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2012 Journal


Hope all you U.S. people had a happy and safe independence day.

So today I thought I would share a few pictures of an older grow from 2010. I have a ton of pictures from this grow but I thought I would put up just a few. Something to break up the monotony of veggin plants.

It yielded just a hair under 130 grams. I needed to be vegged for a couple more weeks to fill the screen and grow a little further through it. Things were getting backed up in the veg space so it had to be flowered.

This strain is Godberry x Grapefruit, a strain I made myself. I still have beans of these too.

Great colorful looking pic/strain. :headbange


sv4run the color was mostly from low temps last couple of weeks of flower. I dropped the night temps from 70 to about 60. There was color in the strain I just helped to bring it out a little more and the color barely made it to any of the buds, some had purple hues to it but it was only on the outside of the buds, that's why I didn't keep her.

I've decided to change the soil mix up. Next time the mix will be a little different yet again. Next time it'll be half ocean mix and half happy frog, and I'll remember to grab the earthworm castings like I did this time.

Base soil

Some hydroton for longer lasting waterings and better aeration.

additional perlite as the ocean forest is a heavier mix

some lime for help with proper pH

Some pure microrezah, lessen transplant shock and promotes healthy root growth. I mix a little in the soil but mostly used when transplanting.


I add a little less than half the dirt then add the extra's and finally add the rest of the dirt, mix and it's ready to go.

Before I get to transplanting and what not, it's time to take some clones and further train the godberry mother bush thing thing. Normally I don't like taking cuts unless the plant is fully healthy but it would have taken almost a week to get her fully healthy so I just expect lower success rate on this batch.

Before her haircut. You can see that she is hungry and it's starting to show. She had 20 or 21 tops

After her haircut. I leave fan leaves on the smaller of the new heads until they grow a little larger and can support themselves. I believe she had 32-35 tops, honestly I'm not really sure.

Cup of clones


Transplanting the 6 pack

Transplanting the 6 pack

So thanks to a recycle bin I got some 2 liters to transfer into, these aren't green either so they will most likely get algae and start degrading the roots but this will work for now as the canopy of this tent is all over the place. I dunno I'll get more into that later. Any way a few transfer pics.

Full and ready to spread their legs. A little yellowing as well.

From the side

The status of these roots is a good example of why I'm back to mixing better overall dirt for transferring. My dirt lazy days are over.


Transplanting Critical Kush

Transplanting Critical Kush

Transferred the Critical as well. She was really starting to need it as well. I really think this is going to be very good stuff. It stunk so bad even at this stage. Very nice even growth as well.

From the top

From the side

Decent roots but I feel it should be much fuller for the time it's spent in the Dixie cup


July 19th

July 19th

YAY a new page. This is about the slowest thread I think I've ever ran. OH well it'll be getting good soon enough.

I really don't know what the deal is but almost every single full shot I take get's super resized small. Whatever.

Full room shot, left the grandaddy x blueberry is still recovering, a little yellow, center is the the fresh transplants (bw1, bw2, 818 and the critical) right are the mothers, bw2 will be gone shortly.

Fresh transplants

Mom shot

And this occurred only on the Blackwater transplants but on both bw1 and 2, it occurred on all 3 plants. Not really sure what the deal is here but it grew out and it didn't progress too far


July 24th

July 24th

Let's start with a before group shot. Sucks though the picture I liked is the one that has the most yellow.

These are the 818 headband plants, time for their trimming for cuts. The two in front are the 2 liter plants and the one in the back is the mother plant.

The poor 818 mother, okay so it's like this, I have two feeding buckets, one has the solution for the grandaddy x blueberry, the other bucket is for everything else. Now the solution for the gdp x blueberry is much much stronger than the other, for obvious reasons. Welll I accidentally gave the 818 mother plant water from the bucket with the solution for the gdp plant, actually I gave all three mother plants that solution(ouch). So yeah, she got way over nuted, I flushed and reset the soil once I realized.

A side shots of the 2 liter 818

And a root shot of the new root growth in the 2 liter 818


July 24th

July 24th

And here are the three plants once cleaned up.


This is the mother plant. She's still hot and is going to burn a little


July 26th

July 26th

The Grandaddy purple x blueberry ready for her haircut.

From the side

Tears of joy or tears of pain?

Here she is all trimmed up and now with 51 tops. She gets one more trimming then the tent will be ready to flower.

Also ran out of peat pucks and rockwool cubes. So I thought I would give these a shot. I have an aero cloning machine ordered for next run.


July 26th

July 26th

Forgot to put in the group shot yesterday. Everything except the two unlabeled blackwaters are trimmed up, also you can see the burning peaking on the headband mother.


Well-known member
Nice grow. thanks for the info on the deficiencies in the first posts, that was helpful.

Great photos too, dig the training you got going on. Best of luck and ty for sharing


August 3rd

August 3rd

Thanks for dropping by wooly, I try to keep my plants as healthy as I can, but when they aren't I like to show what it is that's wrong and explain as best I can what I did to fix or what's needed to fix it. Thank you for the kudos on the pics as well.

