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2.6k hps 9 bucket RDWC


I love my life
I bet they could handle 700 ppm by the weekend
Stu they will eat high ass ppms thru veg ya just have to back off in bloom. Ive had it as high as 1300 ppm in my UC and they loved it.

LVPK growers take note of the truth above.



Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Took your advice and got my rdwc pumping the lvpk with 670ppm,I'm gonna bump it up more come Monday or so to give em time to adjust to the 2 200ppm jumps then go up to a solid 700 and go from there maybe go higher as you guys said.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Yeah the structure is pretty stout,so far it looks simular to the rdwc gals but the rdwc gals are beef all the side branches coming off the main are pencil thickness the main stalk is more than a half inch thick already.

I topped them one last time,each plant got about 5 tips removed so these should have 10+ tops on each one.

It is pretty relaxing in there,got the mofro playing 24/7.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Man are these lvpk rockin it!

Nice and stout and all are uniform to eachother,i.e. same height/width/overall shape.


I can't wait to go into bloom,maybe another week or 2,my E&F table is way overgrown,had to take one and transplant it to soil to make some more room here's pix,


The one I transplanted



I neglected these for a couple weeks as you can see from the first pic,when I finally checked the solution the ppm was around 75 so I bumped it up to 800 and they all took it with stride and are looking excellent.

The E&F house 1 Chemdog kush clone,2 purple cherry pie seeds,1 god clone and 3 gdp seeds.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
FUCK MAN you are a master brother :).. You get back to back knock out roots :D

The E&F is pretty much on its own so I can't take too much credit for it,besides adding aquashield and sensi A&B.

The rdwc is a different story,I busted my ass to keep rot out of there.

In fact I plan on flushing and refilling with sensi grow and some H2o2 just to make sure there isn't any muck starting.


Damn those PKs are looking good. How has the RDWC been treating you?

One of my PKs is just starting to take off. Others aren't far behind.

I'm looking at another 2-3 weeks before the flip. So looks like we will be pretty close :D

stu :joint:


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Damn those PKs are looking good. How has the RDWC been treating you?

One of my PKs is just starting to take off. Others aren't far behind.

I'm looking at another 2-3 weeks before the flip. So looks like we will be pretty close :D

stu :joint:

Yeah dude were gonna have almost a side by side grow goin on,so how tall you gonna get em before you flip?

I absolutely love rdwc its the greatest,I might scale it up a bit for next run there's some dudes from the uk said they grow the biggest and the baddest
So I take that as a challange and I'm gonna concentrate on 2 or 3 monster trees next round with 4k hps to show those bloats what's up.

Might go 2x30 gallon for the plants and a 30 gal rez with a massive pump and large feed/drain lines well see,I'd like to grow Chemdog ibl or frostitutes of epic proportions.
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Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
May,I think I'm a dwcer fo life,the E&F is nice and effective but I'm partial to lower numbers and larger trees.


Yeah dude were gonna have almost a side by side grow goin on,so how tall you gonna get em before you flip?

I absolutely love rdwc its the greatest,I might scale it up a bit for next run there's some dudes from the uk said they grow the biggest and the baddest
So I take that as a challange and I'm gonna concentrate on 2 or 3 monster trees next round with 4k hps to show those bloats what's up.

Might go 2x30 gallon for the plants and a 30 gal rez with a massive pump and large feed/drain lines well see,I'd like to grow Chemdog ibl or frostitutes of epic proportions.

Looking like 16" I should be good for a flip. Still trying to get them to thicken up and spread out.

DAMN some HUGE trees sounds like you are talking. Should be in time for Christmas this year :D

I'm just hoping mine start to fill in a little better like yours.

What temp do you keep your rez at?

stu :joint:


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Yeah man I topped mine twice already and they look like there gonna be beast.

I'm thinking after this run I'm gonna start construction of a fatty recirculating system,the UC dream once again must once again be put on hold due to funds need to be re routed towards my outdoor crop for this year. I gotta get privacy fence,camera system,paintball sentry gun,soil,coco,bone meal,blood meal,guano,worm castings and a few other things like blumats and 55gal drums.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
oh and I have my chiller set at 67 and its usually at 68 and kicks on at 69 but usually stays right at 68 because I have all the buckets wrapped and have a cooler for a res.


Tropical Outcast
Hey GT I got a question for you:

After all this equipment you had to get and the adjustments you have made (and continue having to make) wouldn't you say it is "more advisable" (efficient) to grow in soil rather than Hydro?

Yes plants will grow more vigorously in Hydro but considering the upkeep it requires and if things go wrong they go wrong fast and for everything...let me know what your thoughts on my 1st paragraph are.

PS: When I used to grow it went like this:
Get some good dirt and fertilizer and bam a few months later there was an awesome harvest. Maybe some bugs to fight here and then but that never was a big deal.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Hey GT I got a question for you:

After all this equipment you had to get and the adjustments you have made (and continue having to make) wouldn't you say it is "more advisable" (efficient) to grow in soil rather than Hydro?

Yes plants will grow more vigorously in Hydro but considering the upkeep it requires and if things go wrong they go wrong fast and for everything...let me know what your thoughts on my 1st paragraph are.

PS: When I used to grow it went like this:
Get some good dirt and fertilizer and bam a few months later there was an awesome harvest. Maybe some bugs to fight here and then but that never was a big deal.

Well I suppose it would be if your new or a super busy guy,I'm a hobbiest at heart so no matter what I get in to I'm down to tinker and tune. My hydro experience is rook most of what I know and go off of is from what I've read.

This is my second run with rdwc and my first E&F and both aren't that time consuming once tweaked,the major problem from my actual experience in rdwc is the water temp and gettin the nugs line up down to a tee and keep it basic.

And also gotta use aquashield,other than that once its been set up and got the the kinks out I really haven't touched it other than to scoop some nuts out to meter it and I wouldn't even have to do that if I could afford a constant trimeter.

Soil does have a better buffer,but again bugs and molds have been at a all time low in my garden with mostly hydro and coco smartpots.

I think all in all its really up to the growers preference and drive,and again like I mentioned I'm a hobbiest and have been since I was little measing with rc cars.

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