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20/4's Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow


Active member
Amazing plants. 20/4 Your plants are really showing how good of a grower you are. May many more plentiful harvest come to you. :tiphat:


Marijuana Enthusiast
Amazing plants. 20/4 Your plants are really showing how good of a grower you are. May many more plentiful harvest come to you. :tiphat:

Cheers bro, thanks for the good comment, without the Amazing genetics a grower is nothing:)


Marijuana Enthusiast
Pictures for this page...

Pictures for this page...

Well guys ive got LOTS of pictures for you guys...I hope you enjoy them..

First up, some cab shots.... i havent taken any in awhile so i figured id let you guys check it out...




These pictures are from day 62 (yesterday) of pinkbuds life.. They are changing so much and thickening up even more! I started giving them ONLY water a few days ago, going to do so until day 65-70..

First up for the pinkbud is the not so good green pheno, its taken a disliking to the nutes i started giving it months ago.. It still is a pretty decent producer and is loaded with trichs...


Top Bud

Middle bud

Next up is the GOOD green pheno, it is a super charged autoflower, its been taking nutes like a champ, with no signs of ever being over fed, im thinking this one will out yield them all...


Top bud

Side bud

This is the single LR2 i through into the mix. (only because ive never grown lr2) LR2 has surpassed my expectations as far as smell and density, and perfect structure... Ive heard the high is also top shelf... we shall see soon enough...

top bud
Middle buds

Last up for the PINKBUD, its last but deff not least! SOUR PINK PHENO... Im super excited for this one, along with the rest of you icmaggers, from the pictures i took, i decided it looks JUST AS GOOD as MANY full season plants people grow...Its a close one between this and the good green pheno... WHO WILL YIELD MORE? Just look at those trichs!


Middle of cola


Side bud close up:dance013:

Another side bud



Marijuana Enthusiast
Now for the Short term amnesia haze and Bluestreak.. Once i started looking around at the lables i found i actually have THREE STA and ONE Bluestreak... im perfectly okay with this since i am a haze fan!

Here are all 3 Short Term Amnesias... The tall one is about 23 inches, the smaller ones around 17... Again, not bad at all for .5 gallons of soil!... they are 37ish days old...


Tall-er pheno.. should be over 2 feet by the time shes done


STA is said to be Mostly single cola... Id say NOT for this pheno... I give you my branchy STA

This is a closeup of the STA bud, i love how the leaves point downwards at the top of the bud, its like a crown! This is a characteristic of STA...


STA aerial I love those thin leaves!

Blue streak! Very impressive vigor! And amazingly trich covered for so early...



I hope i didnt overload you guys with pictures!


wow some of the trics on the pb look like a blanket of frost, even the green pheno looks amazing! how much longer for them to go? and also what color tric do you prefer to look for when harvesting?

The bluestreak looks great too, i bet she will be a real monster by the time you are thru with her!

ps, you could never post too many pics mate, NEVER!


Marijuana Enthusiast
wow some of the trics on the pb look like a blanket of frost, even the green pheno looks amazing! how much longer for them to go? and also what color tric do you prefer to look for when harvesting?

The bluestreak looks great too, i bet she will be a real monster by the time you are thru with her!

ps, you could never post too many pics mate, NEVER!

Yes the pink pheno is SUPER frosty, like i said it looks better than alot of FULL season plants i see people growing.. When pinkbud gets around the age it is now the trichs really start to get TALL, i usually harvest with minimal amber, and then i usually let the seeded one (pink pheno) go the longest probably to 25% amber...just to make sure the seeds are good a ripe.

Bluestreak is amazing im real glad ive got around 30 more seeds on hand, i wish i had 2 females instead of the one, but once i get the PB harvested and only have 4 plants under my light i should be able to get 3-4 ounces total... :dance013:

very nice man they look very happy :) what does the bluestreak smell like?

