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2014 PNW light dep!





Thanks y'all!

JB- the planters were lined with landscape fabric/weed cloth before being filled with dirt to keep the grasses and such out. I don't know if the roots are pushing through though. I suppose they could like they do with smartpots. they have a lot of root space in those beds!


Active member
looks great. ever try additional airflow to keep mold away once the rain hits? i just put a monster outside in the PNW and it seems to have stretched out but i'm not sure it'll be done by the end of september and it's a super dense indica so i'm a bit concerned. this is my first non-guerilla outdoor project on the west coast so really idk.


Thanks Sinaloam goldcountryguy2 and blooper!

Goldcountryguy2, I have enjoyed everything I've tried from swami so far. The BO, NS, and DB were cuts I got from the swami, so you know they're good. The VRKs are cuts of the first one of the swami's I've run from seed and I'm happy with it, though the DB is my favorite. The VRK, NS and DB are all crosses of BOG's BMR so I'd to try that as well. I'm getting ready to try some The One x burmese/Cherry bomb from the swami now.

blooper - we have the fans running for circulation and keep out fingers crossed. the last few rains have happened after we pull the tarp at night, luckily. We're hoping to be done before it gets too bad, its why we went with dep this year. We're also using actinovate. We've talked about running 8" vortexs with duct leading out for exhaust with passive intake on the other ends, but worry about the pressure and anchoring down the plastic.
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Well-known member
Lookin real nice, I'm sure you will figure out the issues you have had with a little persistence. When we ran ducting on the ends we only used passive intake and exhaust. No negative pressure that way, seems like they should at least stay off the plastic eh, that always helps, lotta condensate usually. Anyways, Respect!


Jack Frost

There was a bit of an issue with the aact brewer today, but we figured it out despite all the hash. Got to taking some pictures a bit late.. as you can tell by the shadow in the last shots, the sun was starting to tuck behind the trees and it was time to cover them all up.


those look lovely!! do any of these have a good couch lock attributes or are they more of a energetic high?


I just love how they glisten in the light! its starting to stink down there and man, it's sticky!

If you are looking for couch lock amongst these, I'd say the blue orca is where it's at.
The rest are less couch-locky, though its been a minute since I've tried them all.


i think i missed out on the blue orca :( no more cuts left. perhaps they will get more in if I'm lucky.


@ROOSTAPHISH @ALL what sources of calcium would be going into teas? Also Ive heard its good to back off nitrogen in flowering I am trying to find a balance though as some lower leaves and yellowing similar to those in the above pictures

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