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2.5x1.8 meter coco scrog, 3 strain bingo!!


Active member
Well Done Mate, That Mollasses should give them the Carb Boost they need buddy. Nice Work! ;) I was reading a thread by Mandala Mike, see if i can find it but he was really condoning the use of GH Ripen in the final stages, Its N free & thats what ive run time & time again with great results, so its either GHR or the Micro Blend & PK for me on the next run. Gotta have sweet Buds next time so im thinking either Bud Candy or Mollasses with the above, see how the funds are at the time! Get in there that Arma looks white Oooo. Nice Tuck work Toke!


Hey fellas, thanks. I`m loving my gardening, what a change from recent problematic grows. I`m still a bit nervous about things stunting again, which I know is crazy when you look at the colas coming together. The extra`s not filling out is a bit concerning, but as I said they have`nt had favourable conditions, and the plants in the main scrog are looking better all round.

I`ve been so busy with other things for the past couple of days that I haven`t gotten around to giving any molasses. I`ll do this tmro for sure though, and hope its in time to be of benefit to the Arma`s.

Cheers, Toke


Oops, I fucked up on the Molasses front yesterday! I think I gave them a drink of ph`d molasses mix @ 2 tablespoons per gallon and the ec read ec0.9.

This was the first dose of molasses they`ve had and I fed this on its own, an hour after a normal feed. I think I`ll be ok though, as I read that some people use this strength as a matter of course. Its not what I intended though, I was aiming to go with one tablespoon per gallon.

All is looking ok in the screen, its day 37

Cheers Toke ;-)


Day 38

Day 38

amazing man,very cool grow..looks like in time for the show!!!

Thanks dude.

I`m aiming at ec0.5 with the molasses and feeding after the last feed of two feeds, 1 ltr per plant.

Any comments on how I`m applying the molasses guys, just wondering if I`d be better to aim for an hour before the last feed, thus leaving them with full nutes and PK13/14 through darkness?

Cheers, Toke:)


Day 42 12/12

Day 42 12/12

Hey guys, been away for the weekend again, loving the freedom of auto feeding!

I`m having some concern over the lack of swelling of the tops, I`d be expecting them to be packing some weight on around now. One tray of plants, the left one, seems to be doing quite well with quite a few larger tops that will hopefully fatten up, but the tray on the right doesn`t seem to have as many large tops and the tops that are there don`t seem to be swelling at all, or much at least. The Grapefruit in the middle tray looks to be doing well enough, they`re getting their high dose of PK13/14 this week, being an estimated 3 weeks from the chop. The buds on the tops of the GF are throwing ears out, but hopefully they`ll pack on the weight over the next 3 weeks.

The Armageddon are in there final 2 weeks after their last dose of PK13/14. I`ve decided to give them a low nutrient mix of ec0.7 and gonna feed em this for 3 days and then flush for 10 days with a little molasses each day. When it comes to flushing, is there a preference over RO or tap water? They`re supposed to finish in 7 weeks, but I`m taking them to 8 weeks unless issues such as mold or male flowers crop up.

Here are some pics of the tray that I`m not impressed with. They`re Armageddon.




This is one of only a few bigger tops in the right hand row of plants.


This is one of the extra Armageddons that I set up at the side of the grow, not scrogged, you can see they haven`t done much in the way of swelling up, this is the best top off one of the plants! These were just put in to give me an earlier smoke than the main harvest, and haven`t had it as good as the plants in the scrog in respect of light and nutes. I`ll be chopping one of these very soon, I`m low on bud. They`ve had seven and a half weeks 12/12 now. I`ll take one down during the next day or so and leave the other 2 till the weekend or next week.


In the left row of plants its a different picture, soooooo much resin and lots of well formed colas, if these pack some weight on over the next two weeks they should do well.




Here are the Grapefruit buds, you can see how they`re putting ears out. Anyone grown Grapefruit before, is this the norm for this plant? Again resin build up is amazing on these and there are lots of buds here, and if all goes well they should swell up over the final 3 weeks and do me proud. This is an early maturing sativa, as opposed to what I`m familiar with being more used to indica strains. I have grown a couple of sativa strains some years ago.




