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New member
LANSING, Mich. (AP) -- Marijuana proponents on Friday launched a 2018 ballot drive to make Michigan the ninth state to legalize the recreational use of the drug and the first in the Midwest to do so.

The initiative has the backing of state-based marijuana advocacy groups and a key national lobbying organization, which suggests the financial backing and coordination will be there to gather the roughly 252,000 valid voter signatures needed to qualify for a statewide vote.


New member
I'm not signing the petition... And if it winds up on the ballot next november i'm voting "NO"... I dont support Cannabis being TAXED & REGULATED LIKE ALCOHOL.. That still sends the message that cannabis is just as bad as alcohol.. The states made everyone so miserable with the medical marijuana law the past 8yrs that this proposal looks like platinum to every1... Of course every1 will vote yes on it... How many ways can you polish up a turd.. ?!?!


Active member
Oh, you prefer that it is regulated like Heroin? With a thought process like that, you should be thinking (lol) of getting outside help with your decisions...


Well-known member
Read this editorial from the Marquette Mining Journal in the Daily Mining Gazette and I'm surprised to see they support it. Haven't read anymore yet, but sounds like counts might be the same, i.e. 6 in veg, 6 in flower, or 12 in any combo? Regardless, I sure hope this is the year I get to come home. :tiphat:


A new effort to place legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes on the state ballot, perhaps as early as November, was launched last week.

Coordinated by the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, a ballot drive started Friday to gather about 252,000 signatures needed to qualify for a statewide vote, The Associated Press reported. In terms of process, the Michigan Board of Canvassers must first approve the ballot language before actual signatures can be collected.

“Our country’s marijuana prohibition laws have failed miserably,” effort spokesman John Truscott told AP. He said arresting 20,000 nonviolent offenders a year in the state of Michigan for marijuana possession and cultivation is a waste of taxpayers’ money. “This initiative would make Michigan a leader in responsible adult-use marijuana laws, while also creating an entirely new industry and generating badly needed tax revenue for our state.”

We expect proposal proponents to key on two basic issues: That marijuana, consumed in reasonable amounts, is no more harmful than alcohol; and legalization for recreational use will generate vast sums of money that can be put to use for the greater good.

According to AP, if the proposal would go on the ballot as it currently reads, adults 21 and over could legally possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and grow up to 12 plants in their residence. Public consumption and driving under the influence of the drug would be illegal. A 10 percent tax on marijuana would be assessed, in addition to the 6 percent sales tax. Hundreds of millions of dollars would be generated for K-12 schools and road construction projects.

We realize that the majority of Americans believe marijuana should be legalized for recreational use. Although one Gallup poll put the support number at 60 percent, other polls have pegged it even higher. It’s unclear what percentage of Michigan residents support legalization for recreational use. Voters in Michigan voted approval for medical marijuana in 2008.

Marijuana currently resides on Schedule I of the U.S. Controlled Substances Act, along with nasty drugs like heroin and cocaine, something even many police officers think is ridiculous. But because arresting and locking up pot offenders is big business in the U.S. — think cars, guns, equipment, training, personnel, privately run prisons — we don’t anticipate any changes there. There’s just too much money being made by too many people with connections to all the right places in Washington for anything to change.

And it will still be against federal law, even if the Michigan ballot proposal is approved.

We think recreational legalization will happen in Michigan. It’s only a matter of time. Residents should research the proposal now, before someone asks them to sign a petition.


Well-known member
The more legal states the better your always going to have the idiots that think this is a bad idea for whatever reason. Im over here wanting med laws that never get passed you have to wait 2 years to see what will happen in shit hole texas and you guys have ballot initiatives and dont have to go through the bullshit lawmakers.

vote as you please this wont be a California 2010 failed vote or Arizona failed 2016 vote people want legal weed regulated like alcohol you will never see full on legalization without regulation. Besides its easier to do your thing when the state legalizes through voters its not as risky to grow you dont have to folow the "rules".
Im thinking 11 or 12 legal states by nov 2018


Active member
i dont understand why there are any limits to the number of plants you can grow on your land or in your home???

There is no limit to vegetables or fruit trees...why are we so accepting of plant limits???

i know many say this part first, then revisions will come...but i mean come one....lets just make it right from the start


ICMag Donor
I'm not signing the petition... And if it winds up on the ballot next november i'm voting "NO"... I dont support Cannabis being TAXED & REGULATED LIKE ALCOHOL.. That still sends the message that cannabis is just as bad as alcohol.. The states made everyone so miserable with the medical marijuana law the past 8yrs that this proposal looks like platinum to every1... Of course every1 will vote yes on it... How many ways can you polish up a turd.. ?!?!
Totally agree w ya.
Regulated & Taxed like alcohol is a joke.
Not one single State that's voted in such laws has abided to the will of the people. Instead, they trick the people into voting for these oppressive laws then make them more regulated... NOT LESS!!!

i dont understand why there are any limits to the number of plants you can grow on your land or in your home???

