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1st time ebb and flow DIY with blueberry, blue cheese and hindu skunk



lol i know. its getting packed in there! im defoliating the big fans every few days and they dont seem to mind too much. i just wanna make sure all the bud sites are getting as much sun as possible. ive seen the people who go all out in their defoliating and it kind of scares me to try so i'll just do it as i need it


Active member
to saran-
algae robs the water and medium of oxygen. im not sure if its enough to warrant panic or really slow things down but i like oxygen and so do my plants lol

In an ebb & flow you'll never have to worry about root aeration as long as the flood trays drain . In an ebb & flow the aeration of the nutrient solution is a non point because aeration takes place at the root level once the solution drains . I think a lot of folks do not get the role air plays and how . Sometimes I get a kick out of growers hating rockwool cause its too wet,, stick your hand in a bucket of bubbling water and tell me how wet it is . I think more than a few hydro folks would benefit from reading an aquarium book, to help put the aeration thing into perspective .


i guess that makes sense saran. there should be so much O2 in there that a little algae wont hurt. i made the trip to pick up supplies today! i got a brand new carbon filter to replace my old shitty one and i bought some advanced nutrients BIG BUD which im pretty excited about. i'll throw it in the res when i get home and set up the filter and take some pics. i was gonna pick up some new clones at my new favorite spot, but sadly i have no room so im gonna run the two cuts i have and see which i like better.


i vegged them waaaay too long for that space lol. im picking up a clonebox tomorrow so i will double my space and be able to air cool my lights. i will also be picking up some new clones tomorrow. i like the way all my strains are growing so its going to be a tough decision on the genes.


the ladies have a new home and its looking pretty freakin sweet in there. 2X4 tent with the new phresh filter and the air cooled hood on a 2X4 table with a 25 gal res. im flooding once a day now instead of every other because of how fast they are growing.


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thanks. i feel like ive doubled my productivity because they all get even light now. i should have much better results in their new home. im thinking of throwing my 400w ceramic metal halide in their as well for the last month of flowering for some extra boost in PAR. Plus the UVB from the CMH will make the ladies more potent :)

once this run is over im gonna focus on one strain for a while. i will pick the best performer of the three. the blue cheese is a real monster. she's really kicking ass right now in the size dept. the hindu skunk has some very good branching going on and by the looks of it im gonna have four or five really nice main buds. the blueberry are just nice all over. very uniform in size and structure and the smell is already mouthwatering.


switched fans from an inline 6 to an active air 4" because of noise issues. even with a duct muffler on it the noise from the fan itself was pretty loud since its right next to the bed lol. the 4" cools the single 400 just fine even through my big ass carbon filter. i dont even need the duct muffler and its about half as loud and temps are only 1-2 degrees warmer but still well within good range. im almost finished up with the big bud cycle and things are filling out nicely. im gonna take some nice pics with a real camera tomorrow night after i charge the cam. no more phone pics lol


here are some more phone pics. i keep forgetting to get the camera out of my car and charge it. it will happen some day.... but for now...

the burns on the tips are from the Ph shifting and i didnt catch it quite fast enough. i check it pretty often now even though it seems to stay right around 6 for the most part


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stopped being lazy and found my camera charger. got some better pics. on day 29 of ~56 days so about half way done. looking good so far. ive stopped the big bud and im just running straight sensi bloom.


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Very nice work my friend. I just feel like i should say that i just got done with some hindu skunk and it was harsh but burned forever and definitely had amazing fx. Good choice. Im also partial to cheese except for when i have to work in the morning as cheese tends to make alarm clocks completely useless lol. Btw I recently went from soil to a setup very similar to yours and have also loved it. Keep up working good now at what good working now good now working.


the guy at the clone place(which was amazing btw) said that it did really well outdoors and he wasnt too impressed with it indoors as much as he was outdoors but i did it anyway because i heard good reviews about it when i lived up in the bay area. it was one of the main strains at blue sky for a bit so i did it just to bring back memories.

for as much bad shit ive heard about advanced nutrients i am really liking it thus far. i dont have a single complaint as of yet. people say the price is high, but the sensi isnt all that high compared to other 2 parts. i was thinking about changing to something else but im really conflicted at the moment.. with my setup i dont really veg too long. these only went 9 days before i flipped em. i think i could veg using flower nutes with no ill effect and cut out one more thing i have to get. their additives are sometimes very expensive and sometimes redundant. all i can say is try it and see what works for you. for me im just doing sensi bloom and big bud powder. next run i will add some great white and thats about it. i wanna keep it simple and effective.
I went with the simplest method possible and just got a big bottle of GH Flora Nova Bloom. General organics makes this great little box thats 50 bucks and has an 8 part line in relatively small bottles that work amazing when paired with the Bloom. I've also never burned with the organic additives as well. Too each his own though do what works for you, and dont believe it when some idiot tells you this "special formula" will give you 100% larger yields and double the potency. For the most part all the better brands of nutes pretty much accomplish the same thing.


i know lol. i was like a little kid when reading all the wonderful advertising from AN. though i dont fully believe all the numbers they claim, i do know that i have had very good results so far and they seem to be doing better than my PBP was doing but then again i was having issues with my hanna 3 way. thats the whole reason i switched is because of the Ph easiness. i check mine but rarely need to adjust it. it just chills right at 5.8-6
Do you use RO water or tap? Im just curious because for the most part my GH Floranova requires about 10 drops of pH down added to a 20 gallon res (brings it from 5.8 to 5.65ish to 5.70) and sometimes not even that. Its pretty good about pH as well im just wondering if i can attribute this to getting lucky with my tap water or whether these nutes (AN and GH) compensate for the use of tap water.


i use RO. i have to. my tap is close to 1000 ppm lol. no that is not a typo.

i guess i had turned my pumps off somehow and my plant closest to the light was burnt pretty good on the fans. the bud is fine but the fans are fried about halfway. i watered the shit out of them and they perked up nice but im wondering if i should remove the ugly fans or just leave em be.
Holy hell! 1000ppm? I hope you dont drink that!?!?!? I dont think i've ever even seen water that hard. On the worst day my ppm is about 120 to 150 from the tap. At my shower cold side only its usually about 25 to 50. Guess its good you got RO then lol because that would definitely cause major problems. is your pH high as hell too off the tap?


the ph is ok actually. the water here is nasty and tastes/smells like shit. not really good for anything. i had to drink some a lil while back because i got so high i was afraid to go down the stairs to my water cooler lol. it was horrible.


im having some issues with rust fungus. from what ive read its somewhat rare.... lucky me i guess. i read that some strains are more succeptable than others and cheese strains are especially intolerant to it. my blue cheese is toast! i think im gonna have to chop it at day 36 lol. the hindu skunk is starting to get it a little bit now and one of the blueberries. im spraying them down with diluted h202 to try and keep it at bay for now. we will see what happens i guess. i guess next round im going all blueberry since it seems to be the most resilient