Here`s a couple of shots of the overall grow. The second pic I`ve put an empty coke can on the plants to try and show some kind of scale, its not easy to show the scale that effectively.



The tent grow 1.2x1.2m with 4 Armageddons scrogged, produced a little over 13oz under a 400w light. My mate is thinking about putting a 600w light in with a cooled hood, that should pop the yeild up there a little more. The smoke is really nice once its cured off a bit, its well rough on the chest etc until a decent cure. Its very strong though and a very pleasing buzz too. It smell is quite pungent, as it is in the grow room during late flower.

Cheers for now, Toke:)


Oh my those things are very frosty! Looks good in there man, do u think the molasses has had anything to do with that?

STrange that the plants on the right are the same strain but less developed buds... Anything else going on with that row that hasn't with the others? U probably thought about that already though right... Ur mate done well with that yield v close to 1gpw, good shit for a first run with new strain. How long did he let that run for?

Anymore info on Armageddon's genetic background? I really like the look of that plant, its a yielder too and as frosty as fook :joint:

Edit> what is the lighting like over the side that is less developed?


Hey Shhh, I cant remember the make up of the Arma strain, but its easily available online, I remember its 75%/25% mix of 2 sativa strains.

Yeah its strange that the one row looks substantially lesser than the other. They both have a 600w HPS on light movers, so all even there. One difference is that the row that is doing better had a 400w MH light over it into early flower and the other 2 rows had 600w HPS lights during this time. This at the time gave the two rows with HPS a much stronger look generally to the plants under them compared to the row with the MH. I wouldn`t have though this has anything to do with it, but I stand to be corrected? The Grapefruit that was under a HPS is looking good, but then again I haven`t got another row of them under a MH to compare it with.

Yeah man, really frosty. I dont think the molasses is responsible for that really as the resin build up was occuring some time before the molasses had been added. I`ve only given about 5 molasses feeds in total, but I`m going to try and stick to daily for the rest of the grow.

Oh my mate took the tops off at seven and a half weeks and took the rest down around week 9, there were a few small male flowers showing at 9 weeks but no seeds in the bud. I`m planning on leaving things until at least 8 weeks, maybe even 9, anything longer than that will scupper other plans.

Cheers Toke:)


Molasses dosage for flushing in coco??

Molasses dosage for flushing in coco??

I`m mixing molasses up at 1 tablespoon per 4ltrs/1gal and my meter reads ec0.7. I`m feeding each 12-14ltr pot 1ltr in between twice daily feeds set up on auto feed systems.

Two rows of the plants are on low nutes, ec0.7 for a couple more days before going on a flush for an estimated 10 days, during this flush I`ll keep up a dose of molasses untill the last 3-4 days when they`ll get straight RO water.

My question is, is ec0.7 of molasses a bit on the strong side? I`ve read here about people using 2 tablespoons per gallon all the way through flush, and whilst I want to give em some sugars and carb supplement, I`m concerned that I`ll keep them too well fed at a time that I want them to start drawing on their own resources and ripening up, especially towards the end of the next 2 weeks.

I`m giving it to them at ec0.7 at the moment, but what do you think guys?

Is it that the sugars register on the ec scale, thus giving an impression that there are more salts than there actually are?

Cheers Toke


There's a thread somewhere round here that will give you the appox amount of each nute contained within molasses, as I am not sure of the answer to your q... Personally I am using 1 TEAspoon per gal, but bere in mind I also use a nice sized chunk of Panela/Raw sugar cane juice to the mix as well, this will ad 0.3 EC. I thought that was high enough for me to be fair.

Best thing to do is try it with one or 2 and then try a lower dose with another 2 at the end you will get some kind of idea of which application rate is the way forward... Not much use now I know but I always like to find out if something works for myself~ trial n error :)



forgot to add I am using Bud Candy against the molasses/panela as a trial, this stuff has a multitude of carb sources in it but doesnt shift the EC at all maybe by 0.1EC if anything, but more times than not it doesn't @ the rec application rate of 2ml per L... just food for thought.


