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A World On A String



I got naked in my outdoor spots a few times this summer. Sunbathing under a huge beech, on a dead trunk of another ancient one... (I found some Anguis fragilis in it -> slow worms says wikipedia... I like to watch all the life in my gardens. Lots of insects... trees growing. It actually amazed me how quickly young trees grow. I've found once a fire salamander and last time on a different spot at night I walked into a wasp nest. Got stung 4 times in my ankle :/)

I like to feel the sun and the air on my skin.
A nighttime swim in the warm river after the digging action also great pleasure. I loved the hot spell in July... My apartment so hot in the evening that you have to run around naked...

I visited my outsourced seedmaking project the other day and was swinging a couple ripe diesel males (the alpha I liked especially). A pollen storm/bath for the girls in the kitchen. The SDiesel girl smells like grapefruit. My favorite fruity smell :) I was surprised how not sweet she smells. I'm used to the fms Grapefruit. This one not sweet and more sour. Looking forward to more of that.

...I like the Diesel lines...I've never grown the clone(s)...but have a friend that grows a solid Sour D (years of the same clone). Personally.....I think most of what I like with the Chems and Diesels...are found in ChemDD....just need to look through them...but I think it's all there. I've run Triesel and F2ed that...they were ok...and I'm sure there are tons of nice plants in there...I'll pop back sometime... through the F2. Flowering Wonder Diesel F2 presently...and have her solidly knocked up into the F3...as I mentioned before I like WD....this one seems to be leaning to the ECSD...but I'm not getting a definite/specific waft aroma yet...the Willy might be throwing a block...time will tell... she is pretty vine like.

...I'm eventually going to do some trail runs naked....way out in the hills where I won't freak anyone out. I told my friend....said he was going to kill some rabbits and make me a loin cloth....run around like Tarzan of the jungle....about as free as you can get I reckon.


....well uncle.....I'm not like one of those uptight dudes....lol....I've been in the ocean many times with nothing on....that feels pretty fast...maybe I run faster lol....the ball slap may make me fly...but I worry about Deer Fly or Horse Fly taking a piece out of the jewels.

I tell you...I ran up a steep single track...goes up a creek drainage...real technical and super rocky (boulder hopping at times)...elevation changes by over a 1000'....just a real gnarly run....but anyway on Tuesday I went for an out and back....pretty much 7 miles or so uphill....then back down the same way....but on rubbery legs (the uphill 7 is bad....but the downhill 7 might be harder)....I crossed the creek a few times....and actually soaked my head and drunk from it....damn sure felt like taking my shorts and gear off to soak and let the cold water run over me. It seemed like the thing to do....but it was a training run....so I didn't take the time. That bastard beat me up for 3hrs....and was trying to run games on me....punishing.

I've got another distance run tomorrow....but I'm going up on top of a mnt....and running the rolling stuff. My feet are doing pretty good in the Vans....even that rocky fucker I did the other day...didn't phase them. But I was pretty worked after that one....I call that trail...."The Proving Grounds".....I was pretty tight afterwards.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
you would love some of my local goat tracks then...some have close to 4000 feet of elevation gain packed into 5 miles or so,as well as some shorter steeper fare where you hardly touch dirt,some great spots for plants if you could get water to them everyday all summer...maybe not such greatspots after all...good places to smoke...


.....sounds brutal.....yup I think about all the places I could put plants....actually scouted an area a few yrs ago....but too much goes on...Border Patrol, hikers,hunters, migrants coming across,.....plus the lack of water....of course where there is water....there are peeps.....just way too much effort....not to mention early frost. Hiking in water....or running lines....no thanks.....just not worth it.


Hell yes....though a few yrs ago...I came across a plantation (around 250 still vegging) on the backside (desert side) of Idlewild....in the most remote/pitched drainage...they had lines running up from a little creek. Amazing....just to get the harvest out would have been extremely difficult. And...it's hot as a bitch out that way. I say...more power to ya brothers...if you want to pull off a harvest that bad...by all means.

