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2009..my date with Density..

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Well I have two choices... If I take them Now, they are almost worthless. The tops I took today were starting to get dense, but they werent quite there.. Hairs were 50% colored, I didnt have a scope or glass, so not sure how the trichs looked. I mainly took the buds that were starting to mold.. Between rippers, choppers, and mold, Im nearly cleaned out this season.. I started with 200+ clones, planted from early May-Early July, and a few dozen seed plants.. I will be lucky to bring in 3 lbs this season.. Was shooting for 22 Keys.. Not gonna happen.. Next year im going with a few dozen cuttings, and a few dozen seed plants. Gonna focus a lot of attention on these few plants to get them out early and get them large by fall.. Also gonna expand on my Backyard boogie ;) Lotsa autos planted in May.. Gonna experiment with a few crosses I created this season, and some I plan to make indoors this winter. One being the Jem X Taliban Shadow King (Not my thread, but gives some info on the TSK. This guy and I are the only ones with these seeds.) Also wanna outcross some other afghans and the Jems (Deep Chunk, and another)

Where u at tonight mossy? Was hoping to see some more harvest pics ;)
Can u pop up some more pics of your ALF projects?


Between rippers, choppers, and mold, Im nearly cleaned out this season

i think this year hasnt been as well used as it should of been for many. we had good growing weather in uk at the beginning of summer but i didnt really make the most of it. next year though!! :D



2nd pot up..



right hand pot..

All ALF#3's...



Sensi Stars just didnt want to grow. Dug up the seeds this morning and they didnt even have a bigger taproot then when I planted them :wallbash:

So I just have my trusty bagseeds (Le Pew's) I know these seeds are healthy and should germinate better.

I wanna see how this organic medium/nutes preform damnit :D


Im really excited about the re-release of the jems Mossy, been waiting for that for a long time. Allways nice to have something to look forward to... and just now when the jems are soon to get out there again you start showing of all these beautifull ALF´s and give us all something new to look forward for... Good on ya! Love the colours your working with, amazing work as allways mate!


dang ^^ i was chilling with my homie and the most potent weed i've ever smoked xD

and i got my 125Wcfl my secret jardin dr60 tent my all mix soil and hydroton :)

but the electric wiring is not there also no reflektor and the 2 pots are also missing xD

is there any cheap way to get light in my cfl?


ah right i see what you mean. you need to get a fitting from somewhere. you will probably find them online


howmany plantsshouldi put under the 125w cfl? :D i wanna try scrog on them and different strains :)

from the size of my tent i could fit 9 3,5l pots :D
3 rows of 3 each :D


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
6 plants at most. i would go with 4, if they are for sure females. you will have more room for them to grow and you would yield more. when they're spread out they won't get as much light as they need.


Hey sorry guys..just touching base...
visitors have stopped my chat time.

I am SO pleased I took the girlies down..it has done nothing but hammer down raining since they arrived.
Thunder lightening the whole 9 yards.
Went up to the patio this morning..and looking round you would think we were surrounded by paddi fields..
Man..longest period of rain since we got here...:nono:

Back as soon as
I hear ya mossy.. Been torrential down pours with heavy winds here. Been bringing the ladies in a bit at a time. Each day.. Seen more bud mold this year than ever!

Gonna get some shots and such today ;)

Hey sorry guys..just touching base...
visitors have stopped my chat time.

I am SO pleased I took the girlies down..it has done nothing but hammer down raining since they arrived.
Thunder lightening the whole 9 yards.
Went up to the patio this morning..and looking round you would think we were surrounded by paddi fields..
Man..longest period of rain since we got here...:nono:

Back as soon as


my plants had no water for 2 days the soil was dry as shit xD but notting really happened to the plants still yellow leafes :(



Cheers for the anti-ripper karma...it appears to have worked..:woohoo:

Looks like I have the Oguns Thunder onto AF..

just now when the jems are soon to get out there again you start showing of all these beautifull ALF´s and give us all something new to look forward for

:listen2: Seedling...
It was Guerilla Family's fault..he asked to see them..
Can u pop up some more pics of your ALF projects?
See..nowt to do with me..
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That's a nice batch of seeds you got there Mossy. I'm waiting for some seeds to form before I chop my lady. Seems I have a little rain in my forecast today too. Nothing that will be as crazy as you are having.
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