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22-Year Prison Term for Modesto Marijuana Seller


Freedom Fighter
AbbieDoobie said:
I feel ya, bro. Those were some very well thought out awesome thoughts.

Thank you--

AbbieDoobie said:
It would be nice if this was a LEGIT business. I would be totally behind that.

It is-- I work at a Coop that is a registered non-profit Corp...we have a County License for Cultivation, Transportation, and Exchanging Marijuana--
We have several hundred Members, with Recs...who have signed affidavits declaring we are providing their meds-- And we are--

AbbieDoobie said:
But, until that time, this movement can only move forward based on strength of CHARACTER, such as the 60's civil rights movement. I love some Dre and Wu Tang or some laughs at Friday (which I'm watching right now) as much as the next guy.

But, someone is going to have to rise up as a LEADER to take this movement forward and bring it into the limelight and into legalization. Who is willing to put their life on the line as a real leader so that sick people can get their mmj?

Keith Stroup
Ed Rosenthal
Tommy Chong
Marc Emery
Allen St. Pierre
Steph Sherer
Don Duncan...... I could go on..and on, and on...but you get the idea--

AbbieDoobie said:
On the other hand, who is REALLY WILLING to put their life on the line so that others can sit back and get high? I like getting high as much as the next person, but, giving blacks their rights to be A MAN is somewhat different than giving some schmuck the right to kick back and be a zoned-out stoner. I'm not talking about mmj, but making weed equal to tobacco and alcohol. Who is ready to step up and do that? Not I, sorry. Something to think about.

~Abbie :joint:

I'm sorry, I don't get what you are talking about as far as giving blacks their rights and stuff...you are the only one who said that, unless I missed something--
But I have to admit, I have not been as active as I should be...but I have been active...and my personal outlook is, if you aren't ready to step up....then step aside...so I guess I need to start hitting more Rallies and Town-hall meetings and shit-- Peace--


Active member
kmk420kali said:
It is-- I work at a Coop that is a registered non-profit Corp...we have a County License for Cultivation, Transportation, and Exchanging Marijuana--
We have several hundred Members, with Recs...who have signed affidavits declaring we are providing their meds-- And we are--

This is awesome. I live in the midwest in a non-mmj state. I would give my eye-teeth to be doing what you are doing. Your Coop is legit in the eyes of your state, but not in the eyes of the Feds. That's why I keep pressing the point of rallying this thing by the 100's of thousands in DC to get the point across to Obama. We need a Selma-type march with a pivotal MLK type figure who takes this to the Washington monument and gives a moving sermon type speech that gives goosebumps to the masses at large.

kmk420kali said:
Keith Stroup
Ed Rosenthal
Tommy Chong
Marc Emery
Allen St. Pierre
Steph Sherer
Don Duncan...... I could go on..and on, and on...but you get the idea--

Who among these guys are capable of doing what I described above? Which one gives the goosebumps?

kmk420kali said:
I'm sorry, I don't get what you are talking about as far as giving blacks their rights and stuff...you are the only one who said that, unless I missed something--
But I have to admit, I have not been as active as I should be...but I have been active...and my personal outlook is, if you aren't ready to step up....then step aside...so I guess I need to start hitting more Rallies and Town-hall meetings and shit-- Peace--

I am referring to blacks and the civil rights movement of the 60's because it is the only movement in recent memory I can think of at the moment that got the job done. They were oppressed as we are, got the beat-down, protested peacefully via MLK, took the message to DC, and got the job done. This movement is moving slowly but surely, but the PTB really won't embrace total LEGALIZATION unless it is brought to them by the 100's of thousands of protesters and has a pivotal figure that they respect, must deal with, and refuses to go away. This person also sets themselves up to being bumped off, btw. Who is willing to do that?

But, honestly, I think most people who grow would rather keep doing it in secret rather than come to the forefront in protest. Me being one of them. Hence, the 'tell no one rule'. I show up at protests, that rule is broken. I'm not pointing any finger at you or anyone, just stating my opinion as to how the movement will or will not pan out using the 60's civil rights movement as a point of reference.

Peace, brother...

~Abbie :joint:


Freedom Fighter
The 60's Civil Rights Movement was a great thing-- But it is far from over...so you cannot say they got the job done-- I know that it has moved things forward in leaps and bounds...but there is still an unbelievable amount of ppl that are still very prejudiced...and it is blatantly apparent that Blacks are still not Universally viewed as equal-- That is a shame, but a fact--
The fight for Marijuana, on the other hand, transgresses the Race lines and is more a political thing these days, rather than a Social one-- If it was legalized, that would take the argument out of "...but it is Illegal" away from the Antis--


Freedom Fighter
AbbieDoobie said:
Who among these guys are capable of doing what I described above? Which one gives the goosebumps?

