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1st Grow_10 Double Gum's_CFL's_450w_Rubbermaid


Purple Monster

I am just going to be straight forward with you, so please don't take offense.

450w's in that space is huge overkill, you're spending unnecessary money on more powerful fans, parts, countless other accessories that you just don't need. You could have cut the wattage in half, used smaller fans, saved tons of money, and still achieved the exact same yield. But you will find out soon for yourself. I am not knocking your design or your grow, you will not yield anymore than you would with 4-5 42w CFL bulbs in the same exact tub. Again this comes from experience, not trying to be an arrogant jerk, just telling you how it will go.

Again, I am just trying to give you some realistic advice. I hope you prove me wrong.


I am just going to be straight forward with you, so please don't take offense.

450w's in that space is huge overkill, you're spending unnecessary money on more powerful fans, parts, countless other accessories that you just don't need. You could have cut the wattage in half, used smaller fans, saved tons of money, and still achieved the exact same yield. But you will find out soon for yourself. I am not knocking your design or your grow, you will not yield anymore than you would with 4-5 42w CFL bulbs in the same exact tub. Again this comes from experience, not trying to be an arrogant jerk, just telling you how it will go.

Again, I am just trying to give you some realistic advice. I hope you prove me wrong.

I really appreciate it man thanks for you advise, i know it's all overkill but i was super stoked and went crazy lol. It's too late to turn back now and since i already have it going and no heat problem i might as well roll with it. again thanks and feel free to stop by and give 2 more cents anytime =)


Active member
nice thread, i like how you detailed your entire buildup with pictures and shit. makes me miss the old days, all people wanna show off these days are pictures of their weed and just skip over the cabinet details.


A friendly tip on pH

A friendly tip on pH

The first two sections are for hydroponic growing. The 2nd two sections are for SOIL growing

The chart shows how you need some pH fluctuation for the plant to eat or absorb all of the nutrients.

Consequently it is good and normal for the pH to go up and down to some degree so that all the nutrients are used.


A Friendly Tip On ODOR CONTROL

A Friendly Tip On ODOR CONTROL

*Credit for this goes out to someone named Tulip somewhere on the internet.*


I did not invent or create this Odor Bucket. I found it for sale on the Internet for $139.00 plus shipping. So I built my own!

Pot is going to stink and stink very stong too. Even in a cabinet or a closet behind closed doors, the smell or odor will spread all over the entire house. I have smelled my grow when I was outdoors, from inside the spare bed room closet.

I do not grow with HID lights, I use CFLS and for that reason, I do not need to VENT the HEAT. And also, for that reason, I do not use a Carbon Odor Filter Scrubber. I do believe a Carbon Odor Filter Scrubber is best, but it will cost more than my DIY BUCKET.

The pics tell the story, bit I start with lots of holes. My bucket and lid cost $5.00 from Walley World.



I did the square holes with an electric Dremel Cutter, but a razor knife or heated knife blade will do the trick.

I use ONA and prefer the fresh Linen Scent. I have used Febreeze too and it works OK, but not as good and does not last as long. You can also use Pine Sol, but Pine Sol masks the odor, or covers it up. ONA really neutralizes it and eliminates it. And avoid the cheap ONA imitations, they do not work!



Either a 9 or 10 inch round fan (aka muffin fan) is used. They are only $8.95 from Walmart, and Lowes has them during the Winter Time.


The 9 or 10 inch fan fits perfectly into the top of the bucket. If you use a smaller fan, I suggest you install it into the lid.


I could have easily removed the stand from the fan, but it worked well with it, so I left it attached.


The fan pulls the air and odor from the room into the bucket, and pushes it into the ONA Gel and water placed in the bottom of the bucket. The air escapes from the holes, but without the odor.

I have tried cheap and expensive Ionizers, carbon filters, electric Febreeze filters, and they do not work well at all.
I have tried charcoal and I have tried cheap smelly substitutes, but the ONA really, really works. I sometimes use the solid blocks but I like the chunks in liquid or the GEL best. I just add a little, like 1/6 of the big jar, and it lasts for weeks. I can dildute it with water or cat liter, to make it last even longer.

