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2010 Prediction Thread


In 2010:

Californian voters will legalize cannabis.

Washington DC will implement a strong, effective, and just medical cannabis program.


Rush Limberger will be caught AGAIN with illegal narcotics - and will suffer NO prosecution.

Pot smokers in Texas will get life.

mr noodles

probable nuclear strike on iran nuclear facilities by israel .im even surprised they didn't reacted because the deadline is due since a month .

watch for the fireworks .


Active member
Hate to agree with you med,
but I would be shocked if blackwater was not already in Haiti. I could be wrong, but there is no oil there. I'm not sure what they would want (to offer Humanitarian aid<---yeah I know) So we will just wait and see.

After the mexican government seals their borders against narco-traffickers, they will be force to go the caribbean route.

Who knows.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
civil unrest, decline in the standard of living , collapse of retail, collapse of commercial real estate, INFLATION, WAR
That happens every year!

California will legalize, the economy will stay stagnant, a 7.0 quake will hit the mainland USA somewhere. A massive drought will hit Washington state, and Oregon's will continue, California will have its worse wildfire season on record(due to advanced vegetation growth, due to the El Nino rains).


Ron Reagan will return from the grave and lead the republicans to victory.


Active member
Blackwater enters Haiti, and sets up shop.
If you have watched any of cnn's coverage, you may have noticed some sketchy "Blackwatery" looking guys protecting Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and AC360. They try there hardest to stay out of shots and off the screen.

If these guys aren't Blackwater, they certainly dig their fashion sense.

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