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2 year old smokes two packs a day!


nothing quick and cheap ever turns out well...

Tell me about it ... it STILL burns when I pee!

How much you want to bet that the parents of a kid like that would receive a lesser punishment than someone caught with just a little ganja in many places. Backwards fucked up laws.


Active member
Saw a 1 year old snowboarding today and everybody thought it was so cute, kind of like a squirell on water skies


In search of Genetics
That 2 year old breaks my heart.

You can almost see a glimpse of left over evolution in this video very chimp like, and yes he does look practiced!


Active member
I was in a waiting room today and this was on the news here. An old Japanese guy leaned over to me and said, "That kid has a little bit of genius in him."


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
I bet he's got one of those gland deficiencies that keep your body small, like in that movie Orphan, and he's actually really a 35 year old japanese businessmen on holidays hehe


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

as sick as this might sound that's so disturbing to me that I'd
be willing to smack the shit out of the kid himself to get him
to stop, that pic makes me wanna smack him, I really do.......


Active member
So should all the parents that feed their kids processed foods like I'm sure you were raised on....people need to look a little deeper at themself and not worry so much about others.

i was raised on mostly local produce and farm products. very little processed foods