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2010 outdoors,


29g is a nice old stash to have put by for santa, good job Hugh.
I'd say the mazzars are fecked unless you can get them into a green house.

Any plans for next year bro?

Thanks ha well im happy even though my hash runs didnt work.
Ill prob just pull the mazars this week and hash em.Ill do mainly autos next year probably 6 or 7 and 3 or 4 normal strains any recomendations??

Cookie monster

Thanks ha well im happy even though my hash runs didnt work.
Ill prob just pull the mazars this week and hash em.Ill do mainly autos next year probably 6 or 7 and 3 or 4 normal strains any recomendations??

HFH hash plant or pretty much most strains by esben seem to do very well over here, dont really know a lot about autos but you should check out the uk outdoor thread for that.

What happened with the hash run that it didn't work?


hugh when did the top skunk 44 finish, any mold?

also id recommend typhoon and kc33

vaping kc33 most nights now to get some sleep,

only tried some early quick dried typhoon but still packed a punch


Cookie instead of using the tried and tested method with the screen i made i decided to try blender hash (ice is mixed in with the weed to make the trichs brittle and it is blended till the trichs fall off, trichs are heavier then water and sink to the bottom while the floating leaf matter can easily be removed), My mistake was that i had nothing to filter out the trichs from the water and also that a lot of clorophyl was also in the water making the little hash i obtained taste really planty.

Tonto i had to pull the top skunk early because of mold. I think it was around the 20th of October with maybe a week left to finish.

Thanks for the sugestions on strains if I do decide to grow next year ill take all suggestions into consideration when ordering seeds.


Ok well I supose id better tell you all that im not 18 yet and that My stash was found by my mother yesterday.
It wasnt too bad and didnt fuck up our relationship or anything (she never knew i smoked weed) but was more worried about what would happen to her job if someone found out (which i had also never considered) .It was dissapointing knowing that all my hard work for the last half a year would be thrown away. Im not sure about growing next year but ill definitely drop a post.


sorry to read that, to have your stuff bottled, curing and then busted is pretty damn harsh.

Cookie instead of using the tried and tested method with the screen i made i decided to try blender hash (ice is mixed in with the weed to make the trichs brittle and it is blended till the trichs fall off, trichs are heavier then water and sink to the bottom while the floating leaf matter can easily be removed), My mistake was that i had nothing to filter out the trichs from the water and also that a lot of clorophyl was also in the water making the little hash i obtained taste really planty.

i make it the same way without a filter (gumby method), first time i made it i though i was the nastiest crap ever and threw it in the rainy day box, year later its tasting brilliant and potent

Cookie monster

Shame about the mum finding your stash Hugh, in a couple of years the 2 of ye will look back and laugh about it.

Blender hash? as in run your trim through a blender?

You'll get a better/cleaner result by stirring by hand with a wooden spoon.

Cookie monster

Gumby as Tonto said or bubble hash is a better way to go imo, no piles of trim or airy buds to dry taking up space.

Dry sift is fun to do but trying to find screens at a reasonable price in this country is a joke.

Few gumby shots



hoping to pull my last few plants this weekend :dance013:

outdoor drying has been brilliant, had four days of constant rain with plants hung outside, only had 1 tiny bit of mold on anything drying so far, i think the silica boost from the horse tail tea made a real difference, this time of year im usually doing budrot surgery and going ape shit, this time minimal amounts except on some un topped plants and that stem rot. getting a fair bit of frost damage though, some plants look look nearly tric less.

Cookie monster

Good man tonto, tho i'm surprised the high winds and downpours the other day didn't flatten them completely.
What strains are left to pull?

Interesting stuff the outdoor drying I'll have to give it a shot in the spring...any tips?


What strains are left to pull?

one last plot with a mix

Interesting stuff the outdoor drying I'll have to give it a shot in the spring...any tips?

location ,location,location
unless the spot is like a wind tunnel dont bother

Where abouts are you Tonto? The south? Any plants up here would have been wrecked by now.

south, only reason my plants haven't flown away is because there small and staked, if your up north look at the scotish outdoors thread, some great info on strains.



seasons over:jump::jump::jump::jump: :jump:

pulled some hermi kc33s and my afghan nigerian

sad seeing empty plots but so happy this years over

:party::party::party::party: :party::party::party:


headband 707

Plant whisperer
LOL an outdoor in Ireland has to be as hard as an outdoor in Van BC with all the rain lol>>so I'm feeling your pain bro lol.....They can make seeds here but to get a grow to finish with perfect weather lol yeah that one is the once in a blue moon scenario.. Treating Yourself mag did an article about which seeds did well in which latitudes it was pretty interesting shit.peace out Headband707

Cookie monster

LOL an outdoor in Ireland has to be as hard as an outdoor in Van BC with all the rain lol>>so I'm feeling your pain bro lol.....They can make seeds here but to get a grow to finish with perfect weather lol yeah that one is the once in a blue moon scenario.. Treating Yourself mag did an article about which seeds did well in which latitudes it was pretty interesting shit.peace out Headband707

:wave: Headband

Yeah we have roughly the same type of climate as you guys, wet and grey towards the end of season with the ever present danger of a snap of early frost.

I tend to trawl the Danish, UK and Scottish forums quite a bit and there is a fair few strains acclimatised over the years that will do quite well in our shitty climates.

Check out Esbens threads down in the HFH forum or the UK/Scottish outdoor threads for ideas bro.

Is this the article your talking about http://treatingyourself.com/expo/wordpress/?p=25#

Issue 21?
Cant seem to open the pdf file tho :(


You get enough to last you a while?

might be tight but should make it through the year

LOL an outdoor in Ireland has to be as hard as an outdoor in Van BC with all the rain lol>>so I'm feeling your pain bro lol.....They can make seeds here but to get a grow to finish with perfect weather lol yeah that one is the once in a blue moon scenario.. Treating Yourself mag did an article about which seeds did well in which latitudes it was pretty interesting shit.peace out Headband707

the canadian forum has been a great help, hoping to give some canadian strains ago next year

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