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1st timer. 250W metal halide closet...any tips?


a few new develoments::

1. WOW. thats all i can say to the foxfarm grow big. what a difference. its like i shot adreneline into them or something. they seem fuller, lusher, brighter.

2. ive learned alot in the past couple of weeks. for example.....when i first decided to LST i just bent the plants over without really knowing what to look for (i definitely started when they were too small, by the way). now that theyve grown bigger ive discovered that the best way to LST is to just listen to the plants. they are basically telling me what they want me to do. whenever i see a strong shoot.....one that you can just tell wants to be a top.....i focus my efforts on giving it what it wants. a couple of the plants are starting to look real bushy now. there is nothing sweeter than seeing multiple, bright green tops on a plant.

ALL 5. look how full the leaves look on the one on the bottom right

4 visible tops from using LST training.

a little bit closer



Lookin good noob33,

I figured I'd mention that not all plants show pre-flowers before flowering, so don't get upset if you don't see any. My current grow had 3 plants show pre-flowers and the rest showed nothing until 12/12.


preflowers, preflowers, and more preflowers

preflowers, preflowers, and more preflowers

ok...so heres the deal. i noticed some small growth by the nodes (which i could barely see with my naked eye). so i grabbed my 800X zoom video camera and went in for a closer look. what i noticed were small, tear drop shaped preflowers on 4 of the 5 plants. they just look like teardrops. there arent any hairs shooting out and they dont look like clubs either. maybe this is because they are still very tiny and very new. i dont know. maybe some of you pros could shed some light on the situation. i DID search....for hours it seemed like....but i couldnt withdraw any conclusions fom what i read. searching is almost like a wild goose chase sometimes. i would post pics, but i dont have a camera that can take pictures that close.

growing trees is very stressfull. please....let me have at least one female. with my luck, all 5 will be males

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
sounds like the start of preflowers, you should see something or the other soon enough

It is a very stressful time, but once sex is shown, it is all good times from there


so i went in for another look after i left my last post. im happy to say that i have one confirmed female. i clearly saw the 2 hairs protruding from the tear drop thing. theyre small, but theyre definitely there


noob33, glad to read that your are learning a lot! that why this site is so amazing. Anyways your plants look great and i am happy to hear you using foxfarm products rather than the home depot stuff, that was the best decision of your grow so far. Right now is a fun time because you will be determining sex, after that the fun begins. Don't be disappointed you got a male because it happens, just must sure you separate them as soon as you can tell which sex they are. I am gonna keep on eye on whats to come. Nice job Noob33


i confirmed the male this morning. and unfortunately, i had to destroy him. its a shame because he was very strong and dense. but from what i am reading, the stronger ones tend to be males. anyway, i took this opportunity as a chance to learn. so before i tossed him, i examined his root system and the soil he was in. the roots looked great, the soil was in excellent shape. if anything, this gave me the confirmation i was looking for.....which is that i have everything pretty much under control.

so thanks for tuning in Dr. Dog, Gratephul, Zeus, Queso and anyone else i have forgotten. i hope you all stay with me for the duration as your advice and input have been greatly appreciated.


looks like i have another male. and its very possible the other 2 are males also, but its a little too early to tell. if you put a gun to my head id have to say that theyre all males besides the one. bummer



keep your head up man, it may be to early to tell. But if you do only have one female than that is something to look forwards to. You need to now research on taking clones now or how to get the most yield out of your one plant. If you stop giving your plant or plants TLC you won't learn how to get quality bud. Just do some research and trust me everything will be fine



quick question. i need a little help. look at the above pictures of the one female i have. notice how the top growth has that "rams horn" effect? what could this be from? ive read it could be the start of root rot, overwatering, too much nitrogen, a deficiency in cal or mag. i should probably point out that this is the only plant where this is occurring. of course all of the would be males are looking phenominal.

im getting nervous about this though. i cant have root rot. this is my only female(assuming that all of the rest are males as i suspect). if she goes sour, then the entire operation would be for nothing. i need to smoke. HEEELLLLPP!!!!!


so.....my plant started drooping badly after i left the previous post. i posted pics in the infirmary and got some assistance from mynamestitch. he said they looked badly underwatered and slightly deficient in Mg.

i dont know where i went wrong here. one thing that seemed a constant throughout everything ive read is that you DONT want to overwater. so i played it safe and watered once every 3-4 days (reminder: plant is in an 8 inch pot).

anyway, i took stitch's advice and watered very thoroughly wednesday night(2 days ago). today i picked up some epsom salt and watered again. we'll see.

here are the before and after pics

wednesday night

thursday afternoon

thursday afternoon

fellas......dr dog, gratephul, queso....i need you guys.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
OK I think the issue firstly, stop watering on timed days, you have to learn to feel when the plants need water, so after you feed them, lift the pot, remember that feeling, becuase everyday you are going to go in and lift that pot

You will know when it needs water, they look a bit droopy, but lets see what they look like in about 2 days


Registered Medical Patient
yea, what he said^^^^^^^dont worry dude, weed is a very resilient plant, theyll be fine!!!Ur gettin good advice here, take it all in, and ull be a bettergrower in the end!!Peace, and keep it green...

- Z


so i think i might be rootbound. i think this is the cause of the slow growth and droopiness. i did a test before and pulled the males from their pots. what i noticed was a tight circle of roots around the bottom of the soil. this attern was consistent on three males. i havent touched the female but i can only conclude tht she looks the same. should i transplant today? if so, what do i do about the tight roots? leave them alone?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
root bound? I doubt that with those big pots and such young plants

To be completely honest with you, your plants look over watered, just let teh soil dry out for a day or two, and the pots feel light when you lift them, then water, give me an update on Monday, I am off work and should be around here most of the afternoon

I will have something to compare it by


High noob33 :rasta:

You have been getting some good advice and the best of all given has been CHILL

She will come around i always have this trouble and they always grow out of it.

Don't transplant now and never transplant when a plant is unhealthy, unless you are 100% sure it's rootbound.

With LST to start just try to spread them out until she is showing healthy growth

That girl is far from rootbound it will support much more vegitation than that.

Your prob with watering can be because the clay pot is sucking up most of the water i really don't like to grow weed in clay pots.

You should water that plant with 1 liter of water with a proper sized dish under the pot, watering it slowly and evenly from the top get it all soaked with the first half or liter and then wait a minute and evenly pour the rest, letting that sit for 10 min then dump out the water in the tray and don't water until the weight tells you their is no water left.

Then water in the same manner as you use a bigger pot you will need more water but always measure.

I also like to give her water then food every other watering, yours don't look like they have nute def.

I had 1 that looked like this 2 weeks ago

Now she looks like this and I think she is in the same size pot or smaller than yours.

You have good things to look forward too but it takes time :rasta:

Peace :rasta:


thanks everyone. im just very confused now. everything was going well.....then she started drooping. since then ive been told she is underwatered...and now im told she is overwatered. i dont know what to think anymore. all i know is that ive been watering the same way since the beginning...about 5.5 weeks now...and this problem only started a week or so ago. she hasnt been growing at all lately...shes droopy...i cant help very pessimistic right now. i mean, ive seen plants alot worse off than mine that have come around. i just dont want whatever this problem is to get to a point where its too late to fix it.

one other question.... its normal for roots to spin themselves around the inside of the bottom of the pot?


i just reread my last post and noticed that my "thank you" at the beginning of the message might be percieved as being sarcastic. but its not. i was thanking you all for chiming in. i didnt want anyone to get the wrong idea, which is why i am leaving this message.