I 've seen a computer fan on a 3 gallon bucket, but a 5 gallon bucket without the lid is only $4.

AND, with 6 inches of water added in the bottom of the bucket to make the GEL last longer, it increases the humdiity too.

I would not recommend or suggest this, if it did not work and work very good too. I have seen many other growers duplicate it and eveyone says it works GREAT!

-Here you see my growing buddy's Odor Bucket in his grow room. His name is Olias!


He said:

Bucket I found around the house 0$ cost!
8" Desk Top Fan WalMart fits perfectly using the bucket handel to lock it down I think it was 9.99$
ONA Gel Block $6.95




Day 27

Day 27

-Lowered the pots to enchourage some stretch
-More LST’ing
-Started Nutes
-Getting pretty cold temps during lights off recently, it got pretty cold outside, plants seem uneffected so far.

Pic update - *trying them with photobucket to see if the images retain better quality.







-EDIT- Eh.... I'll go back to thumbnails so the thread don't get flooded with bandwidth or whatever-


I use that same lasko blower from walmart, works perfect for me as well. Wish I had seen your tear apart before I installed mine. I just bought a 6in elbow from lowes and taped it to the side of the blower. Works just fine. Will have to look into drilling those extra holes to cool the motor more though. Nice work.


Day 30!

Day 30!

Hey all, I have a few questions and could use some input/advise

-I cant believe it’s been 30 days, a whole month. It definitely don't feel like it’s been that long.
-No major changes have occurred, no substantial growth (other then stems thickening), no signs that I need nutes yet... although, the retard/runt is developing interestingly
-Perhaps I should start feeding them a little bit and see how they react?
-Maybe the FFOF nutes haven't been used up yet?

-Perhaps It's time to transplant into bigger containers in order for them to grow more?

P.S, i think I'm gonna build a small cloning/flower Rubbermaid to take clones of the current plants n see which ones are female... in doing so, will it work without cloning gel? I imagine it will be rather hard to scavenge at this time of year. If absolutely necessary I have no problem waiting a week for online ordering. Then, after finding out the sex, i can murder the males and veg the females (assuming i get one!) to take up the space?

Thanks in advance for your knowledge and experience =)

well the tweens were looking sluggish and thirsty, i lifted a pot and it was light as feather so it's official....Day 30 started nutes...... 1/4 recommended "Grow Big". I had already been doing foliage spraying with 1/4 "Big Bloom". I enjoy foliage spraying and do it often, plus helps with humidity and they seem to love it. Though, of course I will stop at the appropriate flower time.


Hey the girls are looking great!

If you use peat pellets there's really no need to use a rooting hormone....That's how I do it and I never use hormones and still get near 100% every time. I cut the stems at a 45 deg angle and scrape all around the stem that is going into the peat with the scissors peeling off the first layer of "skin" :good:

The key in IMHO is to keep them warm and pack around the base of the stem tight; at least over 70 at all times 75 is better

I've also used bubble cloners without hormone and did very well also. I can't speak for other methods though...

Hope this helps,
:joint: Chomp


Active member
high sman, looks like you're having some fun, and you could do a lot worse than emulating red's work, he's a very handy guy.

anyway, that odor control bucket has been around for quite a while with a few small variations, for example i don't use the ONA block preferring instead the ONA liquid, diluted to a 10 to 1 ratio, water to ONA, and poured over about a pound of soil moist crystals.

here's a couple pics to illustrate. ...here you can see the crystals being dumped into the bucket. ...note also that this bucket has many fewer holes.

