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22-Year Prison Term for Modesto Marijuana Seller


I think you misunderstood me Rainman. I think it is embarrassing to have laws against a plant in the USA, not to be an American(I know a bad choice of wording in previous post). I don't agree with taking advantage of the truly sick just for prophit but I do agree with free enterprise. If it was legal than the unscrupoulous dealers would not make much money because you could get it anywhere.....supply and demand. I just think anyone going to jail over a weed that is harder to kill than to grow is ridiculous....for any reason. And I don't think I was alive in the 30's when these laws were made so it wasn't who I voted for that made these draconian laws. And I do know of 3 people who were charged with murder and was out in ..YES 7 years. So it does happen maybe not all of the time but I have personally witnessed it 3 times.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Rainman said:
Murder = 7 year sentence? I dont think so my friend. Embarrassed to be American?
Don't believe me about the typical sentence for murder? Check it out for yourself: Criminal Justice Statistics. And while you're there, check out the average sentences for other crimes. To me anyway, it seems that the punishments do not fit the crimes when it comes to drugs. Relatively speaking.

And while I don't deny that these people were breaking the law and making money doing it and are probably some pretty sleazy low lifes, it's the law itself that I have problems with. It's prohibition that enabled these people to do what they did and make them rich in the process.

What I am embarrassed about is a criminal justice system that is so mindlessly skewed against something that should not even be a crime. There is no rhyme nor reason to the war on drugs. It's all politics (i.e., money). "We" didn't vote the Controlled Substances Act into existence, nor mandatory minimum sentences. And there's no way we can change these laws because very few politicians will stand up for what's right. What can you do when your choice of candidates is someone who is "tough on crime" versus someone who is tougher on crime? True or not, I think most politicians believe they cannot get elected if they appear in any way soft on crime. What kind of message would it send to the children?


Nobody deserves 22 years for selling herb no matter how they did it....Sounds like another PIG statement to me!...How many times growin up have you and freinds bought pot from Big Time commercial dealers before?...Are you saying they deserve 22 years as well....For supplying you what you wanted/Needed...Geesh!...
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Peoples these guys were not runnin a disp. to take care of the sick or too contribute to the well being of patients! They were making tons of money which they used to create rapper lifestyles and super flashy personas. If

True and they needed to go down for laundering money, but should have gotten much less than 5 years and maybe fines and education instead..They should have gotten nothing for medical MJ aspect of it, maybe laundering money without paying taxes? Dude was so in your face...he said "Fuck the feds" in the video, man he got them mad...


Resident pissy old man
I would give them more time for making a bad rap video than for selling pot!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
growing for profit = bad karma

growing to help sick for non-profit = good karma


shut the fuck up Donny
While its certainly fucked up that hes going away for such a long time, the guy is a complete moron for taunting the Feds in a rap video that was aired. He was asking for a bust.


Active member
Anyone who is for this guy needs to get his head checked. MMJ does not need a 'gangster' or 'thug' as its representative. This is the same as any grower on this site going all around town showing off their expensive ride, bling bling, and stash to anyone and everyone thereby giving the impression they grow their own and sell for profit. Very bad karma.

As I said in another thread, legal mj is going to take a revolution of average people coming to DC in the 100's of thousands to DEMAND its legalization via peaceful protest rallies with a pivotal 'non-violent' figure such as MLK as its spokesman.

Coming off like a gun-toting thug will just give this movement a bad image and will get us nowhere, only more DEA raids and prison sentences.
all I gotta say is never taunt the feds. ask Tommy Chong how they made an example out of him for just makin movies that glamourized drugs. when he got busted for the bongs they basically told him he's ruined kids lives with the movies that's why he got time.. if your gonna break fed law try not to taunt them in your rap videos and make it obvious they will stick it in u without vasoline.. live and learn. wish they wouldn't have gotten fd but if they did flaunt and drew attention they were settin themselves up.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew

to anyone who thinks that this scarmazzo dude didn't get what he was asking for needs to open their eyes. dude was running a dispensary like it was a gang drug house (or at least his music video would make u believe) whether the sentence is right or wrong doesn't change the fact that dude is a huge dipshit for taunting the feds lol

i love cannabis. and i hate idiots. i hope this deters future idiots from tryin to be outspoken members of our community!


Active member
Reading the headlines I was shocked.

Then I watched his music video. This business is about taking care of sick people, the moment you start making music videos talking about making money and doing "buisness", with guns cocking back in the background. You're not helping nobody. I want to know the details of the case. What exactly was he caught with. Was there money laundering? Guns? What exactly constituted the criminal enterprise charges?

You also have to wonder why most caregivers get their cases dismissed or receive light sentences. And this dude got 20 years.

Central cali is the country part of cali. Nothing but cow sh!t, paisas, and hillbillies between the bay to LA. Maybe that had to do with it. Believe it or not. California has its own bible belt.


