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2009..my date with Density..

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sounds like you have preflowers.....give it another few days. normally around day 20 you will see pistils


the plant with the preflowers is also like 4 days faster than all my others (if u compare them) all germinated and planted at the same day :)


the plant with the preflowers is also like 4 days faster than all my others (if u compare them) all germinated and planted at the same day :)

you should use her to make seeds, if shes female that is. fast growing and early sex showing are traits you will want in seeds


nah regular i hope for a male on the other 2 lowryders my dieselryder is feminized i think (btw i will get some bud laterm muhahahaha)


well in that case if you dont have feminized seeds then you may well get a male and some pollen to pollinate!



Breathe in...breathe out...ahhh...nowt like a bit ozone in the morning bring a bit calm to the chaos...

La Buena Hierba..shortly my Friend..just getting over the chaos..:yes:

temunator..are these your first homegrown girls?
What are you planning for your hydro.

SmokeyTheBear...How's the Girls..?

BeAn..ha ha..you know me too well.
Yep..I am having probs getting me badge on..:rolleyes:
BlackMagic is giving me the same instructions behind the scenes..
Cheers m8..all appreciated...I need the time to have a fiddle. :biglaugh:
The rippers way laid me..

PurpleKush Pistils, ohoto credit to LLP
Credit to LLP...:yes:
Thinking on the kush influence in the afghan line...:chin:
We had pinned the pain-killer effect..(incense)
into Either the Afghan OR the kush
so @ f4..we added Both to the JEM to see which cross brought it back out.
Think it may be time to get those crosses out and see if we can define it.
Two of the ALF/DC lines are showing it but I Still cannot figure WHO is doing it.
Is it the extra Afghan..in the DC..
or is it the kush influence in the DC..
Man..I'm gonna pin it if it kills me.


some 1 dieselryder 1 blueberry 1 lowryder #2 fem 1 blueryder(blue streak) 1 la diva

nah its my 2nd grow right now and hydro will be my 3rd :) starting as soon as the grow im doing atm is done so i can get the lamp in my budbox^^

btw got some damn compressed bud and im smoking a bowl for ur dead girls :)

damn this shit is the best weed i ever had lol must be grown by bob marley in heaven XD

....someone here with pollen from a good autoflowering male? :D:D:D:D
THose girls looks great man. Again, Im sorry to hear about these thieves getting off with some of your flowers.. Atleast they did leave u something, Which leads me to believe they were "friends" of yours. Also the way they came, they must have been to your place before, and knew exactly where the plants were, and the safest access point. Im glad to see u are handling the loss well. I know when I was ripped off, I would often fall into a bit of depression until harvest time came.. There was a couple years (my first years) where EVERYTHING I grew was ripped off. I would really let that shit get to me.. A few more years under my belt, and more lessons learned with each season, and I am bringing in more and more weight each year, of some of the greatest genetics, and even some of my own creations! Its such a great feeling at harvest time, when u are relaxing and smoking on some of your very own nug. A feeling u cant get from anywhere else.. All of your ladies look amazing, Mossy. I will throw some great harvesting vibes your way and wish u a happy drying and curing ;) I cant wait to start growing some of your genetics, man!

Lotsa respect



i think ill put a purple haze fem in the budbox and scrog her xD vegging till the af's finished this will be a huge plant :D


was just wondering if anyone knows of anybody creating a landrace afghani strain? is a shame the world of seeds afghan kush ryder is garbage cos it would be ideal


temunator...that grow has my mouth watering already...:yummy:
nah its my 2nd grow right now and hydro will be my 3rd
Great..you are doing better than me when I started.
I killed the first ones with a mutant grow lamp..
and nearly killed the second lot with my Desperation to grow..
I was so nervous I was scaring them..:petting:

By grow 3 you should be chilled enough to produce Super-buds..
Speed & Safety for your new girls..may they all be supermodels...:yes:
Cheers..the girls appreciate the bowl..:joint:

Guerilla Family..karma for your Father m8..
and for a son that cares enough to grow his meds for him..:yes:
Cheers for your support..it is appreciated.
I was Mad..but hey..keeping it in your belly poisons your soul..
best get over it.
I could hardly bear to look at the girls the day after..I'm used to going up and seeing them all smiling at me..
but they are trying their best.

Definitely looks like a friend..that is the worst part.

and even some of my own creations! Its such a great feeling at harvest time, when u are relaxing and smoking on some of your very own nug
I agree 100%..nothing tastes as Sweet.
anything we can do to help..just ask.
You will get different answers..different opinions..and a bit of fun while you are at it.
Cannot think of a better way to Grow.
If you get a chance..come down to the main forum for the Friday Night Bud show.
Bring a Girl..she can be your favourite bud..smoke..or pipe..the Bigger the better
it is all about making everybody else Drool..:joint:
Happy Hour for Canna tokers.
Thread open 24 hours to cover all time zones.

lowrdr..I saw your face drop when Ch@ppers said he had the G13 covered.
If you want to be First in something you will have to go off the favourites
and look for something unusual but Great..
or settle for something that has been done..and do it Better...:yes:
Either will give you real joy..because your own girl always tastes Sweetest.

Remember that project we were talking about..that still looks as if it might be viable and IMO the genetics in that will be so variable and Good..
you should be able to pick yourself something very special out to work on..
(in fact..I think there could be a lifetimes work in it..:biglaugh:)
and no-one else will have that...:joint:


BlackMagic....BeAn...cheers for the instructions guys..

I GOT TO TRY IT ON.....:woohoo::woohoo:

Man..I am so Happy...

The problem was one of my security measures not letting the little Post box pop up.
I had to temp disable.
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lowrdr..I saw your face drop when Ch@ppers said he had the G13 covered.
If you want to be First in something you will have to go off the favourites
and look for something unusual but Great..
or settle for something that has been done..and do it Better...:yes:
Either will give you real joy..because your own girl always tastes Sweetest.

Remember that project we were talking about..that still looks as if it might be viable and IMO the genetics in that will be so variable and Good..
you should be able to pick yourself something very special out to work on..
(in fact..I think there could be a lifetimes work in it..:biglaugh:)
and no-one else will have that...:joint:

lol face drop is not the word! he will of done an excellent job on it so its all good lol! the "eden project" is what is making me drool at the moment, very glad to know she survived! those genetics will be very much sought after hopefully :D


Yeah m8..
I am expecting her to be Good..he was excited about her when he told me...
and if he is excited..she will be Good..:yes:

The Project has been rolled so many times..she is Strong and Unique.

In fact if you could get her as is..onto AF..
We would ALL be very Happy..:kissass:

Pray the ripper stays away..
Fingers Crossed.


You got it to work, wicked...:)

Defo be interested to see how the jem goes either way, i say put them to dirt now haha!!:D

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