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2016 cup^


Active member
Hi guys any ideas on the dates? I need to reserve my days off for next year and plan it.



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I dont wanna jump the gun, but in my experience it is always judging day on the 20th of April... that means its the 4 days before that people arrive...

great to see youre thinking about coming too, that white jones knocked me silly bro :D


Active member
Cool this way I can more or less plan it :)

Glad(and surprised) you still remember that one bro :) I still have some left ;) 2 years old now :) Enough to keep some to bring to the cup ;)

Hope to see all of you guys there as last year I could not make it :(

Haven't been very active, lots of things going on. Chak-ra and me are trying to turn our passion into a living and he is doing a damn good job at it. Mad respect for him!!

St. Phatty

Active member
Is this about the IC Mag cup (in Amsterdam ?) ... or a big cup in Denver - or a cup in Norcal or San Diego ?

I wouldn't be surprised if there's 10 cups and a smoke-in or 8 million smoke-in's.

Thinking of the smoke-in at UC Boulder & also Haight St.


I think we are talking about the big boy ...the high times cannabis cup.. Aka, htcc. Last year was in Denver , 18th through the 20th. Awards announced on 4/20 . over 50 thousand people the day I went !


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
best thing for it..

I got my hoes at the ready :D



5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
lol. Ask 3 people an get 3 answers..
Its that week, I think we can agree

People arrive whenever they like, but usually the judges bags are ready to hand out on the 18th and then handed in, added up and prizes given on the 20th

.... Unless someone knows different for 2016 ?


Active member
yeah can't wait as always... .. .

420... .. .

All the best to all IC friends... .. .



ICMag Donor
Hey folks!

I plan to be over there with you all...with one or two entry in growers cup...
Can't wait to walk in dam with you friends!!

Best vibes

Karma G

Well-known member
I havent been for 3 ore 4 years now to the ic420. I miss it.

I just have to go to denver.

For all icmaggers the ic420 is a super great closed cosy fair cup. And more a get together for real passionated members of this forum. It started many friendships for me.

Still will be there in thoughts and will always support the IC420 in anyway.


Active member
I havent been for 3 ore 4 years now to the ic420. I miss it.

I just have to go to denver.

For all icmaggers the ic420 is a super great closed cosy fair cup. And more a get together for real passionated members of this forum. It started many friendships for me.

Still will be there in thoughts and will always support the IC420 in anyway.

Sorry to hear that Karma... .. .

But i hope u all the best for your american trip and denver... .. .

All the best bro and hope to see you again soon.. .. .

You have a good feeling from me and Titoon... .. .


PS Can't wait to see again all my others IC brothers on 420 in Dam in april 2016... .. .

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Plan to have an entry there even if I can't make it. If we can be there the plan will be to have a pinball extravaganza with random prizes and an overall winner if there is sufficient interest.
Will see how it goes.