They do seem pretty happy :) im very suprised the height each plant as able to achieve in only 1/2 gallon of soil... anywhere from 1 foot to 2 feet is perfect size for my light, it allows for the lower buds to still get decently dense.. If the plants are too tall i find the lower buds are very very weak and hardly worth smoking at all..

The bluestreak of course smells like berries :)...remind me alot of sour60 but without the sourish smell sour60 has... the big STA has a smell ive never ever had on a plant very very unique but AMAZING, once i figure out what the smell is i will report:smoke:


Active member
No problem man anytime. We all should learn to thank the breeders more often like you said with out them we wouldn't have literally thousands of wonderful strains to grow.

My hats off to you my friend :tiphat:


Marijuana Enthusiast
LR#2 Harvested...

LR#2 Harvested...

So i cut here down at day 63...Her smoke is very uplifting, i harvest with no amber trichs, ive heard LR2 can turn into a couch lock very quickly during the last few days so i gave her the axe:smokeit:

She ended up being around 18 inches tall, i suspect she yielded close to 10 grams(really dense for my light), give or take one or two..I started this along with the PB and i can deff say ALL the PB will out yield this... Some of her smaller buds were ready to smoke and i did so right before posting this:smoke:

I did just wake up but MAN it floored me, im very glad i harvested her when i did, i feel energized, almost like i drank a cup of coffee...Enough rambling... picture time!





CLOSE UP, look how long some of those trichs are!:dance013:



Recovering UO addict.
nice man...looks extra dense. :yes: mmmmm. I'm chopping a sour60 tonite, I can't wait to have some in a jar again finally!


more budshots! my favourite! i am extrememly impressed by that bluestreak it seems to grow so fast. cant wait for the pinkbud to get the chop :D

nice report on the LR2, it sure looks good with all those crazy trics, soooooo jealous right now! 10g will be my new goal on my next LR2 run, hopefully next time round i will have something as big as yours :D

thanks for the candy!


Marijuana Enthusiast
more budshots! my favourite! i am extrememly impressed by that bluestreak it seems to grow so fast. cant wait for the pinkbud to get the chop :D

nice report on the LR2, it sure looks good with all those crazy trics, soooooo jealous right now! 10g will be my new goal on my next LR2 run, hopefully next time round i will have something as big as yours :D

thanks for the candy!

Ill try to get some dry bud shots for you, im consuming it quite quickyl though, im loving the LR2 its like nothing ive had before thats for sure, very energizing!

10 grams is a good goal, ive seen some LR2 that yield like 50-70 grams before... now thats a nice plant! I believe the LR2 is the smallest out of the other plants at the same age..


Marijuana Enthusiast
Pink Bud "Good Green" Pheno Harvest

Pink Bud "Good Green" Pheno Harvest

Harvested at day 67..suspect somewhere around 12-15 grams... Quite a beauty i must say...This plant is now dried and i have smoked some NUGz and MMM... Enough talk, lights, camera, TRICHS, ACTION!:laughing:







Ive got a couple dry bud pictures of the Green pheno pink bud, USUALLY i trim ALOT of the leaves off and keep it all bud, but these leaves were WAY to good to waste, the underside of many were just as coated as the bud... would make quite a bit of hash i would imagine:)


:D:D:D you sure know how to make a girl happy 20/4, that sure is some sexy sexy buddage! that last picture is gona keep me up tonight, damn you SGS for making me want to spend all my money! lol!

btw hows the LR2 going? got any dry pics or is it all gone? hehe!


Marijuana Enthusiast
:D:D:D you sure know how to make a girl happy 20/4, that sure is some sexy sexy buddage! that last picture is gona keep me up tonight, damn you SGS for making me want to spend all my money! lol!

btw hows the LR2 going? got any dry pics or is it all gone? hehe!

:) hope i didnt keep ya up ALL night!

Sorry to say, me and the misses have smoked all of the LR2


In The Garden
nice! Green Pheno

Where is the PINK!??!?! and has it come down yet???

great work with that 150watter.


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