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1Toke's DIY Tinkerer's lounge


Great pics 1toke. The swtwreck looks like a success. Thats crazy how fast its flowering. Nice job dude. Peace and *bong* :friends:



My homie? howzit lookin great over this way mang.. I love the cappucino as stated in a previous thread. i had 2 a lemon and a fuel smell. All the others puffs you sporting are looking fabuloso.. be back soon peace...



hilljack said:
that sweetwreck is looking nice too

i cant remember

is that your own cross?

Yeah, had a male swt#3 pop and the wreck mom was still in flower. Got 2 beans, both germed and one I gifted faded fast. This one looked sickly and weird - I just let it go rather than bin it. The action didn't start until she was flipped. Wreck structure with dense nugs at each branch node, like a flowering bush with blossums on the canopy. Prolly gonna kick myself fer not gettin cuts. Go figure. Well, the mom revegged nice so may take branch or two and reveg them. Just don't want it mixed with the true wreck, need to keep pristine moms without diluting genetics.

This one was a fluke, but hell who knows. We'll see soon enough as fast as she's growin.

Heya Mr GreenJeans, thanks fer the kind words bro, think I'm gettin her dialed in. :chin: Good to see ya stop by.

Dev, what can I say. Yer capp was saved and the clones all have normal growth, we got ourselves a couple nice moms. Next time yer over grab cuts off my moms - plenty to go around and now mentoring - he will need some too. :woohoo:

Hey Sacko, great to see ya bro. The clones are looking fantastic, but shit is a PM magnet - misted with 10% milk and haven't seen any flare ups. All ventilation is on high 24/7 and with colder weather the furnace will take the RH back down. Pullin all plants and bleaching all cabinets and the main flower closet. The combination should kick its' ass, thank god fer winter temps.

Should I be rinsing after mistin milk, or is it supposed to dry waxy on the leaf. I haven't rinsed, and noticed that when dry it rinses off easy (just gotta remember to rinse before chop!) not that it matters as long as it works.


Leave this place better then when i arrived
Hey Toke, hows it going man. I didnt know swt #3 took more then 8 weeks, why dont some people call it a commercial strain if it takes so long. When i saw cappucinno i thought the strain tasted like cappucinno never heard of that 1 :O Take it easy bro.


:wave: Heya T - good to see ya, I hear others say Swt#3 finishes at 55-70 days. My last run was about the same, it's good toke at 55 - but I don't drive 55! I go by milky/amber trichs on the dopescope. And I'm not the greatest at takin notes, I've been known to miss a date here and there. :bat:

ATM I suspect either a light or ballast weakening, it's developed a hum that was never there before and shit seems to be takin longer. But I work under the lights all the time so can't notice huge difference in intensity. At any rate, got replacement parts ordered and a fresh bulb for the trainwreck run.

My Trainwreck stash is almost gone (showing off too much methinks) so gonna hafta dedicate a run to Wreck and hunt for a replacement mom off her cuts - thanks friends for an ECSD and Swt#3 harvest to tide us over. Do love that ECSD, can't say enough about the amazing taste and potency. A must have keeper for any grow. She takes her honorable place in my lineup, alongside the Arcata cut, Spice of Life's Swt#3, and of course my lovely SAGE. Cappucinno is makin a good showing so far, we'll hold judgement on that one. Have yet to chop & taste DSD v.2, Skush, Grape Kush, SSSDH, Deepwreck and AK47 and choose moms & keepers.

The bean fairy dropped off 2 packs in today's post - at long last a backup stash of Swt#3, and lordy look at this - a pack of MOD freebies! Godbud x Dreamweaver sounds like fun! Should get some amazin pics of that one. Thanks from the heart, bro.

:respect: :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect: :respect:

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The Tri Guy
Damn 1Toke, you have no idea how long it just took me to wait for all those pics to download on dial up. Worth it though. That Cappucinno looks so frosty for 20 days.


:wave: mushupork5 :wave:

Thanks, but I just care for 'em! :pointlaug

They pay me well! Things are startin to get interrestin now, update comin up soon.

GMt -sorry bro, thought I put in a dial-up disclaimer. I have a hard time choosin pics so just toss them all up! :yoinks:

See ya in chat. :woohoo:
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:wave: ROFL :wave:

Okay, as promised - this weeks' update. Special note on the sweet wreck, each nug seems to be shooting out 5-6 colas in a star pattern. Weirdest growin plant I ever saw.

Enough yappin, on with the pics.



Leave this place better then when i arrived
Looks very nice man, uve satisfied my cravings :p I dont understand what your saying about the sweet wreck's growth though. Some of the pics looks like its fox tailing


:wave: The main stalk branches out like trainwreck, at each branch elbow a swt nug fattens up but covered in trichs and wreck color. No buds at nodes spiraling up the stalk - just at the branch elbows. Weird thing is now each nug is sprouting multiple new cola tips out of the original nug. You can see the star pattern in the lighter new growth around the center of each nug..

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