Not me....I'm with you on this one uncle...always gets a chuckle out of me....when I hear someone say OD cash cropping is lazy man work....I'd say...mostly not true.....not if you are any good or of any size. You can always tell when those same peeps...haven't spent any serious amount of time in the woods. Them woods is dangerous....and a most difficult place to play. At least the back country where I live....risky shit....not for the meek.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yeah,i go to lots of places its not even a good idea to be high...but i also go to places where i have built benches and done a bit of zenscaping that are perfect for lazing around without being bothered...the best of them have mini parkour courses in the area,mini boulder fields to play in,not for the faint of heart,broken bone country,not to mention the stray rattler,good clean fun,amazing what you can do in sandals


I like that post uncle.....I'm down with desolation....that's what I like about getting out.....for now I still live as a borderline suburbanite....so I'm only a visiter to the outreaches...but they are my back...front...in every direction...from every aspect....yard...it is desolate landscape....much in the way of beauty though....hardened creatures and plants. I really love it....and appreciate it more every day. word word word....it's a damn old ocean bed and reef.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
nature never lets a niche go unfilled,theres always exactly as much life as can be supported...same thing we try to do in our rooms,to create a niche to be filled with that one special form of life....just sometimes we get whiteflies and gnats and mites...like i said,nature hates an empty niche...


Up before the day...

Up before the day...

....That sinking death cold air....has me up to make some indoor adjustments....the rooster down the road...ain't got shit on me.

It's another pollination day....much to get done today....an early start is necessary....put it this way.....there are not enough hours in the day...much going on balancing the schedule to make everything fit.

As I wake up.....I make my plan...garden 1st....

Pollinations are in the Joy Division pool.....and a lap back into Killer Chemdog....one of those recirculating....treading type pollination sessions.

I'll inline another Joy Division subject and then make something I'll be calling "Slither Plant"...and that will be about using the Joy Division pollen and touching a very nice Killer Chemdog F2 I have reserved specifically for this purpose....she was actually selected in veg to mate with the JD....something about her stuck out....but I couldn't tell you exactly what....other than she has a "slithering quality" about the way she grows....she seems kind of wicked...like an evil woman slithering in to drive in her fangs...hence...her name.

Originally I thought this plant to be a male and was going to use it for the Killer Chemdog inline into the F3....but she was sneaky and proved me wrong.....bottom line....I dig her...she is a bad girl.

Again....another example of me hanging out in a gene pool that constantly works for me....fast sativa dominants overlapped on top of each other....but in different ways of recombination. Tickets to ride....the Cindys into the Chems into the Jones....with a slight hand of G13. It works....so I work it....very simple.


This....and I'm out of here for a few days...

This....and I'm out of here for a few days...

....Quick pix....after pollination of a Joy Division and the Killer Chemdog F2 used to make Slither Plant. Temp changes tend to flux my PH....you can see some yellow leaves at their tops...might also have to do with light skimming...as not every plant shows this color change...and on the ones that do....it doesn't seem to retard flowering progress. I can't figure out exactly what happens...but I see it from time to time....especially when temps dip. I always figure PH changes in the coco.

The Joy Division is on the left....Killer Chemdog F2 on the right...25daze into flower.....starting to get their flowering into gear. Partially pollinated....bagged....and sprayed down. Given the good once over....I'm happy...they look good....carry on.

In the coming week....I have more inline pollinations on Joy Division...then some inline Casey Jones F2....inline Killer Chemdog F2....pretty much getting that all done. I'll be able to start showing some other stuff after that....I think my Skunks should be coming up here shortly...they've been flowering for a while....could be interesting. I like Skunk plants.

I checked on my Wonder Diesel F2....took some time alone with her...yup....I think she is a replica of the F1 mom I used....she has that same sort of foul aroma...just gnarly...I'm happy with that...good she was chosen to make the F3....funky funky. I think Rez had a good idea when he made this cross. I'm going to mess with it for a while...that nasty aroma just wins me over...I like nasty creatures.

Have a fun week end.........P


slither plant sounds really cool.......I like the word "slither" for some reason when I hear it I think of Slash......Slash got soul........Some of the stuff he plays just mesmorizes me great rich tone..........I hope the same for your slither plant......A soulfull plant with rich bountifull resin.......


Pretty Tied Up....the perils of rock n roll decadence.....

