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2011 Norcal Intel

CanniDo Cowboy


heard from a friend about a raid this week in magalia....only 36 plants they came in by chopper first took pictures, then apparently the feds showed up and raided the place.....

not sure of the specific details like if the guy was on parole, or had meth, or something else to warrant such a big response...

but the news has some of my friends in that area spooked....anybody heard of any other disturbances in the area?

any history of raids in the past in oroville? we are trying to move our growspot out of the residential areas of paradise/chico to the mountains of east oroville near berry creek and forbestown...

Hey YES-man...not sure if youre living in the area or just doin your business there but there are some things a fella should know about the Paradise/Magalia area(AKA the Ridge). It used to be predominately a meth haven, hidden amongst the retirees in the 80's and 90's. The Stirling City area was one of the worst. LEO pretty much rid the mountain of the tweaker scourge in the early 2000's by forcing them to move on. They are now actually are scattered down in the farm lands: From Chico to Oroville, along Hiway 99. Oroville is pretty much the hub of all things tweak.

However, the tweaker scourge left a bad taste in the mouths of those living on the Ridge (Paradise/Magalia) and left LEO and residents a little paranoid as to anything illegal, including weed. If you couple that with the reefer-madness style of Butte County DA Ramsey and the fact that you can fly over the Ridge fishbowl in about 10 minutes, it makes growing in the area a dicey proposition.

Most of the growers have settled over in the Concow/Berry Creek area just above Oroville. Less trees to contend with and more open land. When the big fire hit Concow several years back, the dumb-ass growers were shooting at the equipment operators trying to cut in containment fire breaks.

Which leads me to this, In my years of living there, I strongly believed that the dumbest of the dumb growers could be found in the Paradise/Magalia area. Gigantic indoor grows in small old houses that would have trouble just running a coffee pot, town police who make up their own rules and a town council corrupt with good ol boy politics. None of this lends to a good growing environment. A good example would be in 2008, a Paradise Police Officer, after rolling up to a domestic disturbance call, shot the resident's dog after exiting his squad car. The neighbors said the dog had just run up to the car to see who had arrived, the officer claimed the dog was attacking. The Paradise Police Force dismissed excessive force charges against the officer and 3 months later, a different officer shot another dog, under the same claims...

Butte County itself is now quietly moving forward on D.A. Ramsey's campaign promises of ridding all of Butte of the vile weed, just as his predecessors did with the tweakers. I say quietly because they dont want to attract the attention of big city lawyers. "We'll clean em out our way before anyone has a chance to say stop"! LEO has always known where the plots scattered around the Ridge are, theyre not hard to find. As money is being slowly allocated, it will escalate. Believe this.

One has to understand the politics of the Ridge. It's small town USA and if you hold office, you can be there for a long time with a kushy job if you hang with the right folks. The key to the city lies in making the residents believe that what LEO does, what the town council does and what Ramsey does is good for you, whether you like it or not. Paradise/Magalia is off the beaten path. They call the shots and youre either with them...or against em. The 215 law does not apply up there, not really. Unless youre one of them...Then, its a different story...BTW- District 5 Board Of Supervisor Yamaguchi lives in the Penzt Rd area below Paradise. And he doesnt care for growers either...CC

Footnote: Butte County is one of the poorest counties in California. The only thing keeping it afloat is the revenue from selling water to the folks down south. I could never, for the life of me, figure out why the political machine up there couldnt connect the green dots and tap the revenue source the growers and dispensaries would bring to the table. It's not like it's a novel concept....dumb, dumb, dumb...


Active member
nice post cowboy....yea i have only been up in butte for 2 years now but im slowly learning things...the magalia forest ranch area is like the wild west and tweak central but my partner does know a few people doing big grows up there in the 70-90 plant range..

our current plot is in paradise but kind of hidden and tucked away id like to think....our smartpots wrap around the trailer which is then wrapped by lots of tall trees and other properties...but yeah i wouldnt be surprised if we got a visit..thats why we hope our low number count will keep us under the radar....i want to stay under the proposed ordinance guidelines..our new property is 20+ acres so we can do 25 full mature plants....even though i know that most of the other growers my partner knows in and around forest ranch even down to chico are doing like 70-90 200 gallon pots in small 2-5 acre plots with lots of neighbors...

damn so all the growers are moving up the mountains to "berry tweak" as my real estate was saying.....we looked at a few properties and every single one is set up for at least 50 200 gal smartpots....but they werent pumping out anything now so maybe they got raided in the past....i found a really nice plot off 162 about 20 minutes south of berry creek...private road, no neighbors, big 20 acre..this is the one im trying to lock down we could easily fit 50+ smartpots but will probably only do 25..

driving around town you definately see the tweakers and get an idea of who is doing what....old retiree in a grand marquis driving right next to rough looking guys in big lifted dodge rams.....lots of cops lately especially in paradise and i swear butte county sherriff got reinforcements because we saw so many ford expedition cop cars didnt even know they had that many..


Dont make waves and you can easily slip under the radar. But then again I've been playing the ridge game for a very long time. Its all about appearances up here. dont look the part, blend in with the upper/medium crust and its a cakewalk. BTW, Stirling has about 4 F/T tweakers in it now. the children of the last generation keep it that way. It really isnt a bad place now, hiding under the guise of past stereotypes, the whole ridge is somewhat that way now.

