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2 Plant Perpetual


Some pictures

Some pictures

Hello everyone! :wave: I hope you all had a great day, as we have. We did manage to take some pictures, so here they are!

This shot is of a cutting and a rooted cutting in the veg/clone box under 2 15w fluorescent lights. These cuttings are from the big girl down below.

Here are 4 happy seedlings of Dutch Passion Twilight mixed with some really good yeilding bagseed by accident :/

:jump: A root sliding its way into the nutrient solution, this clone is in the smaller flowering box under 70 watts of HPS and is a cutting from the big girl as well.

:jump: This clone is supposed to be a White Widow, and she's in the same small flowering box as the above.

The big girl at day 47, a mix between a PTK Kush and a PTK Skunk, to create what I was told, Evolution Lavender.

The bud I received with this girl's seed, had a sweet perfumish lavender smell and was greyish purple in color. Tasted as good as it smelled and was smooth as ice.

Just a couple of macro shots of the snow coming on! :jump:



Nice looking grow yall got going on here crzygirl. I think Ill grab a seat if ya
dont mind :smile: 2 plant perp. seems like an interesting idea, I think Im
going to do something of a 4 plant semi-perp. with some random bagseed
plants in cups occasionally LOL. The buds seem like their forming pretty
nicely, keep it up! Later.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Thank you Mr. Durden! These buds sure are getting crystally, but not to bulky yet. Tomorrow we are going to flush her out really good and give a 50% mix of Lucas Bloom.

The PPM's and EC haven't changed in two days yet the PH has been dropping and she drinks a good bit of water. EC 1.2 PPM 840.

Our clones under the 70watter are doing excellent however! We lowered the water level just below the netpots, and added 1-1/2TSP of ea. micro grow bloom.

Have pics in a few minutes.



Here is EvoLav#2 under 70w 24hrs, it first showed roots from netpot on the 9th.

And her nice new rapid root growth:

EvoLav#1 Day 48. Expected Harvest Date: 11-22-08

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We did the flush on our big flowering girl, and mixed her with 50% of Lucas Flowering formula. The right way this time, 6tsp of Micro, and 12tsp of Bloom to 8 gallons of water, which brought the PPMs to 680~ and EC at 1.0.

Our clones are doing so well and growing root length seems hourly almost, so we gave them another shot of 1tsp ea. Micro grow and bloom, into their huge container/tub.

We will definetly be taking pictures tomorrow for all to see! Everyone, have a good night!


Active member
Your big Evolav looks great. Those close ups I'm assuming are of her. Very nice and frosty. Those leaves are really covered. I see a little hash coming from your trim when the time comes.
great work yall.


Hi Hazy! Yes the close up shots are of the EvoLav. She is getting quite frosty and her root mass is, well, medium i'd say considerring she didnt fill the whole bucket up, but they are the cleanest roots i've seen in a long time!

She seems to be somewhat finicky when it comes to feeding her though. At 840PPM/1.2EC for one whole week she didnt drink anything but water because the PH was dropping daily, so was water supply, yet PPM/EC remained the same.
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Picture Updates

Picture Updates

Evolution Lavender on the left, Supposed WW on Right

Evo roots

WW roots

There she is, 51 days into flower

Her top, which doesn't see very much light.

And a close-up of her top.

Her roots.

Some misc. shots of her flowers



Picture time is coming, as soon as the lights turn on we can take a good long look at our monster in the basement, and take some pictures too.

Pics coming soon!


Snow Covered Pictures

Snow Covered Pictures

Ok, so heres the news for today. We noticed two branches that weren't doing much of anything as far as growth/bud growth is concerned. So we slit them off and put'em into the bubble cloner. Now we have 6 cuttings in it and are waiting for root.

So, the first picture here is of our Evolution clone, and our WW clone is in the next picture, both of which will be switched to flower cycle on the 19th of this month.

We are hoping that Evo#2 will grow another inch within four days so we can start LST'ing on her.

Here are the roots of these two clones, Evo(left) WW(right):

A cola shot of a side branch, on our monster.

And some misc. pics of her many snow covered buds:

Any particular reason the hairs are "leopard" striped? heheh



Excellent! Id say you could possibly go ahead and begin LSTing the Evo#2 right now if
you had too, but if you can wait a few more days and let her get a little more growth I
think she would be a little easier to handle. I dont know if you mentioned this but what
day of flowering is the EvoLav on and how long do you plan on letting her go? Peace.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Well Tyler, shes been on the 12/12 cycle for 53 days now. But, she show'd sex on the 19th of September, if I was counting from then on it would be 27 days flowerring.
We would like to have her down on November 11th, which would make 90 days on the 12/12 schedule.