Active member
Whey Hey Guys,
Looking Good Toke man, Not sure on the Mollasses as i aint run it to date, so im pretty interested in your results and trials etc. Shhh that Bud Candy is bag full of Amino's as well aint it bro?, a little more advanced(Excuse Pun) compared to the Mollasses or the Panela, A BodyBuilder would be happy to get a load of that stuff down him to read the label, think i got that right, from memory! That will be a very interesting comparison bro!
I find with Scrogs if you over do the amount of tops/colas you end up with much smaller buds, bud a fuck load of them, & sometimes it ends up with more yield anyway, this is how id be looking at it Toke buddy, Dont worry that they aint big donky Dick Colas, your gonna get a great yield & a bloody lot of them anyway buddy! I cant quite put my finger on the swelling situation but the more i look the more i think its just the Pheno & the way shes being grown. Unless you had several different pheno's to compare its real hard to say. One thing i do know is they look great & i wish i was you right now, its sad & im almost being forced into giving up Bud(which will never happen btw), im out of work, dont/cant claim a Giro, not that its a lot anyway & the bud around here is virtually non-existant most of the time or £10 a gram, which i refuse to pay. I cant bloody wait till the end of the Summer to kick ting off properly again i can tell, its a real rough time for me right now, lol, can you hear it(The smallest Violin in the world). It can only get better for me so i aint too down & always got a smile on me dial! Anyway enough of the sob story lol! Good Work Buddy & Stick with it Bro!
Peace & Respect......Scroger.;)


Hey guys:tiphat:

Shhh, yeah thanks for that. I`m going to downsize the molasses application to half a teaspoon per gal. I agree that a test is always the best way fwd, but even test grounds need to be established to have worthwhile results to compare. Next time around I may do this, I`ll be with one strain and things will generally be easier. I`m looking on with interest at your threads mate, cant wait to see if you have some beneficial results.

Hey Scroger, sorry to hear you`re down on yer luck at the mo, you`ve got your outdoor grow coming along tho right? Why have you got to wait till the end of summer bro? Man I know how you feel, my last year and a half have been beset with problems that have kept me in debt.Yeah £10 a gram is shit bro, you got no buddies that will sort you out for a while? This is the first grow I`ve had in the last four, maybe five grows that has looked like its going to give a decent yield, the others have returned roughly a 1/3 of what I`d expect, the hard work I`ve put in.

I hope your plan moves fwd quicker than you expect bro:comfort:

The lesser looking row has the same or less tops than the others mate but still not the same bud development. It could be a pheno ting, but it may also be environmental differences within my room I`m not over worried, I can see that if things continue favourably that I`ll be taking in a decent yield, and I`m very interested to see what the results are compared with my average grow results (leaving out the past few grows that is). If the results are good I`ll stick to and develop my scroggin techniques, if not I`ll probably experiment with other methods. I am pretty convinced by the scrog though and it certainly looks to be doing very well. I`m going with all Arma`s for the next grow and I`ll maybe aim more at 40 heads per m2, this will no doubt produce bigger cola`s and leave the screen that little bit more manageable. I have 50-60 per m2 this grow.

Today I`m gonna bite the bullet and start the flush on the two rows of Armageddon with Ph`d RO water, adding a weaker molasses feed, half teaspoon per gallon, to their daily routine.

I`m having a problem with the new gRAPEFRUIT CUTTINGS THAT i`VE TAKEN FOR MOTHER SELECTION, (Oops sorry, shouting there). They`re growing very very spindley. Like they`re now 10 inches high with no branching out yet, and long stretchy spacing between the nodes. I`m going to have to pot some up today and get them tied down and see if they start to branch out nicely. I aim to go with these Grapefruit in the grow after next if they do as well as they look like they`ll do. The rw of GF seem to be doing that bit better than the rest, and the rest are looking pretty good at that.

