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2005 4:20 Cup????



oh gee guys / It will be a dream come true for me / I am 49 a very heavy POT smoker / & have dreamed of going since I was 20 years old / & I decided to go all because of the site / to meet GypsyBOG/CAP/ & anyone else that I can!!!




You will have the time of your life!!!! bring plenty of cash becase visa and mastercard are not accepted at most coffee shops!!!


Bubblegum Specialist
Fredster was right so check the 61% off deals at the Damrak. It's a nice 3 star in a great location and this price looks about the best for what you get but I have never stayed there. REZ stayed there last year I think so ask him how he liked it. I think he was happy with it. BOG

See you in Amsterdam Fredster and thanks for your good info.


how true

how true

that is true BOG money can be withdrawn from charge cards but cash advances on credit cards carry a much higher rate. Your best bet is to put money in you bank account and withdraw from your savings or checking. Also remember your pin number not letters because in amsterdam there are no letters on key pad. also another reminder to get your passports and start making arrangments for drop of and pick up at the airports!!!!!


KRS Juan

Anyone have a floor/couch I can crash on? Looks like I can almost cover the flight, but hotels are gonna kill me.

-KRS Juan-


well u guys can expect to meet me there :eek: :joint: :wave: :rolleyes: goin to renew my passport this week then schedule plane then hotel.....keep the reccomendations coming all is helpful

ill let u guys know the details in the near future when all plans are official and dates are set


Ok i'm for surely going. Reserved a apt. so alles goed as the dutchies say. Got a place to chill after the bars close and party. So you can chalk me down. See you guys there with a fatty. Can't wait freaking out asual. Jup im IN Later Jubei


GL the 420 Cup countdown on the homepage is awesome....every time I look at it I feel like I just smoked half a key of pure Thai LOL :D nothing better to get the adrenaline flowing :wink:




i use the kingsize silver slim rizla and i got this recently to save rolling


now we have the clock ,is that the day of the awards the 20th ?


We hope no one-I / ever needs to / but this is an important question for me;

Does the Dam / have good medical facilities? / what type of insurance cards will we need?

Also; weather? /

Hey/ have they got a Mac Donalds? 

good Blessings




if u are travelling from uk or indeed any european country u need an e 11 from the post office ,this covers medical in europe ,if from anywhere outside europe i'd take out full insurance

weather is very similiar to uk ,i.e mostly crap, the term april showers come to mind,,,although last june in dam was over 100

as for macky's u got no worries Amsterdam is munchie city with every well known fast food outlet available and international cuisine from every corner of the globe ,just steer clear of the febo :biglaugh:

see u all there :friends: for a big :joint:


so whos up for plannin something together..ie making plans to stay together or if anyone has room for a spare....thinkn about the people who may be goin alone such as me.


I will be @ the Dramak hotel that Monday / I want to check out the Floyd near by / welcome to team up / I want to see the Hash musiem as well / smoke some 2 :))


ok fredster, id be down... most likly gonna be by myself so i would like to meet as many fellow IC mag and OG people as possibe and have a HUGE BLAST...


BushyOldGrower said:
Truthfully when you visit Amsterdam you should try and see a few of the historical attractions because Amsterdam is the center of the world in many ways.

We must at least plan one cultural venue each day. Isn't a trip to Europe a dream come true? We will wish we had more time will be the only problem. People should investigate tourism attractions in Amsterdam. I wanted to take a few people with strong stomachs to the motion Imax theatre they have because when high these things are the coolest rides around. :D

There will be so much to do and so little time that we must plan some of these things ahead or they just won't happen. I promise to escort BlueVelvet to the museum. Anyone else can come too. BOG

...there... The windmills in Zaandijk. I need to replace pictures I lost. This is going to be awesome... Wish I could stash some bubble to bring along... we'll see