Pretty Tied Up....the perils of rock n roll decadence.....

...G N R had it going on... anyway you want to look at it. Slated...to fall apart...but in between...they were flying LA style...domination above and under. I have a fascination with all the LA sounds from all eras....it all has similarity.... to me.

The first days of fall...the first days of "over(ness)" as my feelings twist in "As The Scrog Turns"

The pix will show her....minutes after the tarp was taken off....tarps and sheets are every night...from immediate sunset to well into the morning....

The pix also indicate the 1st flash of..."I'm ready to kill you".....the starvation is underway...from here out....she will be starved..water will not come everyday in abundance.....it is time of drought...time of desperation....time to finish her off.

I'll be multi harvesting over the next couple of weeks...branch here...branch there.....this is more logistically sound for me.

The aromas off this plant...are dreamy...like a velvet floral piss over pineapple. Some of my favorite stuff is in her....she is mind blowing in every cultivation regard...and the resin production top shit. This is a pretty good example of a tailor made cross...homemade in my oven....the marinade to my taste.

For me....It is most necessary to be self absorbed and selfish in my quest for the best expressions....kill everything that doesn't please you...listen to nothing but your gut....pull the trigger over and over...

I killed all my Afghan Hazes....2 and 2....I didn't want to flower those again. Good plants....solid...platforms....great genetics....but I've had a change of thought....and a change of direction. I'm becoming a more honest grower...honest with my philosophy...honest to the discipline of PPP......I need to blow my mind or what's the point? I'm dedicated to my selfishness....and therefore more pure to my purpose. It is a must....to trust self.
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The Mad Monk
The scrog looks sweet man. You weren't kidding about the resin production, those two close-up shots tell that tale. That's quite the aroma - 'a velvet floral piss over pineapple.' :)


Wise to stay close at this time in the season.....

Wise to stay close at this time in the season.....

...yes good to be around...keep an eye out for wandering strangers..."O I thought this was a trail"....or "Are you interested in Jesus?"....I would rather just as well keep tabs on such folks...just my nature to want to finish....what was started...and that lushness of flower has me buzzing like a watchful bee over the hive. Long is the day....long the scrog road. Stay at home....stay in the pocket....feel the blitz if or before it comes...make an accurate read....put the game away and out of reach.

I've been smoking Highlighter's GT X A11....no cure testers....I can't tell you the aroma...I really can not....I can tell you it is distinct and you can taste it in your mouth...it's not lemons. Flavor is not over the top....lingers some after smoking...but doesn't fill your mouth with a real strong after taste. The high is sativa all day...feels racy for a little while then settles into a spacey high. Still experimenting with the longevity and such....I'll smoke more after it has a decent cure time.

Here's some pix of the very fast flowering Hazy Strawberry Hill and the Purple Bastard leaning P Bastard Haze F2.....

Strawberry Hill silhouette outdoors against Jeffery Pines and So Cal skies...

The Strawberry Hill is a very strange plant. She finished in her mid 50's...yields are light....but she smells not unlike berries over that Haze smell. I love her. I'll take her light yields...as she was so fast...totally worth it. I've not sampled her yet....she is like a string of pearls...I'm expecting a Haze smoke.

This plant showed me that there are fast Haze dominants....that are structured in what I consider Haze fashion....light flowers...strung out flowers...pearl buds...resinous .....she has reinforced my belief....that I'm looking for fast flowers....I'm over going 80-100 days in flower. It's unnecessary... not efficient.... and is not the path I want or need to take. I'm getting more desirable expressions down in the 50-70 day plants. I will continue to pursue such creatures...shot gunning them down one after the other....until I've had my fill.

Her sister is nothing like this....still macking down feed and still putting on weight....I'm fascinated by the differences.

I'm still in flower with Bastard Hazes....OH X SK1....and I'll still be a while....but I will not be selecting Haze dominant plants here after...I'm over fucking around with plants that don't work well (note...the Haze leaning Bastards work well...but too much trouble time and training wise....the OH X SK1 is not an indoor plant...it's just insulting to them to grow indoors)....the reasons I did in the 1st place...was to get my outcross pollinations done....so now they're done...and so am I. They are showing me nothing new...but cut into my own selections...I should be able to do something with them.


Indicas....a projected strategy

Indicas....a projected strategy

...I've briefly mentioned that I've been vegging my Sweet Milk cross beside Highlighter's Honey White BX1s. The Sweet Milk is made up of H3ad's Gumblebum(G13BX X Sour Bubble) X LUI....and most will know of what went into the Honey Whites.....but to continue on...I'll be pollinating the HWs with pollen from the 2 male SMs....as well as inlining the Sweet Milks into the F2.

Here are the 4 Honey White females

The collection of females in the Sweet Milk and Honey White batch...you'll note a very stocky girl...front and left...most likely a Sour Bubble phenotype....she is no runt...much like the original Gumbles I made Sweet Milk with...you can see that the HWs and SMs grow well together.

In the last picture...I put in the males...they are in the front. Pretty nice boyz...should do their job well.

These plants still have some veg time....but I'll start rotating them through shortly.

The plan is pretty basic....recombo up Indica dominant plants...inline pollinations for the Sweet Milks a priority as I've not shit loads of F1 beans left. The outcross to the Honey White is a simple way to recombo back into heavy indica domination....I'm looking for fast....not so stocky subjects...that are overwhelmingly resinous...in all preference...I'd like to see a heavy set...sugary tasting hash plant....that has enough vigor/stretch to match my sativa hybrids in competition for finding the lights. An ongoing theme...as I have no shame in saying....I love my indies.

Now if I can tailor up the preferred expressions....I'll then be able to work them into my sativa hybrids....and start the whole process over again. Like a wheel that keeps turning....


Coming due...I-HOP Satellites

Coming due...I-HOP Satellites

...The start of the windy months...east winds flying over the hills...funneling into the canyons...changing the ions...heating the land.

I-HOP Satellites...day 46 of flowering....both flushing...one since day 38 and the other started in a few days ago...two different phenotypes shown. Straw Dog F2 X Blue Satellite 2.2

This one...is a later flower....reminds me of Chem in ways....not in aroma...she has more berry...undertone skunk? Yields look good...the flowers are dense clubs. Not topped and not pollinated.

Here...the clove...as I call her....due to early flower aroma...now much more a sweet berry stench...with a touch of something else...quick to flower....she has not much time left....dense nuggets...good resin production...nice. Untopped...partially pollinated by Wonder Diesel F2 to make Killing Joke.

Experimenting with my exhaust system...I'm getting it to a place where I want to add gas. My foolish light skimming ways....skimmer that I am....I want to keep my heat and humidity in a constant flux...every 15-30 minutes....I like to let it heat...add the humidity to my dry air....keep it hot as I feed....I get it sticky and the air dense...then the fan comes on to bring everything down....repeat...repeat...repeat...

I'm planning to time the release of gas to the time of OFF exhaust...blasting the flowers...if I'm to keep on with my skimmer ways...they need to take heat....the gas will help...plus help keep the White Fly population down. Working it out through experimentation...I don't want to attract bug or mold problems....but I want more performance out of my rat rod...I'm wanting to drop in some more throttle...push off the edge of blowing it apart...more ponies under foot. I don't want it clean and built...I want to chance my way through...barely hanging on.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
You getting a lil lonesome blogging away here?
Went back to work yesterday, a 1/2 day, too knackered to respond last nite.
My fav L.A. 'Gun' band was the Gun Club. Personally, about my all-time fav band.
Glad you got yer rocks off to G&R. Hope Tommy is making a bundle!

So the east winds are keeping Joy happy? She's a beautiful thing!

The Flying Tiger looks and sounds like it leans heavy to the Golden.
The meao thai gives you that quick lift, then the malawi takes over, puttin' you in a zombie trance if you overdo her. I imagine the taste is the malawi, I could never pinpoint it, new to me. Seems all the Apollo did was bring down the flowering time.

I like where you're going w/ the Honey's. ;)

You've taken a turn or two since I last posted; you're a madman running amuck, and it's a pleasure to witness! :D
Do you mean you're going w/ a Co2 tank & timer, or sumpthin' more unconventional? Go Bio-dome. :sasmokin: