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2011 Norcal Intel

shitty news form my hood - my brothas
traditionally my neighborhood is not blown up huge all summer but is where everyone takes their herb to dry and trim after the season....so the shitty news is im fairly certain a DEA/narco task force house has been set up down the street form my house ...
always unmarked chargers outside - sometimes CHP/local 5.0 and other marked cars in the drive way - ive always been one to closely obverse of what happening around me and ive notice and increase in police cruise bys in my hood also - i think the heat is FULLY on up here in the 707 - FO SHOW !!
so be careful out there this year my green brothas !


Active member
My entire subdivision in the 530, south of Chico got flown hard last week. 4 aircraft, white and red circling and circling for a good three hours. They circled me about 6 times, luckily there's about six 99ers in my area so I'm not sweating it too hard. Google maps is an essential tool before purchasing land, never want to be the biggest dick in the neighborhood. Haven't seen em since.


Active member
i saw those planes too...were they are larger and look like mini ac130s with white/red paint.... im pretty sure they were doing fire patrol loops around lake oroville...we got circled a good six times too but they were flying real fast and never directly over us...almost positive that isnt bintf because i heard they fly choppers and will hover while they take pics/count plants...

before i got current spot i paid 800 bucks in fuel and flew in a cessna over my ridge....i saw that there were multiple gardens upwards of 100-200 plants, 50 plant gardens in almost every single property....so i felt a bit safer knowing my neighbors are doing it way bigger..

plus having new scripts directly from a collective with 5k patients helps my anxiety a bit...we are gonna have a dozen valid recs for 50-60 plants with a 6lb transport paperwork too...doesnt help with feds but might help a bit for state court...


My neighbor across the way was camp'd yesterday afternoon, I dont know how much was over there in all but I know they had several visible patches of 25 and 50 spread out over multiple parcels and hundreds of acres.


Active member
big busts in butte county last week....4 operations with greenhouses, indoor, etc....mostly asian transplants from the bay area. BNTF is out in force....

gonna post my scripts in the garden so if they fly over maybe they can count the paperwork from the air..


haha thats what i have a bunch of posts with a piece at a 45 degree cut mounted with scripts. i use the originals too so they can see the nice seal gleaming back at them.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I have nothing to share, but I hope you get your sanity portion of the Californian ex peerioressence and that the cops point there weapons at real criminals and leave peace alone.

God bless them 49er bastards I don't take no tread in my head lets no take it red


Active member
I read about those asians...

yea they had some nice setups....no cheap hoophouses looked like pretty professional g-houses worth 50k+ each... we rarely ever see asians up in that area too so they must have been pretty lowkey, they would have stuck out like sore thumb in berry tweek and whoroville.......but from what i hear the people involved were already hot from previous cases in the bay are so it wasnt like bntf started this randomly..

small pickles compared to some of the 707 guys..


Yea people are still going big despite the changing climate this year, wonder how its all gonna pan out.... My water guy told me he set up 4 35x90s with dep curtains and 90 65 gallon pots in each for some guy in trinity at the beginning of the year.


oh u know 2012 everyone went all out

just dont do any thing out of the ordinary youll be fine


Active member
had a chopper get kind of close today...didnt stop, buzzed right over us... it was a white Huey with small blue markings on the tail.....WHO IS THIS!

we got our scripts in the garden on a big wood board 15 scripts deep...


Active member
Most of their work is done now. I would be surprised If many people get rolled from here onout. Not saying it wont happen but they seem to like to go after stuff before it flowers. They may be just taking stock of whats going on or perhaps flying the power or phone lines?


Active member
i still know things are huge and not touched as of yet in 707. know specifically of one property with 4 - 20x120 hoops goin strong and another with numerous 5+ greenhouses each easily over 20 x 50 going strong. In my area (further south) they have been hitting cartels huge 6k plant + busts a couple times a week. Haven't heard of anything under 1000s getting busted but then again, I stick to myself. I had a plane fly directly over me last week, not sure if it was random or what, was just high enough to clear mountains, but flew right over my property in a straight line. Saw a chopper flying the ridge across from us low and slow a week ago as well. keep it safe!
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Active member
so i talked with locals and the white/blue choppers are apparently nothing...its the smaller black/ dark grey ones that are the are the police choppers...


New member
Nothin to worry about, dont attract attention and hide your stash. Take preventive steps because once they show up at your gate/door not much you can do. Setup surveillance around your garden and home and record their every word and move if they decide to barge in uninvited.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Well LEO is doing "compliance checks" all over the hills right now....making sure your scripts MATCH your numbers. Had two friends who were OVER their limits and all they did was take the plants and matched the numbers to the scripts and wrote a misdemenor ticket and a small fine.

Funny I have not seen ANY helicoptors or planes here in the 831?