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2023 Outdoor Grow


Active member
Ak auton från bulk seedbank blev 40,98gram.

Bluetoothen 18,6. Fick ta den lite tidigare än man önskat men ni vet ju hur vädret vart.

Vikterna är torkat å kurerat.

Min LR#2a gav 31,72gr.

Hur länga klarar sig frön om man gräver ner dem tro? Är det kefft om de fryser på vintern å sen tinar å har sig? Tänker att man vakuumpackar å gräver ner så kanske de inte fryser iaf. Ska nämligen jobba utomlands i ett par år så tidigast att man odlar i skogen igen 2025 typ.
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Active member
2/3-skördade en till SFxGEX idag.
Hon hade fått pyttelite mögel på en bud bara så jag fick med mig en del fina buds 😍 Hon som står kvar orörd ser fortfarande fräsch ut så hon får stå lite till.
Så skördar jag allt på samtliga tre SFxGEX sen.

Två st C99/AH/UP’ZZ som är rätt tidiga i blom. Tänkte ”flytta” över lite av jorden från grannarna dit när deras skörd är klar.


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Well-known member
Holy shit you have good thing going on! Lot of C99 and up'zz growing on so i think @offthehook has been generous to spread his genetics over the borders :pimp3:
Thanks mate ! ;)

Finn were and are still slacking in Ulko, except for you and just a few... So what am I gonna do ? Hoarding it all to myself? Sit on em to keep em warm, flmao. :D

Seed just wanna be grown, and whenever there are volunteers to raise their hands for putting up with all the dirty work, well, then that's where they'll go...

Maybe it's a cultural thing, but I see most Finn are giving way less feed back than the Swedish are doing.

Finn on average do rather like to keep things to themselves, or sometimes give me their feedback in private only.
Whereas the Swedes here are giving themselves an effort at making it more of a social event as well.
Just my observation.
Both of them are equally well mannered after receiving their seeds though.
Paranoia assholes do exist as well, but they are rare, so I don't care about one or two rotten apples. > Becomes in calculated risk.
So keep on doing it for the good guys mostly, and there are amazingly plenty of decent good people out there I must say.
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Active member
Thanks mate ! ;)

Finn were and are still slacking in Ulko, except for you and just a few... So what am I gonna do ? Hoarding it all to myself? Sit on em to keep em warm, flmao. :D

Seed just wanna be grown, and whenever there are volunteers to raise their hands for putting up with all the dirty work, well, then that's where they'll go...
Very interested in trying your seeds!
Organic, bokashi-style 😎


Well-known member
Ak auton från bulk seedbank blev 40,98gram.

Bluetoothen 18,6. Fick ta den lite tidigare än man önskat men ni vet ju hur vädret vart.

Vikterna är torkat å kurerat.

Min LR#2a gav 31,72gr.

Hur länga klarar sig frön om man gräver ner dem tro? Är det kefft om de fryser på vintern å sen tinar å har sig? Tänker att man vakuumpackar å gräver ner så kanske de inte fryser iaf. Ska nämligen jobba utomlands i ett par år så tidigast att man odlar i skogen igen 2025 typ.

Jag förvarar alltid mina frön kallt. Offthehook gräver alltid ner sina frön i minusgrader. Så länge det inte kommer in fukt så är det hur lugnt som helst att förvara kallt. Även minusgrader. Det är till och med fördelaktigt att förvara dom i minusgrader. Så länge inget fukt kommer in. Vakuumförpackad och ner i marken funkar perfekt.


Well-known member
Jag förvarar alltid mina frön kallt. Offthehook gräver alltid ner sina frön i minusgrader. Så länge det inte kommer in fukt så är det hur lugnt som helst att förvara kallt. Även minusgrader. Det är till och med fördelaktigt att förvara dom i minusgrader. Så länge inget fukt kommer in. Vakuumförpackad och ner i marken funkar perfekt.
Seeds are not being vacuum sealed though. > Seeds need just a little bit of oxygen to stay alive.
I use to cure buds in vacuum sealed burp jars, maybe you've mixed that up.
Seeds are being stored 80 cm deep under the ground in coffee filters inside plastic jars inside a huge jerry can for up to 7 years at between +1C during Winter, and up to +10C during Summer. Or for storage meant to last beyond 7 years they are being kept inside a freezer unit at -24C.


Well-known member
Seeds are not being vacuum sealed though. > Seeds need just a little bit of oxygen to stay alive.
I use to cure buds in vacuum sealed burp jars, maybe you've mixed that up.
Seeds are being stored 80 cm deep under the ground in coffee filters inside plastic jars inside a huge jerry can for up to 7 years at between +1C during Winter, and up to +10C during Summer. Or for storage meant to last beyond 7 years they are being kept inside a freezer unit at -24C.
@Hasselhoff1337 där fick du ditt svar. Jag personligen packar dom i en snusdosa och sen i en massa plastpåsar och gräver ett hål i skogen där jag lägger i allt. Har som max lagrat så där i 2 år.


