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2012 is the greatest depression.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I think the new currency will be food. because if we dont fix our infrastructure in the usa with in the next 25 years their will no way to get food and water to stores or our houses. the roads, water supply systems, damns, levees, and bridges are all aging rapidly in the usa and we are not keeping up with rebuilding, and maintaining them.

I watched an excellent documentary about this on either the History or Discovery Channel. We are in a very big bind and nothing is being done about it.

It's, uh, not the greatest situation in the world. :dunno:


A foot without a sock...
I watched an excellent documentary about this on either the History or Discovery Channel. We are in a very big bind and nothing is being done about it.

It's, uh, not the greatest situation in the world. :dunno:

A major campaign promise ended up being only 2% of the Scam-all-us package...



A major campaign promise ended up being only 2% of the Scam-all-us package...


bro please stop throwing in so called FOX news stats. It makes your trolling look bad.

Hash Zepplin you are right. Fresh Water is also going to be very valuable if not the most valuable. It will also be the biggest demanded natural resource. It is now, but people dont realize that, they are brainwashed into thinking oil=life, sorr the real equation is oil= unsustainable


Patient Grower
Goddammitall, I really wish there was a way to pay a bet if the whole world went to shit. I'd really love to bet all of you doom and gloom conspiracy theory believers, and relieve you of some money on 1/1/2013. But WTF would you bother betting me since I'll be vaporized or enslaved by illegal aliens or some such bogus nonsense and unable to pay up given the remote possibility that you're right...this time. I've been hearing this end of the world illuminati gov't controlled conspiracy CIA crap for decades now. Shit, if you think the economy is bad now, you weren't around in the late 70's. Today's recession is a friggin' walk in the park compared to then.


A foot without a sock...
bro please stop throwing in so called FOX news stats. It makes your trolling look bad.

Hash Zepplin you are right. Fresh Water is also going to be very valuable if not the most valuable. It will also be the biggest demanded natural resource. It is now, but people dont realize that, they are brainwashed into thinking oil=life, sorr the real equation is oil= unsustainable

So facts only pass the litmus test when them come from your excepted news outlets ? lol...so much for open-mindedness. :yes:

Do like you proclaim to do, research on your own and get back to me ;)

While you're at it, let's hear your 10-point plan for "righting" the ship...


ok im sorry im probably engaging someone who is unaware that they themselves are a commodity being traded on the stock market and that your birth certificate is a contract. If you are really into HUMAN rights and setting things straight i suggest you check out becoming a freeman on the land. Also filing UCC 1 and other stuff.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
ok im sorry im probably engaging someone who is unaware that they themselves are a commodity being traded on the stock market and that your birth certificate is a contract. If you are really into HUMAN rights and setting things straight i suggest you check out becoming a freeman on the land. Also filing UCC 1 and other stuff.


Absolutely, there is freedom out there bro. Loud and clear. It's getting out there getting it.

You are kind of always under some sort of philosophical contract with authority. Complete anarchy would make it hard for the individual to survive.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Threads like these make me ashamed of being a part of this site. Fuckin nutjobs...

Please don't learn economics from alex jones..and if you insist on doing so please just SHUT THE FUCK UP about it. It's a pain to read. Amazing how people cut out bits and pieces of conspiracy theories to tie it all up into a shitty theory and even thinking they can actually put a specific date on it. You are not helping! You are just spreading more false information. And so funny...so very funny how it is always someone elses fault (''illuminati'') when all this could have easily been avoided if people would have made simple rational economic decisions. And had just a little foresight..

So the scenario is more like the movie ''idiocracy''..let's just face it..the dumb ones are outbreeding the smart ones. And i see no reason why the dumb ones should be free..

The reson to buy gold is inflation. Since you have printed a ton of money..it's very likely that there will be even more inflation. Possibly run-away inflation. BUT gold is not the only inflation hedge. You can invest in commodities (jim roges commodity index is a good start). Or currencies of more stable countries.

One world currency ? I love the way that idiot cork114 talks about a global currency. Shows very well how he has never ever even SEEN the forex market or traded any stock or commodity in his life. So so..FULL OF SHIT!
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
So the scenario is more like the movie ''idiocracy''..let's just face it..the dumb ones are outbreeding the smart ones. And i see no reason why the dumb ones should be free..

So.....you like sex and money too? ;) One of my favorite shows.