There is no limit to vegetables or fruit trees...why are we so accepting of plant limits???

i know many say this part first, then revisions will come...but i mean come one....lets just make it right from the start

Excellent post.
I'm waiting for an answer.



Active member
oh man, there really should be some kind of "poll tax" to keep your types out of polite company. this is right up there with un-employed factory workers voting for 1%ers, or "I don't need insurance - I feel fine", or more likely - just a lot of guy's who liked their hose water warm...

C. Breeze

oh man, there really should be some kind of "poll tax" to keep your types out of polite company. this is right up there with un-employed factory workers voting for 1%ers, or "I don't need insurance - I feel fine", or more likely - just a lot of guy's who liked their hose water warm...

Hahaha. I say fuck momentum!!! Screw inertia!!!! We must remain at a standstill until we arrive at our destination!!!!! OR ELSE!!!

What I really want is to have my cake, to eat it too, and to make sure that little Debbie and hostess aren't allowed to sell or eat any cake they produce, and honestly they shouldn't be allowed to produce any cake . If I can't get that I think all cake should be illegal.
No, it is much better to fulfill the desires of the elite 1% GOP to fill prisons up with Cannabis users and sellers...! YAY, Status Quo Rules..>!!!

Of course the corrupt pols will step in to take over. And, Monsanto, aka GH. Tobacco Companies, Liquor Companies (how ironic). But, Illegality is not working out for anyone.

C. Breeze

All I can say is thank god the global corporate community is wakening to the fact that rather than a threat to their revenue there's big money in weed, otherwise we wouldn't even be able to bitch about them making too much money under legalization because legalization wouldn't be a conversation. If you've been able to eke out a living, keep yourself stoned and or keep yourself out of jail and from paying hefty fines under the current system- then you shouldn't be sweating maintaining that particular status quo under legalization- even if Marlboro, Monsanto, snoopdog and the government are the only ones getting rich. And if you can't- well, history is full of - nay- held together by tales of personal failure.


Well-known member
" ... opposition from a mysterious new group that called the language “misleading.”


Lawyers accusing lawyers of "misleading", oh the humanity ...


We Wait

All I can say is thank god the global corporate community is wakening to the fact that rather than a threat to their revenue there's big money in weed, otherwise we wouldn't even be able to bitch about them making too much money under legalization because legalization wouldn't be a conversation. If you've been able to eke out a living, keep yourself stoned and or keep yourself out of jail and from paying hefty fines under the current system- then you shouldn't be sweating maintaining that particular status quo under legalization- even if Marlboro, Monsanto, snoopdog and the government are the only ones getting rich. And if you can't- well, history is full of - nay- held together by tales of personal failure.

May all of their riches go up in flames in the pursuit greed.

The meek shall inherit the earth.

C. Breeze

May all of their riches go up in flames in the pursuit greed.

The meek shall inherit the earth.

..And Who are they? The meek, who are they? The ones always going on about inheriting the earth- and how it's about time?

The arguments against legalization from the "pro-cannabis" side are no more well reasoned than Jeff Sessions arguments against it.

"We can't legalize and regulate because we don't want to give the government complete control of it." Um. What?

We want it legal- but first things first we need to burn the money and hand off whatever is left of society to the apparently self appointed meek- or perhaps the meek will be decided by some screening process I don't know but. . . Uh.... what?

Every argument is we don't want it legal cuz we don't like them getting money or we don't like them making rules...So- we have to wait until we live in an anarchocommunal utopia before we can just get to roll up a number and burn one without looking over our shoulder the whole time? Sorry man- it's not that I'm against your agendas, it's just that my agenda is legal weed, more so than any real economic or government shakeup. I don think legalizing weed will hold you guys back from your goals though, so I wish you would reconsider your position and sign the petition rather than holding cannabis hostage until your other political demands are met.

We Wait

..And Who are they? The meek, who are they? The ones always going on about inheriting the earth- and how it's about time?

The arguments against legalization from the "pro-cannabis" side are no more well reasoned than Jeff Sessions arguments against it.

"We can't legalize and regulate because we don't want to give the government complete control of it." Um. What?

We want it legal- but first things first we need to burn the money and hand off whatever is left of society to the apparently self appointed meek- or perhaps the meek will be decided by some screening process I don't know but. . . Uh.... what?

Every argument is we don't want it legal cuz we don't like them getting money or we don't like them making rules...So- we have to wait until we live in an anarchocommunal utopia before we can just get to roll up a number and burn one without looking over our shoulder the whole time? Sorry man- it's not that I'm against your agendas, it's just that my agenda is legal weed, more so than any real economic or government shakeup. I don think legalizing weed will hold you guys back from your goals though, so I wish you would reconsider your position and sign the petition rather than holding cannabis hostage until your other political demands are met.

My idea of legal weed would consist of anyone being able to buy, sell or trade to any adult as much as they want taxed or no taxed and no law enforcement is allowed to arrest anyone anymore for any amount. What is your idea of legalization Cbreeze is control, power and making a lot of money.

Reap what you sow