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1OZ Shotglass?

I germed my seeds yesterday and put it in a pot put can I Transplant it and put it in a 1oz shotglass? what are the benefits and cons?
Plant it in your final pot. Then you don't have to worry about transplanting it again. Unless your final pot IS a shot glass, ha ha. I saw one guy on the GC forums a few years ago try that, but he didn't finish the grow. It was funny as hell though :)
Im going to try growing in a medicine bottle from start to finish, are there any arcticles about any medicine bottle grows?

I've seen finished grows in 2-3 oz containers. Raisin-bud yield, but nonetheless the plant finished its flowering cycle and produced smokeable bud. But 1 oz...that's a tall order unless you let the roots grow out of the container.
Plant it in your final pot. Then you don't have to worry about transplanting it again. Unless your final pot IS a shot glass, ha ha. I saw one guy on the GC forums a few years ago try that, but he didn't finish the grow. It was funny as hell though :)

I have tried it both ways. I've found that I like it better to pot up incrementally, to let the plant establish a rootball first. They use final space more efficiently this way.
I have tried it both ways. I've found that I like it better to pot up incrementally, to let the plant establish a rootball first. They use final space more efficiently this way.

So you recommend to put holes at the bottom of the pill bottle? Im not going to do it the same way im just going to use the pill bottle as a pot, so what do you recommend? Im not going to use anything bigger (Limited space):peacock:
So you recommend to put holes at the bottom of the pill bottle? Im not going to do it the same way im just going to use the pill bottle as a pot, so what do you recommend? Im not going to use anything bigger (Limited space):peacock:
I'm no expert on that...the smallest I've flowered a plant was in a 12 oz dixie cup. Just passing on info I've seen on other sites. But I've been wanting to start experimenting with tiny containers again, so consider me subbed! I was thinking about asking IC for permission to start a yogurt cup (6 oz) contest. Maybe I'll donate some beans as the prize if they approve.


Active member
Look at this gallery if you dont belive me quote]

I have no doubt that someone with experience growing cannabis can do it successfully as a challenge. I just think there's no way in hell that YOU can do it. You're a high school kid with no grow experience who thinks you can graft mint onto cannabis (?!?) and who wants to grow underneath his bed with no ventilation so his mom won't find out what he's doing (I guess that thread got erased).

These adolescent dope-growing fantasies may be a lot of fun for you, but you're wasting the time of all those who post serious replies. Good luck with your pill-bottle grow with no drainage holes. If you really want to grow, read and find out what a plant requires to live, dude.
I'm no expert on that...the smallest I've flowered a plant was in a 12 oz dixie cup. Just passing on info I've seen on other sites. But I've been wanting to start experimenting with tiny containers again, so consider me subbed! I was thinking about asking IC for permission to start a yogurt cup (6 oz) contest. Maybe I'll donate some beans as the prize if they approve.

Ill accept the beans :)
Look at this gallery if you dont belive me quote]

I have no doubt that someone with experience growing cannabis can do it successfully as a challenge. I just think there's no way in hell that YOU can do it. You're a high school kid with no grow experience who thinks you can graft mint onto cannabis (?!?) and who wants to grow underneath his bed with no ventilation so his mom won't find out what he's doing (I guess that thread got erased).

These adolescent dope-growing fantasies may be a lot of fun for you, but you're wasting the time of all those who post serious replies. Good luck with your pill-bottle grow with no drainage holes. If you really want to grow, read and find out what a plant requires to live, dude.

I have been reading 24/7 dude. Im planning on doing 12/12 I dont have a timer so I will unplug the lights at 7 am and turn it on at 7 pm every day...


Kiss My Ring
batteries for the lights might set you back a bit, but you at least won't have to worry about the smell...

i would love to see that work for you tho. you might consider lowrider for under the bed.


I think you are pretty much gonna have to feel this one out man.

I am sure it is possible. But your are definately gonna need to have alot of skill on your end, not just advice.


I have been reading 24/7 dude. Im planning on doing 12/12 I dont have a timer so I will unplug the lights at 7 am and turn it on at 7 pm every day...

This man is dedicated. This gonna be so high maintenance.

I am a huge believer in timers. I have 4 in my house on all my fish aquariums. I could never keep up a schedule like that.