I`ll keep the bud porn a coming.

Cheers Toke :)


have fun with the BHO run :D

im saving up a big sack of amterial for later this summer :D i want to get a BIG bowl of goo :D to mix with ahsh :D its nice to have a jelly hash stash for special occasions :D

peace mate!


have fun with the BHO run :D

im saving up a big sack of amterial for later this summer :D i want to get a BIG bowl of goo :D to mix with ahsh :D its nice to have a jelly hash stash for special occasions :D

peace mate!

Yeah man I hear you. I`ve still got shit loads of very resiny trim from the Cheese, and the trim is gonna be lovely on the current strains so yeah lots of BHO to sort out soon. Its been a regular part of my smoking of late due to running low on bud. Its a life saver of the best possible quality. I`ve also run out of canna butter for my cookies so gonna boil a batch down very soon.

Hey guys, I`ve decided not to flush with Molasses after all. I`ve been a bit concerned about nuting them whilst flushing and Molasses has MG Cal, Nitrogen etc etc in it. I ran this past a very respected coco grower that has good experience with molasses too, and the opinion was that they dont have any requirements for nute energy at this stage.

I want the plants to start cannabilising themselves over the next 10 days or so. After today they`ll get just plain ph`d RO water. The Grapefruit that are are in their max PK dose week will continue to get a dose for the rest of the week and then get low nutes for a couple of days then water flushing for the final 12-14 days.

Next grow I`ll sort a proper carbo program out for the grow.

Cheers, Toke:)


good decision mate, best to proceed with caution when it comes to these additives/ carb products. many contain other nutes, macro & micro as you suggest.


Active member
yeah i was gonna sugest the same, we dont wanna be flushing with elements that are gonna make the Buds taste like shit, it'll probably spoil it &or cancel out the sweetness aspects i hear the Mollasses and the like bring, so good move bro!
Have you considered using a clearing agent/Flushing solution like Canna Flush, i think they are OK and enable me at least to feed for an extra few days as it cuts down on the water flush time, thats what its designed to do anyway, i didnt think that much of it but my apprentice on the last run fucked shit up, so i cant give an honest opinion on the stuff, ill try it again next time or something similar. Its like run the Flush for 3-5 days??? and then just water for the last 5-7 days, something of that order. I can see a product designed to purge excess salts doing its job, Whats your bag on the stuff?? Anyway bro im fooked n canna think straight, Laters man!
Peace.............Scrogs! ;)


day 44

day 44

Hey Scroger, not sure about flush products, I dont know how they do what they`re supposed to do, but as you know I`m a bit of a cynic when it comes to products and manufacturers ability to create special formula`s to make every aspect a little better. I`m gonna flush with straight ph`d RO water.

In fact I`ve started the Armageddon`s flush proper today, they`re gonna get nowt but water for the last 10 days. The final phase!!

I got around to making some more honey oil last night. Its been tricky making it of late as its warm at night here and my nieghbours are keeping there windows open which makes it dodgy for them both hearing me and smelling the weed/butane in the air. SO last night I went to my mate`s and did some motorbike maintenance and made my honey.




The result, 1 desert spoon and 1 teaspoon full of lovely sticky goo!


My Grapefruit cuttings taken for mum selection have gotten very stretchy. I`m going to pot them up into there next size pots and then tie the bitches down hard and see if I can get them to branch out more. I dont want big mums, the Armageddon mum is freaking huge now and gonna see about hacking this right back, shrinking the roots and potting up into a smaller pot. (Its in a 7ltr pot at the mo)



I`m going to chop one of the little extra plants today, did`nt get around to it the other day. Its had 7 weeks 5 days. I put these extras in early to provide a bit of an earlier smoke than the main crop. Its not had much light and been poorly fed through a wick system, that was`nt very affective, I only expect about a half oz from this one.

Cheers for now, Toke :)


Man, those pictures were scaring me for a moment, I seriously had to question, "Wow, is he running resin through his Harley? What an IDEA!"
It would only make sense being that they are famous for oil leaks.


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