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1st Annual High Times Colorado Caregivers Cup!!!


Well-known member
[EDIT 9-18-09]: This event was a very lame disappointment. Save yourself the time and don't read this thread.

Hey, this is great! Colorado is having its first annual Caregivers Cup today; and is being covered by High Times for inclusion in an upcoming issue. It's modeled after the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam as caregivers are asked to bring in a sample and legal patients attending the event will be judging all the samples using an array of vaporizers. There will be trophies for various med qualities and a cup shall be awarded to the best buds; and many pictures will be featured in High Times in a few months. I know I'll see a bunch of you there, so please share your experiences here!

I'm not sure about photography rules at the event, but I'll be bringing my lil point-n-shoot in hopes of covering this event for the community here. Gonna be FUN!!!!


Well-known member
Here is the info:

In conjunction with the One Love, People Get Ready Festival
Featuring reporter Dan Skye of High Times

*Sunday, Sept. 13, 2009*
4:00 pm til 10:00 pm
Oriental Theatre
4335 W 44th Ave
Denver, CO

Have you ever wanted to have your garden featured in High Times? This could
be your once in a lifetime opportunity! Dan Skye of High Times magazine
from New York is coming to Colorado to write a feature story about the
emerging medical cannabis industry in Colorado, the #2 state in the nation
for medical cannabis.

Dan will be covering the Cannabis Health Fair at the University of
Colorado, Boulder on Sept. 12 and interviewing all the sponsors and

Dan also wants to photograph the *best Colorado medicines* for inclusion in
the article.

So, in honor of High Times' visit, Rocky Mountain Caregivers Cooperative is
announcing the first annual *Colorado Cannabis Caregivers' Cup*, a
competition among legal patients and caregivers to see who has cultivated
the "best" medicine. This competition will take place in conjunction with
the "One Love, People Get Ready" entertainment event at the Oriental
Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 13. So, in addition to getting to see some of
Colorado's best medicines, you will get to hear great music, speakers and
meet a lot of other patients and caregivers. Music by: Trick Shot, a local
rockin' blues band, a hip-hop dance troupe and more!

If you are proud of your garden and would like to enter take advantage of
this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get your medicine in High Times,
here are the rules:
1) You must be a legal Colorado patient or caregiver.
2) A $50 donation or equivalent raffle items will be requested for your
entry fee. Even if your pix don't appear in High Times, we will post photos
of all entries on caregiverscup.com
3) You must provide adequate samples of your medicine in a glass jar. All
medicine will be photographed for possible inclusion in High Times, so pick
your most photogenic buds. Medicine will not be returned but will be
donated to needy patients.
4) Entries must be received between 4:00pm and 5:00pm at the Oriental
Theatre on Sept. 13
5) Each medicine jar must have a label which includes:
Name: Cultivator's name as they would like to be credited in High Times,
should their sample win.
Method grown:
Indoor or outdoor:
Elevation grown:
Organic or non-organic:
Medicinal testimonials: What conditions does this strain work well for?

Judging: The judges will be all the legal patients at the event. Each
patient will be given a scorecard. Since different cannabis strains are
used to treat so many different conditions, judging the "best" medicine
would be impossible. Therefore, we will judge the medicine based on
aesthetic properties. Awards will be given in these categories: Most
Photogenic, Best Aroma, Stickiest Bud and the coveted Patient's Choice

Want to table at the event? Send an email to [email protected] to
reserve a spot. We will contact you on Monday, Sept. 7. The cost will be
$75 for tables.

Medicine-dispensing and medicine-combustion will not be allowed at this
event. However, the Rocky Mountain Caregivers Cooperative will have
vaporizers available for legal patients and "pot luck" food contributions
will be donated to share.

Please note: This is not a public event. Access is limited only to legal
patients and caregivers showing positive, affirmative defense as provided
by the Colorado Department of Health Medical Marijuana Registry, as well as
accompanying state-issued photo identification at the door. This is solely
an educational gathering. Absolutely no medication will be dispensed on
site. Rules prohibit any discussion of specific instances of securing
medication with "no drug dealing" allowed in "any way, shape or form"
onsite during this event. We reserve the right to refuse entry to this
private gathering.

This event is sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Caregivers Cooperative.


New member
Will they let my wife in? I can't drive or get around real well and need some one by my side at most times. I am a med patient and she does not smoke. If she can't go neither can I.
Edit: I am also very broke and the gas to drive down to Denver will hurt, is it really a donation to get in?


Well-known member
Sorry HomerJay, from what I read it's for patients only, but I agree many patients may not be able to physically or monetarily afford to get to the event, so they really should allow caretakers to get it. Hopefully next year's rules will be different.

CORRECTION: Just found out non-patient caregivers are allowed in, but unless you have them listed on your mmj card, I don't know how you'll convince the event's bouncers.


Well-known member
Good point Still2big. they're calling this the Caregivers Cup, but only those with an mmj card can get in. Probably the only way they could swing allowing vaporizing to take place at the event. Go Colorado!!!! I hope High Times covers it well. If not, we who are going sure as hell will.


Damn to bad harvest is 2 weeks away.. maybe next year!

i know huh, there is a cup here in nor cal the first weekend of oct. Its like hello!!! dont you know none of the outdoor is really cured and ready till dec or jan

good luck CO

just dont let people confuse medical use recreational use.


This thing is awful short notice. I'm a week out myself. I'm looking foward to meeting a few folks and sampling some of the rockies finest


Since different cannabis strains are
used to treat so many different conditions, judging the "best" medicine
would be impossible. Therefore, we will judge the medicine based on
aesthetic properties.

someone please clear this up for me, will the vaporizing be part of the judging process? :confused:



this sounds very, very interesting to me, I want to go but am always skeptical about a virgin event. Particularly when the 'rules' are unclear.
You would think if only patients and caregivers are allowed, that medicating would be allowed also. Is only vaporizing allowed? I dunno, plus it's the start of NFL today! Hard to pull my ass off the couch today. At least I have until 4PM to decide.......hmmmm

Good vibes, FM


see whats written below i have to retract all previous statements made

pikes peak 69

Active member
I'm staying as far away as I can from that place. Too expensive, wrong image for medical patients and caregivers and the guy pushing this is non other then mr. TT. Enough said.



Active member
This isn't going to be anything like the cup in Amsterdam because all can go there not just oatients this thing sounds lame to me


This isn't going to be anything like the cup in Amsterdam because all can go there not just oatients this thing sounds lame to me

the thread title needs to be changed as the event is not sponsered by high times in any way shape or form, simply going to be a photographer there from high times


Well-known member
High Times is not a sponsor this year, but I bet next year they will be. This event was created in honor of High Times, and it's not just going to be a bunch of photos, it's gonna be a story about the booming Medical Marijuana scene in Colorado. I think it'll be interesting and worth the $50 for the experience.

pikes peak 69

Active member
Some of you guys make High Times sound like a quality rag.LOl
Legal bud sales, tits and more tits. I haven't bought an issue in many years but I doubt they offer anything medical in it.



Well-known member
Agreed, but I believe in the High Times of the late 80's when they used to have balls, and weren't as driven by greed. Thanks to that ole rag, many people I know wouldn't have even found out about marijuana's medicinal benefits until way later. I like to buy an issue here and there if it's one of those special ones with top seed banks, pictures, yearly strains, etc...