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1st cab grow log, 3xLowRyder2 + 2xWhiteRussianAuto


WOW, really nice developement :watchplant: They look super sweet and super fat! :canabis:

I hope my girls will turn out like this too! :)


Day 70, LR2 harvest

Day 70, LR2 harvest

Day 70 and its harvest time :jump: LR2 #2 got the chop today and i will chop #3 tomorrow. trics were looking around 30% amber. Buds are now hanging up to dry :dance013:

wet weight of entire plant

trimmed weght wet

heres LR2 #3


Day 71 harvest

Day 71 harvest

Day 71, and time to harvest LR2 #3! Tried REALLY taking my time trimming this one and tried to keep it all in tact, took me literally hours haha!

Whole plant


Lighting switched to 12/12 so hopefully in a week the WR will be flowering, finally yay!


#2 Final weight & smoke report

#2 Final weight & smoke report

Well #2 is now dry and curing in a jar :) the final weight of all buds minus a little bud i sampled was 4.2g. The smell is very sweet and floral, no more skunky smell anymore. Smoke is very smooth and sweet, i've never tasted such 'full' tasting weed before. The high is great, doesn't take much and i feel like i am floating, its not easy to concentrate and it is doing a good job on the pain. Very relaxing weed, still a litttle bit of the energy hit initially, but its drowned out by the floating/relaxation. I slept very well :D

will post pics later, about to head out on the town!


New member
so im back on the market for another good LED unit, been snooping around different forums and trying to compare different LED's and even HID's (cos after this experience i'm not going near a ebay UFO again), and after a bunch of research so far i like the GrowLedHydro 120w unit, think it will fit my space well and provide plenty of light for my little space with minimal heat, i might even be able to take out 1 set of fluros and reduce the energy use and if the temps are low enough reduce my fan speeds (its LOUD atm).

What did you decide on the LED? The GrowLedHydro lights look pretty good but I'm trying to find out more info about them. Actual experience, etc. I have heard good about LumiGrow and bad about HydroGrowLed so I'm trying to find something in the middle (cheaper than LumiGrow but still good quality).


hey i have decided on a LED just saving up the cash for it now, did a buttload of reading and forum surfing and in the end after watching a few side by side LED grow comparisons the GLH lights seem to be the best

from what i have seen, pretty much all the diff brands will veg like a champ, its the flowering of the plants that brings the problems with LED's. Most lights just dont have the right spectrum to grow buds, and they end up with poor results. From the grows i have seen with the GLH lights the buds are always beautiful and fat. That was one of the reasons i decided to go with their lights, just seems to flower the plants better than anything else i've seen, so far.

also from what i read be careful tho when buying do NOT buy from a place called LGH ledgrowhydro, scams galore.

i dont think i am allowed to post links to other forums here but if u google search LED grow led hydro vs you will find the forum where there is a few LED test grows. They did very good comparison tests between diff brands of LED's and the GLH always came out on top.


LR2 #3 Final weight

LR2 #3 Final weight

final weight for #3 was 4.3g. I haven't sampled a smoke yet but there is not a much smell compared with #2 and she is still has a little bit of that skunky smell along with a twang of fruity. Will let her cure for a bit longer (ie when #2 runs out) before i have a taste.


First 10G's, not bad :p Where I live, you must come up with 20euros for G( If you buy it from the streets, and usually, you still get like 0.7-0.8) 10G's=saved 200 euros, and i can bet, that the quality of your buds is 10 times better that you get here from streets :)
And also, all the fun when growing, no money can buy that!
But if you have friend who grows, you can get good buds with reasonable cost.

Ps: How are the other ladys doin? pictures, pictures!!! :p


thanks infinity! i am pretty happy with how things turned out with these 3 girls even tho the LED crapped out so early on and left them with a lot less light then intended, but i still think i learned a lot and at least now i have some good smoke and a benchmark to overcome :D

also some very GREAT news, i got some extra $$$ from CNY (woot woot) so i just placed my order for my brand spankin' new spectra 120w LED. hopefully will get here in 2 weeks. i think things will really get a lot better once i get a better light!


large member
ICMag Donor
I think you should give yourself a pat on the back :)

Every grow can be a learning curve, no matter how many you've done. and unpredictable things can happen.

Anyway stick around here and keep it up, you will have your setup dialled in before you know it and be getting some decent hauls o' bud


hey sorry for the lack of updates! my new 120w spectra LED arrived yesterday :D so now instead of the fluros the girls are getting LED lighting again. i have removed 1 set (4x18w) of fluros from the grow, and am only planning on using the remaining fluro when the weather is cool (middle of summer atm) so the girls will be getting primary light from the LED and some supplemental fluro side lighting when the weather permits.

Things have been going good since the last updates, the 2 reminaing WR's are flowering nicely and stopped their stretch about a week ago and are starting to put on more weight. I have a 2 afghan kush ryder and 1 kannabia? smile plants in the grow with them being grown 12/12 from seed. the AKR showed sex a few days ago and look good. Smile was planted a week afterward and is doing good also. Will post some pictures later!


Auto WR Day 30 Flowering

Auto WR Day 30 Flowering

Hey again, sorry but i'm finally back with some pics! been super busy at work and working 7days a week; just haven't been bothered taking new pics and uploading them :spank: lazy lazy!

anyways heres some pics of the auto white russians, at day 30 of 12/12 since they didn't auto. The new 120w spectra LED is up and running now along with 78w of fluro lights when weather allows. The plants are doing good but just starting to show a N def. Watered with lots of worm juice so hopefully they'll perk up again.



Any idea's on a ballpark figure on harvest time? 3 more weeks or so? i have no idea! haven't bothered checking the trics yet as i figure they can't be anywhere near done.

The smell from the plants is really sweet and fruity, nothing like the stanky from the LR2's, i think i will really enjoy the taste of this bud when its done.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Here's the old rule of thumb... when you think its time to harvest, wait a week. Otherwise I would think that bud is looking for a minimum 8 weeks of flowering...most plants run 8-11 weeks budding. More indica plants are on the shorter end of that time period.

Plants look nice! Good work. That N def is slight,, I would stay steady at the wheel captain. Just a reminder though that worm castings are a super low N source, great food but not a primary N source. Its a good thing you put some much food in the soil.