Keith Stroup would be my first choice...although I do not know him personally, so I cannot say whether he can differentiate between the "Cause", and Business--
Tommy would be the best bet though...he can instantly reach the most ppl...and he kinda really doesn't give a fuck what others think--


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I dont care if they were selling pot over the counter like Burger King sells burgers. NO ONE deserves to go to jail over MJ. Not even the smuggler who brings in slam bam pressed MJ from mexico. This should be a no brainer.


Active member
Would you say that someone who repeatedly violated ICMAG Posting Guidelines deserved to be banned? Just an honest question. Please don't ban me for asking.


Active member
Babbabud said:
I dont care if they were selling pot over the counter like Burger King sells burgers. NO ONE deserves to go to jail over MJ. Not even the smuggler who brings in slam bam pressed MJ from mexico. This should be a no brainer.

i don't think it was the MJ alone... being a complete moron helped a lot. i haven't seen a single self incriminating rap video from any smuggler.
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What a waste of my tax dollars...When these guys get out of the joint they will be hell bent to take it out on the innocent. Don't expect anything from Obama. He's the bought and paid for candidate and it looks like he's going to nominate Eric Holder (anti MMJ) as his Attorney General. Obama is changing his position and promises made on a daily basis. He's already forgotten about his MMJ promises and is more concerned about sending 20,000 troops to Afghanistan, cutting spending and no tax hikes for the rich (just hike them on you and me). Obama sounds now like George Bush on all issues---Where's the outrage from the idiots who supported him?


New member
I don't like when people say you can't profit from marijuana! Everything else in this capitalist system is about money. They profit from getting you sick and then they profit from giving you a pill to help you get by in life. I can understand why they would want to suppress such a healing plant that is actually good for you. I say bring the coca plant here and I would have all my medicine cabinet needs. Profit and stealing is what the whole healthcare system is about! "ye have made it a den of thieves"
lmao i just saw the video...

lmao i just saw the video...

on another level, 22 years though,? mm :s

i feel like this kind of relationship i have with my government is that of a abusive/controlling parent.

if you cant say or do what you want even if your not hurting nobody without getting in trouble than what are you suppose to do.

if my parents were wrong about something i was getting in trouble for( getting a ticket for not wearing your seatbelt 'for your own protection')

i would try to reason with them (court)

but would you ever let someone else tell you what and how to do just because they are bigger and [not ]smarter (we are all capable of being smart) than you (rules, fines, time)?

especially if your not doing anything truly wrong. just sounds like an abusive relationship to me.

my two cents:

no one should truly force you to do something you dont want to do. even if its for your own good

if i dont agree with what my parents think i can go my own way, but not because 'their house their rules', just because i am peaceful/humble type of guy and the fight with them isnt worth the proving my case. Even still, there are times when your parents make your life unnecessarily impossible. sometimes you do have to just do things your own way and if you get caught, you get caught. stand up for yourself and be responsible for what you believe in. But what are you suppose to do when you dont agree with the rules of your state? do what i please and risk "justice"? do nothing? leave the country? is that my solution? where do i draw the line?

im not trying to instigate violence or any kind of reckless behavior here, im just hoping everyone gets what im saying.



Active member
I'm reading some of his prison letters (Luke scarmazzo) if what he's saying about his city council calling the DEA that's dirty ball this happened somewhere else or maybe his was the case. These two are basically living my nightmare I seriously know/knew people more than a few who killed people and did less time.


Active member
On the other hand that video makes me wonder if he had anybody that actually loved him around it was a horrible idea especially the scene where he has the money boxed up like the movie blow acting like he can't find space to put it he has so much. Taunting the Feds ever end up good for guys like this?


This is make-work for the prison-industrial complex.

The economy is nowhere near as "recovered" as the MSM tells us.

Don't forget, the money a state pays to keep this guy in prison is counted as GNP (I think.)

In any case, I don't care if someone has 5000 plants, they don't deserve to be persecuted.

The net effect of these laws is to push a huge amount of stress on the person being arrested. It's sort of like they're trying to kill them with stress.

He will not be the same person when he comes out of prison.