The majority of people I know both on a personal and and professional level, including several prominent businessmen, town council members, and LEO, really don't mind the plant/215 (and I can think of 2 persons in a "position of power" that have cards and I've smoked with) , Its the disrespectful douchebags that it brings that they are against.

but I do agree on some points, there are about some of the dumbest growers up here. It makes it much easier to be incognito. the cops are all busy with the dumbasses.

CanniDo Cowboy

Dont make waves and you can easily slip under the radar. But then again I've been playing the ridge game for a very long time. Its all about appearances up here. dont look the part, blend in with the upper/medium crust and its a cakewalk. BTW, Stirling has about 4 F/T tweakers in it now. the children of the last generation keep it that way. It really isnt a bad place now, hiding under the guise of past stereotypes, the whole ridge is somewhat that way now.

The majority of people I know both on a personal and and professional level, including several prominent businessmen, town council members, and LEO, really don't mind the plant/215 (and I can think of 2 persons in a "position of power" that have cards and I've smoked with) , Its the disrespectful douchebags that it brings that they are against.

but I do agree on some points, there are about some of the dumbest growers up here. It makes it much easier to be incognito. the cops are all busy with the dumbasses.

LOL bro...and there ya have it...real busy...lol Dont get me wrong...There are some good folks living on the Ridge. And the quality of people is certainly better than it use to be for sure. And yes, LEO is for the most part tolerant and even respectful of the 215. Paradise just needs to get rid of the rogue cops who think they are above the law. On the other hand, the Sheriffs Dept is cool. Not a lot of hassles from them. The Highway Patrol? Mostly ticket writers/revenue chasers...LOL And the Paradise City Council are pretty much self serving idiots, IMO.

As far as the bad and retarded apples, I think what happens is a lot of them burn their bridges in the big city then come up to the mountain and hide out. Unfortunately, it isnt long before they begin doing the same dumb things that put them on the run in the first place. And you are right. Be respectful, keep your nose clean and quietly go about your business and your chances improve greatly. Primarily, my largest objection is the refusal to allow dispensaries and adopt a more receptive standard towards what the people voted for- 215/420...CC


Most of the OldTimers have moved on. we have a fresh batch of under 30 rookies now within the last 2 or 3 years. the CHP is the real thorn up here. they are the out of control ones.


Active member
thanks for the input yall...and yea we definately try to stay under the radar. my friend isnt out doing dumb things..when im town i look like a tourist lol driving a really clean and non descript sedan...although my boy has a old school toyota straight axled on offroads but everyone up there seems to have one...

the property we are trying to get into the previous owner is an old guy in his 70s and he was growing last year lol....hes obviously just trying to retire and cash out on the monthly payments and down payment...


Active member
Ha ha butte county. I lived near Magalia in 98 to 99. The first day I was there I picked up this lady hitchhiking, she had been up for like 7 to 10 days on crank. Boy was she butt ugly. I brought her back to me and my girlfriends place becasuse I was young and all excited to party. The next week she shows up at our door with a beautiful 6 month old girl. It was her baby. She asked if we could watch her for the night , she ended up leaving her daughter with us after just meeting us for a week!! My GF was not able to start her new job which sucked because we were very broke. She made a crib for her out of mossy really old pallets out of the backyard.

Yeah boy life on the ridge, I would be worried about the old time cops there and the tweakers. I dont know if they can afford helicopters up there.


edit- lack of common sense security measures makes this thread crappy.


Active member
what do the DEA choppers look like...a blue/white huey flew over today real loud big chopper..looked commercial to me..didnt stop or anything just passed over real slowly..


Agreed sticky let's stay on subject does anyone have any good or bad news on 530 Shasta area??

Im 530. Ive seen nothing out of the ordinary about an hour east of Redding. I see CAL FIRE every day, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. The CHP has been up in the area the last week or so trying to put a kabosh on all the tweakers in the hills. I wish them luck, as there are WAY too many tweakers up here.


Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
I'm not in cali but got busted by the DTF doing grid fly overs a few days ago. They cleaned me out. And are doing everything they can to stick it to me hard. They have stepped up their game 3000 fold this year.

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
Drug task force/ El Narco. They are a bunch of wannabe DEA flying around in a black helli


im 530. black heli, doin circles over the entire hill, looks like dea. everyone on board dressed in camo. northern trinity


Bent Member
Supposed Huge bust going down in Lathrop........detail as they come in. But is said to part of the New crackdown.

Update: apparently not that huge of a bust. Is a Know( by neighbor reports) strip-mall type Warehouse, That City, county, and Fed have surrounded the suspected warehouse unit. And are waiting for the owners and workers to arrive. Really nothing new or unique, but the press is playing at the new Federal crackdown. So that's it.


Active member
There is a large operation every year at the end of september or beginning of october. 2 years ago it was island mountain... last year- Covelo. Been wondering what happened to this year's op... The annual neighborhood assault has traditionally started on a Monday and lasted three days.

Probably got pushed back a bit because of the massive manhunt for the schizo who was running around the woods shooting former assemblymen and land trust employees.

Last year they had refueling trucks in the Round Valley so they did not have to fly back to Ukiah to refuel.

EDIT: Just realized Lathrop was not up in Mendo (I was thinking Leggett) Guess we're still waiting for the annual Mendo Op to come down... it would be pretty awesome to see the season pass without it happening. Maybe they ran out of $$ with the manhunt.

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