Awesome! So, our 2 rooted clones(EVO#2 and WW#1) are definetly growing in height for sure. We bent over Evo#2 and twisty-tied her down a bit, its going to be so cool LST'ing and training her and watching the growth. WW#1 seems kinda slow compaired to the Evolution strain.

We were examining our Evo#1 girly, and found some nasty looking blackish grey brown leaves on her. This condition is only apparent on the main cola/stem leaves (the big finger leaves).

EC is remaining at 1.2, yet PH drops .2 a day, and water usage isn't excessive. We had not had any problem with keeping PH stable on our last run, this and the funky top leaves, is new to us. Any suggestions?

The very top main stalk is the only part with these problems

Give a shout all you lurkers! It is nice to know people are reading! :jump: :muahaha:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Lurker or stalker? You can run but you can't hide...I've found your grow girl..saw your new airflow pic...quite the composition. Please let me say this one is very nice...DD

PS looks like heat issue with top leaves?
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Hiya Doobie! :wave: Pass one over for lil'ole me! Since I been out of smoke, its been hell scraping bowls, and bongs and the sorts. Kinda hard to scrape resins when there aren't any left.

Yeah, with the heat issue, im going to put a fan up at the top and hopefully that will stop it from getting worse. I do have a thread about it in the infirmary and another guy is saying heat stress to. This damn girl gets more crystally with each new day, though, the buds don't seem to be swelling as much as I would have thought!!! But, ALOT of things can happen in the course of 4 weeks. We are guessing 3oz dry if she bulks up.

And tomorrow night myself and Mr. Crzygirl are going to be introducing Evo#2 into the big flower box right next to her donor, Evo#1(the big girly), to start flowerring. The WW clone will stay inside the small flower box and will be switched to 12/12 tomorrow as well.

This perpetual thing is going to be a friggen blast! We can't wait to have it steady at 2 plants a month, we just LOVE to trim together and smoke fatties while doing so! Thanks for checking us out Doobie!


Yo craaaazy girl!!! lol, nice name and I love your comment below your name "your plants get me wet" ooooo baaaby! hahah!

Nice grow there, looks like you got something really good happening here. Super frosted, good growth, multiple strains. I'd say you know what you doin! Keep up the awesome work, can't wait to see that evo in full flower!

This perpetual thing is going to be a friggen blast! We can't wait to have it steady at 2 plants a month, we just LOVE to trim together and smoke fatties while doing so!

That's so sick!!! I bet Mr. crzygrl is stoked too! My girl smokes....but that's it!! haha make me do all the damn work around here! Oh well she has an actual job so I guess were even ;)
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Hey there cali! Thanks for taking some time to check out our frosted massive girl! We are crossing our fingers, that she will bulk up those buds before harvest.

caligreen said:
lol, nice name and I love your comment below your name "your plants get me wet" ooooo baaaby! hahah!

All i've got to reply to that is this:

That is not my plant, and I forget to whom it belonged. I am sorry, you know who you are, with your huge green thumb of tlc, your plant REALLY gets me goin'!!!

caligreen said:
Oh well she has an actual job so I guess were even

LOL Thats kind of how me and the hubby were, he used to just smoke. When I first started growing he was like, "that looks like to much damn work" My response, of course, was "Premium quality buds, nearly for free you jackass!"

After the first successful grow, like 3 or 4 years ago, then he started helping and getting interested in it all. I dont have a job, he has the real job, so even if he didnt help, I wouldnt care.

I enjoy cultivating weed. I've tried growing regular house plants and such, but it's just not anywhere near as fun or rewarding! I meen, how many different types of tulips can ya grow, or how many different strains of Roses are there? LOL


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
crzygirl said:
Since I been out of smoke, its been hell scraping bowls, and bongs and the sorts. Kinda hard to scrape resins when there aren't any left.
I feel your pain. I ran out during my first Thunk and was a baaaad boy. I probably smoked as much as 20% of the yeild along the way. One popcorn bud at a time (all oven cured, yuck)

Hang in there, baby. Next bud's for you.




FreezerBoy: MmmMm yummy premo buds, it was a little hard for me to keep my fingers off of our last plants before harvest. Its a good thing to know another grower(s) to get small buds here and there, a long time friend hooked us up with a nice amount.

54 Days Flowering, and so far things are going decent. Things could always get worse :joint: The leaves up top that were getting all nasty, seems to have subsided to just the few that were affected by the radiant heat.

We are actually wonderring if maybe we should cut the top portion of the main stalk because it doesn't get the light the rest of the plant is. With a month until expected harvest, does anyone have any thoughts on this issue? Chop the under developed top, a week worth of heal time, and hopefully bulk up the underneath bud?

Roots of the above ^^^^

Same ^^^^

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