Okay since I'll be documenting grows in this 2' x 4' tent I need a new mother and cloning area, so I picked up a Secret Jardin DP90. The 4 bulb 2 ft t-5 and new booster fan for it haven't arrived yet so I strapped up a couple of fish tank lights with plant bulbs in them and an old 6" booster fan.

And here is the Grandaddy plant. 8 days after it's last trimming. It's just about filled back in.


August 8th

August 8th

The day before her final haircut, I let her grow a little extra tall this time.

From the side

Couple angles of the base of the plant



August 10th

August 10th

Okay so this time her haircut is going to be different then the rest. I trimmed to prep her to flower rather than adding new tops. The major differences are; I added another few inches to the height of the bottom of the canopy, I removed some arms completely, I turned some multi-headed tops into single head tops and did extra manipulation of the existing arms to cover holes and gaps.

This trimming took almost two hours to do. I had to find nodes roughly in the same height line across the entire plant. There was much more branch manipulation this time. I'm not sure how many tops there are now and truthfully I don't particularly want to count, I don't feel much like dealing with it for a bit and there was and is still transplanting to do to get ready to flip to 12/12 next Monday the 20th.

Anyway let's show some pictures.
From the top

You can see the difference in how I trimmed her up in this picture much better with the extra height

And a bunch of random shots of the arms themselves.



August 10th continues

August 10th continues



This is where I split the branch wide open on accident, but after two weeks and some tight tying down it healed well, the a little thin spot where I had a tie really tight to keep the split from continuing down the branch

Here's another branch that split open after being twisted almost 90 degrees and had continual pressure from being tied down. It healed fine.

You know I kinda like the breaks and knots in the branches, it gives it a little personality, and when I see em I remember when it happened and the mild freak out as I scramble to fix it before it gets worse and when the huge knots form on the arm bends. Not to mention that when it heals it becomes much stronger.

And with this we are just about caught up.


818 transplant

818 transplant

Took the two 818 2 liter plants and transplanted into a 5 gallon, hopefully I didn't waste too much dirt and they will grow into it enough to feel justified with the transfer. I didn't quite fill it up because the above reason. Also these plants sit a couple inches shorter than the grandaddy plant


9 tops in total


Alright bout time to flip, sorry I didn't get transplant pics of them all but yeah. I flip em today. Let's have a look at what we got. All these are lights on pics so there's still yellow in the pics.

Here's the Blackwaters(these were the 2 liter plants) in a 5 gallon.

The Headbands (the 2 liter plants) from the above post.

Here's the seed Critical plant, I put this in a 3 gallon by itself. I think this is going to be a good plant.

Had a few extra clones left over so I threw them in 2 liter bottles, the didn't have much time veg so I'm not expecting much, I just couldn't bring myself to toss em out. There are two Critical Kush's and two Headbands.

Sooo many pictures of the Grandberry x Blueberry that I didn't feel like adding it. Sorry

Group shot, it's not even in there but it should still work out okay, next run in this tent will look nice and even and uniform, as I had no established mother and had to make a big plant. There will be no looong veg's anymore.


So here's a group shot from Tuesday I think maybe Monday, I'm still working on how it's going to be arranged in there. I'm currently on the third arrangement of the plants. I think I got it how I like but I dunno.

It's different in here now.

Okay so there is soo many tops on this that there is no way they are going to all get light and as the stretch progresses you can already see tops getting left behind. So I'll be aggressively removing fan leaves to keep everybody lit. Not a big fan of removing leaves like this but I gotta do what i gotta do to make sure I don't have a bush of popcorn buds.

These are from yesterday, 4 days after flip, so maybe almost half way through stretch.

after the trimming


A week after flip, I think this is the final way it's to be setup. It looks pretty much the same, but it's not. Okay so the 2 liters were raised up completing the bowl effect with the gdp plant being the lowest point in the center. One fan(the one in the picture) was lowered beneath the canopy blowing underneath, the other one was slightly raised due to plant stretch blowing across the top. the 10inch fan is aimed straight up blowing cooler air to the fan above the canopy.

The plants are beginning to get more odor now, this weekend I'll be hooking up the odor control. I need to get some fresh carbon this week for the main filter, and I need to rework outtake line. I would do this sooner than this weekend but I just don't have the time.

I had the headband out to be watered so I took a shot of the Blackwater.


So I'm fairly confident in saying the stretch is over for pretty much all the plants, buds are starting to form.

The group shot

The Gdp x Blueberry, just had to trim a few more fans off of her to ensure they all get proper light to all the arms, not a huge fan of trimming fan leaves but for the way the plant is it's a must. The arms are between 4 and 7 inches tall of plant.

I think the Critical Kush is about my favorite plant out of the bunch, it has medium sized fan leaves that stay tight to the plant, the smell is outragous, very dank predictions here, it's got a solid stretch but the nodes stay nice and tight. I think I'll be running this and the gdp exclusively next run, that is if she turns out how I think she'll turn out, and I'm usually not wrong about these things. So the mother plant of her will be prepped accordingly.

For the most part every top on every plant looks like this. Yay time for some buddage:woohoo: