor.


Looks even better with the flash:

And the hermie is still plugging away:



I love my life
Looks yummi! Maybe your next thread should be a massive tree project, you seem to have the micro grow dialed in.

Peace, :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
Heh, got a bit of a crazy plan for the next project actually. I'm getting ready for the next grow here but there's a good chance I'll be moving somewhere very remote with no power....or internet! I'm looking forward to it. I'll be able to focus on the most important thing in life. :) Hope all's well in your world.


Active member
Wow! If I ever get down there I am going to look you up so I can shake your hand and smoke a bowl with you! Those buds look amazing and are crammed in there tighter than ......! Say goodbye to that purple leaf. I hope you check in every now and then.


that's a really beautiful scrog man. It does always look better with the flash, i agree. In case you havent noticed i take all my photos with a flash, haha


I love my life
Heh, got a bit of a crazy plan for the next project actually. I'm getting ready for the next grow here but there's a good chance I'll be moving somewhere very remote with no power....or internet! I'm looking forward to it. I'll be able to focus on the most important thing in life. :) Hope all's well in your world.

That would make me happy for you but sad for me. I really value you my internet friend.

Peace, :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
OH GET OUT! :eek:: You guys. Of course I will update occasionaly. Not certain it's going to happen yet as there's all kinds of factors. But I truly appreciate all the knowledge and support that you guys have shared. I could barely grow 2 years ago and didn't know any ec, ph, strains, dwc, etc etc. I was never on Overgrow, so I'll always look back on icmag as my own overgrow.

Hopefully I can have a low energy system for some indoor CCFLs though. See, there was a point to to the ccfl thing! :D

DI, I was thinking just yesterday I should contact a mod to get the scrog taken out of the title, haha, it's just LST bro. I like the flash pics because you can sort of see what they'll look like fattened up.

Grouchy, always welcome to drop in for tea and a timtam!


Grow like nobody is watching
Fully, just that I like working with clones the best. Being in this part of the world, the day lengths are near enough to 12/12 all year round. So the best technique I've found is to veg cuts indoors, or preferably with the aid of the sun, and simply leave the plant outside to drop it into flower straight away.

The plants only need a minimal amount of light to fool them to stay in veg during the night time. I estimate I could maybe veg 9 x 1pound plants with 4 of these ccfls - I think that's about 12w of fluoro. These were vegged with around 50 to 100 watts of cfl or less, and that was far more than needed.

And I do mean that single wattage for all of those, plus a whole bunch of plants at other stages. It's the simplest way to get high yields for a noob or an expert. And it lets you turn over twice as much from your growroom. It actually works out as more than twice when you get into the finer details but yeah, for this area, that's the most trouble free guaranteed method.

Another thing I noticed is that plants will often pick up pests in the indoors stage. Having them outside regularly lets mother nature do it's thing with beneficial predators. Also, the plant is only outside in the remote flowering location for 2 months-ish, so rippers and other environmental concerns don't matter as much.

Man, sorry to go on but I also noticed that if you do give it "overkill" wattage like my 50 to 100 of CFL, and you take them outside in the day time, you actually get a better vegged plant than either method. The sun gives it everything it needs but it's like the daylight CFLs tweak it out in the night with some random light ray that it needs.

Also, carrying big ass plants in and out of the house lends to having a close relationship with them. My face was literally all up in their private parts twice a day. Any issues are found straight away.



Well-known member
wow wow wow. holy moly they look very very dank. I would love to have that kind of grow seasons in my part of world.

that scrog looks like a super star. ya no O whats her name. lol


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha I just call it that twisted thing in the tent now. It's still got the damn pests on it so as soon as it's given enough pollen, it's outta there.

I think the closer you are to the Tropic of Capricorn, the closer your days are to constant 12/12, but I could be way out on that, I don't understand any of that shit which is why I do the clone thing, lol. As far as I'm aware, we can't put a clone outside and "catch" the season as it were, like the rest of the world does. But it's great - I always know the exact date of "flipping it to 12/12" even when they're outdoor, hehe. :nerd:


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks zoidb3rg! I've been watering every day now so I think it's picking up steam. Got a trick up my sleeve for later too. Here are some of my vegies :smoke:


The big pic is my favourite plant, a chilli, like a small skinny pepper. The thumbnails are all tomatoes just breaking into flower. I can't believe how easy organics is once you get past the initial wall. That chilli plant has nearly the greenest lush vibrant leaves I've ever seen. I treat the teas like hydro, just watch the plant and give it what it needs.

Gonna get a bokashi bucket happening soon. :)


there's a good chance I'll be moving somewhere very remote with no power....or internet!

Yeah... well.. we wont... miss you or anything.
* has little cry * ;)

Give us the odd update though, eh mate! And buds looking good, been lurking a bit as busy moving into new offices but thought I'd pop in with that shocking (possible) news!! Finally got myself all insulated!


Grow like nobody is watching
Cheers fellas. I thought about the internet thing but I get nothing done when it's around. I like the idea that I can only access it when I go for supplies. It's still very neccesary cos you always need an answer for something. And of course I'm gonna need to show off/catch up every now and then :D This is all some ways into the future and I'm infamous for changing plans erraticaly, so who knows what will happen. A big part of me wants to just get a normal house, remote, but with a power supply, but that is easier said than done, so basically I have this no-power situation available any time I get fed up of city life. Which is often, lol.

Strangely, my insulation didn't actually make things any cooler! That was the world's biggest scam. Maybe it's because my house is partly shaded anyway.

Oh ya, I think I will try Flora Nova nutes next. Anyone think this is a bad idea? From what I read they seem mostly organic which is fine, a little chemical element doesn't bother me. Someone on the organic forum mentioned the giant pumpkin growers (they grow one pumpkin at a time on the vine so it gets huge) topped out at about 1000lb using chemical only nutes. With a mix of chemical and organic, or plain organic (not sure) they are now up to over 1700lb!!

:pumpkin: That's a pimpin' pumpkin!

Edit: seconds after posting, this finally turned up! :woohoo:



Just Call me Urkle!!
IMO Flora Nova is cool I've had some good plants from it but Pure Blend Pro from what I here is a lot better and I've used the Organicare line and my buds were so potent and tasty I imagine PBP will give similar results not to mention it's $10 cheap per bottle


Grow like nobody is watching
Nice one thanks thund. I had a think about it and I'd be best to get one available locally because it would suck when I run out, lol. So that's why the Flora Nova is appealing at the moment. Appreciate the help a lot! Also hoping to use it as a base to add on with my teas and stuff. I'm totally addicted to tea, lol! As soon as I use one batch I put another one on.

Here's some shots of the colloidal silver induced hermaphroditism I have going on. I remember when I asked, Pheno said something like "you won't get many flowers off that little thing!" so I'm stoked to have so many.


You can see it's almost fully turned male. I can barely find any pistils on the plant. Everyone should try this, it's so easy, especially micro growers as you can get around things without having a mother. I wanna try the drbud method in this cupboard with the fem seeds I make from this. (living situation allowing)