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2000w room, which system?


I currently grow organic soil with a 400w CMH for veg and 2000watts of Hortilux on a light rail for bloom. Been about 6-7 years and I too think I'm ready to go hydro. I've started saving and decided that as soon as the budget allows I'm going with The Under Current. Pricey, I know but so well put together and this thing will produce 6-12 MONSTER plants under 2000watts. The initial investment would have to include not only the system for $2000, but an RO filter and a chiller for the reservoir would also have to be purchased. I'm gonna throw in a CO2 burner and spend about 3 grand total on the upgrade. Should be fun.

Check out the system do its thing. Trust when I tell you this system helps make some baseball bat sized buds.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ6bd1ACNNs
...as the budget allows I'm going with The Under Current. Pricey, I know but so well put together and this thing will produce 6-12 MONSTER plants under 2000watts. The initial investment would have to include not only the system for $2000, but an RO filter and a chiller for the reservoir would also have to be purchased. I'm gonna throw in a CO2 burner and spend about 3 grand total on the upgrade. Should be fun.
I literally cringed at the price of that. I CRINGED.
A nicely done recirculating DWC...but holy 150% markup Batman! for such a simple system.

"Main Entry:1cringe
Pronunciation: \ˈkrinj\
Function:intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s):cringed; cring·ing
1 : to draw in or contract one's muscles involuntarily (as from cold or pain) 2 : to shrink in fear or servility 3 : to behave in an excessively humble or servile way


hahaha ya the light mover is a must in the room I decided! and im going to do the ebb&grow system, I find it quite interesting, and easier than individual DWC buckets! Should be a hell of a time!


Thanks for all the input guys! This Ebb&Gro system sounds like the ticket so far, looks like I will be doing some reading!! On the fans, I will be using a passive intake most likely since the room is in the basement next to the laundry room, the fan will be a 6" vortex fan pulling through a scrubber hanging from chains, and will be pulled through both lights and out to a fabiricated window box and out the window. I have seen this done on a video and it worked very well!

JustanotherDave- I dont know about the light mover, would it really be worth the money? And would I be able to attach both lights to it and have it slide the 7'? My goal with the grow is around 4-5lbs with everything, since my first DWC harvest I pulled 14.75z's with 2 plants that vegged for 2 months. Pretty fair reasoning but I could be wrong?

Thanks for all the input guys/gals if they are around!!
What strain and light was used for that grow!! that is damn good crop


smokeone- i grew the strain called dreamgoddess cross between dreamweaverxgodbud! truly good smoke and a great grower!! and i used a 1k light in a 4x4 closet in DWC.