Well-known member
@Hasselhoff1337 där fick du ditt svar. Jag personligen packar dom i en snusdosa och sen i en massa plastpåsar och gräver ett hål i skogen där jag lägger i allt. Har som max lagrat så där i 2 år.
Okay. The thing here is that humidity is a gas, and a gas goes everywhere when it's not entirely sealed, so it will eventually get in along all the layers of plastic bags and everything else that is not entirely sealed.
I am using this principle to cure my kief. > Kief is being cured inside mini grip bags that I've been puncturing a few times from above with a small needle. Then I pour a half cm rum at the bottom of the burp jars, place the mini grip bags with kief inside the jar with rum at the bottom, vacuum pump the jar to a few PSI 's, and then after 2 weeks, all the rum at the bottom will be gone, and be equally distributed all over the kief inside the bags for the curing process to start. (Not recommended to copy, I have my own reasons why i do like that) > So all the rum at the bottom will become dispensed through just like 4 or 5 needle holes poked through the bags inside a 2 week time frame... To make my point.
When this happens to seed that are buried in the forest like that, it'll produce stagnant moist air around the seed, and mold will come in and kill them all.
So yes you are correct in the sense that if you do like that, the seed must be kept inside sealed jars, like most masonry jars would do. Now the problem i have with masonry jars is that they are not 100% reliable on keeping that seal air tight. > Like 1 in 10 masonry jars will be faulty, and then the whole bunch of seed inside that jar will go to shit.
My misunderstanding here came in when you used the words 'Vacuum sealed jars. There are 2 different type of jars that I'm familiar with: The burp jars, that needs to be vacuumed with a manual pump that I use for curing my kief, and the regular masonry jars, that are not being vacuumed, but only produce an air tight seal so long they are not faulty.
So yes, the masonry jars are in theory possible to store seeds in inside some plastic bags, and dug in under some rock in the forest. Doing things like that however, I had a few of these jars going faulty on me, so I changed the method for storing seeds, by keeping them moist protected underneath a sand floor with some styro foam on top of all the protection, but inside an outdoor shed where humidity does not get as high as it would get like somewhere out in the forest. > The sand floor in that shed stays bone and bone dry during all type of seasons. Forest floor however will get a super high humidity throughout the change of seasons..
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Well-known member
Ak auton från bulk seedbank blev 40,98gram.

Bluetoothen 18,6. Fick ta den lite tidigare än man önskat men ni vet ju hur vädret vart.

Vikterna är torkat å kurerat.

Min LR#2a gav 31,72gr.

Hur länga klarar sig frön om man gräver ner dem tro? Är det kefft om de fryser på vintern å sen tinar å har sig? Tänker att man vakuumpackar å gräver ner så kanske de inte fryser iaf. Ska nämligen jobba utomlands i ett par år så tidigast att man odlar i skogen igen 2025 typ.
If you'd have access to a shed with a sand floor, then you can bury them there like well protected and with plenty of styro foam on top.
If you have a reliable freezer, then you can store them there for the time being, but just don't go at them by freezing them in and thawing them up all the time. > Better to 'portion' the seeds, so you can take out what you need, and without exposing the bulk of your seed to plus temperatures. > Once they are frozen, it's best to keep them frozen.
Before freezing in seeds, they'd need to be air dried at room temperature for about 3 to 4 weeks.
A reliable fridge, and no nagging wife or mother, room mates, what have ya, would be your third option.


Active member
If you'd have access to a shed with a sand floor, then you can bury them there like well protected and with plenty of styro foam on top.
If you have a reliable freezer, then you can store them there for the time being, but just don't go at them by freezing them in and thawing them up all the time. > Better to 'portion' the seeds, so you can take out what you need, and without exposing the bulk of your seed to plus temperatures. > Once they are frozen, it's best to keep them frozen.
Before freezing in seeds, they'd need to be air dried at room temperature for about 3 to 4 weeks.
A reliable fridge, and no nagging wife or mother, room mates, what have ya, would be your third option.
Thanks! Renting out our house next year as we’re going to be living abroad for a while, so I gotta store em either outside or at a friends house. Think I’ll do both and also take some with me.


Well-known member
Thanks! Renting out our house next year as we’re going to be living abroad for a while, so I gotta store em either outside or at a friends house. Think I’ll do both and also take some with me.
It's just that they need to be stored at a cool and dry place. Like between +1C and +10C, or then being frozen at all times.

Storing at room temperature for over 2 years... Then more than half of the seed will become inviable.

If you've got plenty of seed to go around, and don't mind the loss of viable seed, then that can be an option as well.


Active member
Var ut och högg ved igår.
Mindre mögel än jag trodde, men fick kassera lite.

Högg purple Kush och critical. Pga möglet. Blev inte mkt, men lite iaf. Hellre safe than sorry.

Lät NLxBB stå, mycket fina, kladdiga och stinker satan och helt opåverkade. Får iaf stå minst 2 v till nu pga jobb osv. Solen kommer ju nu!
De fick mer flytande kärlek av fishmix/urin/bokashi och stark dos topmax och Hesi bloom accelerator, melass.
Blueberryn står kvar, typ 140 cm nu och lite vita strån!

Bilder kommer i inlägg under!
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