ONA liquid

fully assembled.

also, if you are considering learning how to clone there are many methods and if you do a search for 'FreezerBoy', he's compiled a list of all the best cloning threads and linked them all in a single thread.

that being said, i have tried several methods and most have worked, after a fashion, with the most reliable being a bubble cloner that i used with good results for more than a year when a friend pointed me at a more passive approach that, once i tried it, turned out to be the shit and i've been using that method for almost 2 years now.

anyway, here's a couple pics, first of my bubbler so you can see what i used so successfully.

and here's a couple of what i'm using now and if you look at the link in my sig you'll see i was so committed to this method i built a clone-cab around 4 of them, lol.


anyway, if you check that link in my sig you'll find a link to the thread where i learned this method in the first posting.

peace, and stay safe, SOG


Looks like you got a good start on gowing. I like the ona bucket. I use a carbon bed scrubber myself. Almost my entire set up is DIY too. ( cuz ima cheap bastard)

Keep it green ( up till the last 2 weeks of course)


Thanks very much someotherguy! I'm going to get the cloner you recommended tomorrow. and thanks for the odor bucket variation but Since I already have the the ONA Gel ill try your method next run, as for the holes, i can just plug some of the holes with tape or something but I must admit i don't really have any problem with the way it is now.

=) thank you


sman, glad I stumbled upon this in my search for Ona bucket set ups. I'm also running White Label's Doublegum. Interestingly enough, 4 of my 9 [1 fell down the drain lol] only popped. I was lucky enough to have all 4 be females. I'm in my last week of veg before I flip.

I topped & LST'd one that seemed bushy, it responded well. I LST'd another to control it's stretch, but left it untopped. The two others I also left untopped. I usually do top all my plants, but I'd like to see how it yields with each set up.

My Doublegum also stink slightly during veg, but I have a carbon scrubber for my veg box & flower box. Only notice when I stick my nose on them. I was just looking for that little extra something for odor control because pot & growing makes me very, very paranoid.

BTW, I also got BS2.2--popped 5. 3 Male, 1 Female, 1 waiting to flip cause it hasn't lifted it's dress or dropped it's pants.

Cheers, mate--I'm subscribed


thanks goldenahms, sounds pretty much the same lol i just hope my 4 turn female like yours did hahaha. Also, do you have a "grow diary" or somethin i can check out? I'm going to flip after i clone and sex, by that time my teens should be ready for the flip.


Active member
yeah man, sorry if my last post seemed critical, that wasn't my intent. ...in truth, those pics i posted for the odor bucket aren't pics of MY odor bucket, just the one i learned from, MINE is actually a white trash bucket that just so happened to fit the fan i had just picked out at Walmart.

my point really was that you don't need so many holes, what you need is um-impeded air-flow, ...you also want to make the whole bucket assembly look as unobtrusive as possible so it kind of hides in plain site, as it were. ...so, my post was for your future reference and for those who might be reading your thread, lol, in case THEIR bucket wasn't built yet.

btw, here is the link to FreezerBoy's list of cloning threads and the link to my preferred method and i post FreezerBoy's first because his thread links to ALL of the BEST of the different methods, including my preferred method, meaning that there may be 50 threads on a particular method and now you don't have to weed through all 50 for each method, now you can just see the best of them.

CLONERS- a collection of various methods

World class cloner new at walmart

anyway, i wish you much success and if i think i can help i'll be glad to do so. ...but try and understand that i am only another stoner like you, i'm just further along on the road is all, so don't do ANYTHING just because i or anyone else recommends it, make yourself do as much research as you can stomach because the more effort you put into this, the greater your returns will be. ...so read that thread to my cloning method but also check out FreezerBoy's thread too, and some of the threads he links to, ...remember that the more you KNOW, the more you ARE.

peace, and stay safe, SOG

Thanks very much someotherguy! I'm going to get the cloner you recommended tomorrow. and thanks for the odor bucket variation but Since I already have the the ONA Gel ill try your method next run, as for the holes, i can just plug some of the holes with tape or something but I must admit i don't really have any problem with the way it is now.

=) thank you


hey someotherguy, i was wondering if you know if your current clone method would also be suitable for starting seeds?


Active member
hey someotherguy, i was wondering if you know if your current clone method would also be suitable for starting seeds?
i've read in the thread that some have done it with success but i worry you won't be able to remove the seedlings without killing them, ...they are fragile at that stage of life and removing clones from the individual cells can be difficult, which is why i use a ram to push them out rather than just pulling them out.

no, i do my seeds the old fashioned way, in a damp paper towel in a sealed container then, when i see the tap-root i carefully transplant into a small cup and just below the surface of the dirt.

peace, SOG