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2007 Oregon Guerrilla Outdoor, with BACKCOUNTRY


YES!....I have been waiting for this.

Oh man...you gotta love the OR 95.... I would put that in my garden!
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ICMag Donor
Glad you got things started BC. Looks like everything is going well. Good luck and may the Ganga Gods smile on you and the rippers and cops stay away from you....

dude...thats fucking gorgeous .. im sitting and watching ok


Active member
hi backcountry :wave: looks like this is gonna be a great year for you. i am starting my first grow tommorow and have learned a lot from your posts. ill deff be around for your grow :lurk:
Looking good!!! I am humble to set and wait and see how you do things. Looks like that dry enviroment can take a lot of extra work Here in the SE ___Tn not much trouble as far as rain People or more problem to me than anything___To many meth cooks in the area
Peace Out


Active member
Backcountry: In my opinion some sort of microblast is essential. Most natural soil have some ammount of mycorrizae and microbes, but not enough to quickly colonize some packed in soil. The microblast I used was made by Espoma (east coast big brand, great green sand btw), which is not the best for your area because it is based on blood meal. The mix is spores and dormant microbes in a powdered blood meal.
There are other ways to spike your holes.... a well composted soil would work in a a solution. Mix up a super thick sludge, and mix it in.

just something to think about, you obviously know what you are doing.
i think that the idea of "feed to soil not the plant" applies more to guerrilla grows than anything else.
a dry climate could definitely use some extra mycorrizae and bacteria.

best of luck.

Oh and on the subject of polymers, they are not "organic". they are simply a silica based water absoption polymer. absolutely no part of the polymer will enter your plant. a water holding polymer, by nature, is NOT soluble in water. It can retain water, but does not become a mobile compound in aqueous solution.
Thus the use of water polymer does not compromise the organic status of a grow.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit? Im going to pull up my lazyboy its old but its killer, And now ima sit back and watch this garden grOWW!.. If thats ok with you. It really seems you have this pretty dialed in and,it sounds like a great selection.... Thanx for sharing peace...

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Mourning the loss of my dog......
pineappaloupe -I understand the concept of the micro-blast, the thing is I put alot of manure in these holes, manure I just collected out of the fields a few days ago. Some of it is older and well composted, and some is realitively green(squeezed hot out of the llamas ass a few days back), this mixture of manure at various states of decomposition contains hoards of freindly micro-organisms(kind of a all natural version of this micro-blast).
I think thats the thing to understand here, I am not using (all) dry organics off the grow shop shelf, I'm using living manure fresh off the land. Down the road I will add solutions of Molassas to help boost the "micro-herd".

The word "Organic" is a funny one. The definition of the word "Organic" simply describes a chemical compound based on Carbon and Hydrogen, by definition Petroleum is a "Organic" compound, considering it is a "Hydro-carbon".
Link to Wikpedia-- Organic compound

But this thread isn't so much about organics, as it is about hard-core guerilla growing.
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Yeahhh...Lets rock

Sez Paddi from the comfort of his own back yard! (I'm just jealous!)

Hey pineappaloupe, I'm trying Espoma's Bio-tone this yr, I think it might be a new product, never seen it before. It contains mycorrhizae & beneficial bacteria, along w/ feather meal, dehydrated manure, bone meal, alfalfa meal, greensand, humates, crab meal, cocoa meal & sulfate of potash magnesia. I'm using this primarily in old holes to refresh, mixing in w/ water crystals using a compost prong.
I'm using local chicken & cow manures w/ half the Bio-tone dose in the new holes, pre-mixing @ home using MetroMix 560 w/ coir.
Don't mind digging holes, but sure hate the backpacking new soil in @ night.

Sorry to hijack, BC, you may continue now! :wink:
I have a question for ya... How are you getting to and from your spot? I am assuming that your not just parking your car along the side of the road while you hike back into someone else's property. So what do you do? I like to be dropped off, with a cell phone, which works some times in my area and a two way radio.

In case the cell does not work I set a pick up time for my buddy to come drive by the spot, at which point when he drives by and I am still back in the bush I can tell him I am ready for evac or to come back in another hour or what not depending on how my work goes.

- Bushy
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Active member
Jus stopping by to say good luck BC! :wave: and everything is looking really good so far :), hope the season is full of big sticky buds!

* Pulls of a chair and watches as the show begins! :joint: :lurk: *


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Hey everybody! Thanks for dropping by, all my old and new freinds, I should have some new stuff up tomarrow...........

bushmaster113 said:
I have a question for ya... How are you getting to and from your spot? I am assuming that your not just parking your car along the side of the road while you hike back into someone else's property....
Thats exactly what I do! But you should know that my plots are about 5 miles from the nearest home, and the next home is 1 mile down from that, its way out in the sticks! So I'm not too concerned about people being suspicious.
Timber companys usually mark their property corners, so this is how I know it belongs to a corporation.
bushmaster113 said:
In case the cell does not work I set a pick up time for my buddy to come drive by the spot, at which point when he drives by and I am still back in the bush I can tell him I am ready for evac or to come back in another hour or what not depending on how my work goes.
This sounds like a great plan, as long as you are sure you trust you buddy, thats your call of course.


Good luck this year BC...The valley in yer opening picture is very nice...

Say, You still thinkin bout pullin out that old homelite and joining me out in the remote valleys:confused:

Im gonna be preppin my pump spots this week.

I hope everything goes well for ya man. Ill send some good vibes up yer way...

Represent for Oregon!


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Fast_Pine said:
Good luck this year BC...The valley in yer opening picture is very nice...
Say, You still thinkin bout pullin out that old homelite and joining me out in the remote valleys:confused:
Im gonna be preppin my pump spots this week.
I hope everything goes well for ya man. Ill send some good vibes up yer way...
Represent for Oregon!
Hey Fast_pine!
I think I may actually use a 12 volt Shurflow pump insted of the Homelite this year, it doesn't look like any of my plots will require the power of the gas powered pump. A matter of fact, a few of them look like gravity flow will be enough.
I won't need to water until sometime in June probably, since its still raining at the moment, but I'll start setting up my resivours by the end of May.
Are you going to have a grow thread this year?

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