Active member
dontstepongrass said:

to anyone who thinks that this scarmazzo dude didn't get what he was asking for needs to open their eyes. dude was running a dispensary like it was a gang drug house (or at least his music video would make u believe) whether the sentence is right or wrong doesn't change the fact that dude is a huge dipshit for taunting the feds lol

i love cannabis. and i hate idiots. i hope this deters future idiots from tryin to be outspoken members of our community!


and to you dipshits that say growing for profit is some how bad or makes for bad karma pull your head out would ya please? sure, there are idiots involved like the moron rapper but there are also people who make a modest living by putting lots of time and effort into growing quality erb that people are happy to pay for. happy patient=happy grower=healthy exchange and good karma :moon:
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The revolution will not be televised.....
Look guys I am all for people making a living and all that but the laws are not set up for what these guys were doing! I used to see Kraz around town acting like B-Rad and it was just a matter of time before the local cops got fed up with him and made a call to the Fedaral boys. People are mistaking "medical" to mean anyone who can pay $150 for a script. It sucks to see this happen but again they were not in it to help anyone in the community but themselves! Just watch his video and you will have all you need to see why it happened. Check the thread for caregivers that just got handed down from the S. court.

Raskal - No offense and I envy your work "BUT" spoken like a guy who sells seeds for for sure! Why do I have to be pig-like when I am simply stating the obvious. MMJ laws were not approved so guys like you can play botanist and create amazing strains and sell them either(No matter how much we go crazy for them)! Now! I happen to enjoy your work but you shouldn't have anymore protection than the next guy just because you own a business that sells seeds. And to start calling folks pigs because they disagree with your stance makes u look like a "Business Man"! How much your seeds goin for by the way? Its called Medical Marijuana law! Not the most elite and potent strains I can make and sell for profit law! Peace!
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rainman speaks from the head of the front lines in this battle and if the word is some idoit is jackdonkin around and fuckin up the ONLY quazi legal mmj scene in the valley then i belive him.

luke and his boys made tens of millions of dollars, while operating as a not for profit inc. ,
the kraz cd was iceing on the cake , the modesto pd had fully investagated chc after 15 months they found it to be a criminal orginization and turn the collective into the federal authorities, witch imedatly started there own 15 month long investigation on the chc.

here is the point, if all was good at the time of the investigation IN MY PERSONAL OPINION < all woulod have turned out diffrent and the qourt casees that arouse out of the raids would have ended diffrently .

i beleve luke and his posse had a greedy motive that ultimatly lead to the abolishment of all the medical marijuana in the central valley.


Freedom Fighter
TwistedRemedy said:
luke and his boys made tens of millions of dollars, while operating as a not for profit inc. ,

So does the Christian Broadcasting Network...but nobody says a word about these guys running around in limos, private jets...and multi million $$ houses--


Active member
kmk420kali said:
So does the Christian Broadcasting Network...but nobody says a word about these guys running around in limos, private jets...and multi million $$ houses--

So, what you're saying is that what CBN is doing is right?

NOBODY should be running around in limos, private jets...and multi million $$ houses at the expense of others...PERIOD.....if they have any credibility AT ALL.


Freedom Fighter
AbbieDoobie said:
So, what you're saying is that what CBN is doing is right?

NOBODY should be running around in limos, private jets...and multi million $$ houses at the expense of others...PERIOD.....if they have any credibility AT ALL.

No bro...I am just saying, as I have all along, that it IS legal to make big $$ while being a non-profit--
Don't get me wrong, I am not just saying this to provoke an argument...but to provoke thought....a lot of ppl think their only option is to take what is given, as far as legal rights go-- But "Loop-holes" are what rich ppl use to get rich...and help them stay that way--
My desire, and (mostly) achieved goal, is to legitimately grow for a living-- Without worry of persecution-- But why would I do this if I wasn't going to make any $$?? Compassion? Yes, but Compassion doesn't feed my kids-- I would show the compassion, by providing all terminally and seriously ill patients with heavily discounted or free meds-- There are enough of us that use it for legitimate, but not life threatening ailments that can take up the slack for that--
But remember bro, everything that everybody gets, is ultimately at somebody else's expense...every dollar you make, came from somebody else, for you to perform a service, every thing you buy, was made for much less, then marked up--
Why is Marijuana different? Since MMJ is already declared Legal--


Active member
I feel ya, bro. Those were some very well thought out awesome thoughts. It would be nice if this was a LEGIT business. I would be totally behind that. But, until that time, this movement can only move forward based on strength of CHARACTER, such as the 60's civil rights movement. I love some Dre and Wu Tang or some laughs at Friday (which I'm watching right now) as much as the next guy.

But, someone is going to have to rise up as a LEADER to take this movement forward and bring it into the limelight and into legalization. Who is willing to put their life on the line as a real leader so that sick people can get their mmj?

On the other hand, who is REALLY WILLING to put their life on the line so that others can sit back and get high? I like getting high as much as the next person, but, giving blacks their rights to be A MAN is somewhat different than giving some schmuck the right to kick back and be a zoned-out stoner. I'm not talking about mmj, but making weed equal to tobacco and alcohol. Who is ready to step up and do that? Not I, sorry. Something to think about.

~Abbie :joint: