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1k watt living organics soil grow- Vision Jack Herer - First Ever NSB contest

I gave all 6 ladies a fair amount of ewc/molasses tea last night, so I'm sure there's a big party going on in the roots! They feel happy to me! I'll put them in my DIY 250w mh cab to veg once the roots have established a little more. Peace out for now folks :D
The girls are getting tall! They are growing a lot faster than I expected, but I've never gone from clone before, so this is great! It's so nice that they all grow at the exact same height and love the same amount of water and environment! The temps have been getting kinda up there at about 95! :/ but my A/C is getting fixed in the morning and they say that the compost tea helps the plant through heat a little easier, and the fungi help with low water conditions, so I think it's ok. Tomorrow all will be well.

The clones after a week under the MH.

And then the shot of my veg cab for clones made out of two 45gal rubbermaid totes. Cut some holes, used some pvc and hot glue and voila! It's a 250w MH setup.

Peace everyone!


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Everything the light touches in the Valley is our kingdom!

I fashioned a little clone holder out of some cardboard, put it in my backpack, and headed off to the hill to show the young cannabis plant the world and bring back tales from her travels to the others! It was 3.5 miles away from my apartment..and it was hot lol! So, 7 mile walk and a hike up the Verdugo Hills..Im burnt haha.

Yesterday I fed the girls with coconut water and aloe vera juice! Saponins and Enzymes for dayyyys! They are praying!

This is a clone that I am going to keep for a mother, in case I need cuttings at some point. Look how droopy she was after the transplant compared to after the coconut water and aloe vera juice feed! Touche, mother nature!


I'm having a blast with this contest!


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My AC got fixed today while I was out! The inside of the cab is now 79 degrees! Yessss!WIll be ordering the 1k watt and tent tomorrow!

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
look like your chugging along in here I know your ready to have some visitors to roll thru don't worry they'll come ....how long have they been veggin when you tryna flip :tiphat:
look like your chugging along in here I know your ready to have some visitors to roll thru don't worry they'll come ....how long have they been veggin when you tryna flip :tiphat:
Hey man! Yeah I don't think the early veg is spectators favorite period lol! I can understand that. But yeah, they've been under the 250w MH since the 19th, so about 2 weeks now. I'm gonna transplant to 5 gal smarties in a few days, and think that they will need about 30 days in those before the flip, so will prolly flip around Sep. 1st. That's the plan anyway! I'll tie em down as soon as I get em transplanted. That's about the gist of it all lol. Good to hear from ya man!
Is it Christmas morning or did my buildasoil goods just arrive?! Btdub that place is an amazing place to get a bunch of stuff, for it is all in one spot! Lets take a closer look shall we?!

Up front we got the big white bag of Potassium Silicate, which apparently is just amazing for your plants. Here is an interesting article on it: http://bigbudsmag.com/grow/article/use-potassium-silicate-get-more-thc-trichomes-march-2012

The middle left bag is aloe vera powder, the middle middle bag(lol) is coconut water powder, and the mason jar is Ahimsa Neem Oil :D So my girls will get a mixture of aloe vera, coconut water, and potassium silicate either once a week or every watering, i'm not sure yet. Ill have to see how they respond first. The neem oil will be emulsified with the pot. silicate and used as a foliar to keep the munchers away :)

The back bag is a free sample of kelp meal that I got with my order, which ill probably use when it comes time to build my soil in a few months. I am so stoked about this grow!!

Peace out yall!!


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So the thing about the thing is, well...theres this thing.

So the thing about the thing is, well...theres this thing.

I just LST'd the plants and thought this would be a good time for an update. Yesterday I mixed up a neem oil/potassium silicate(surfactant that allows water to mix with the oil), and water foliar spray and gave them all a pretty heavy spraying, which kind of made it pool up on the leaves, and the lights were still on. I was feeling a little paranoid so I started to read up on spraying neem foliar from other peeps and someone said that neem is the devil and that it made his/her plants look like shit lol, but thankfully this kind person commented and said that he sprays right at lights out and kinda wipes off the leaves so the oil doesn't clog in the plants pores, so long story short lol that is what I did. I went and wiped off the plant leaves and kinda spread it all over/in, so I felt good about that. Let me also add that I added a dash of aloe vera in the foliar as well, and man oh man they are looking dashing! There is a slight bit of yellowing/distortion left over from a slight overwatering where the solo cups were left in the bottom-watering pot for too long, but all vibes are golden at this point! Thy party rocketh on!


The leaves are just soo open and spread out and flat as a pancake and pretty and lovely and I love it! GOOD DAY SIR



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Hey everyone! It's been about a week since my last update and the plants are starting to bush up! I'll put up some pics soon but I figured I could wait since I haven't done much since transplant. But I have some exciting info to share! I mixed up some Sole(SoLay) which is just sea salt and pure water and has over 84 minerals in it! The sole is made by saturating the water with salt to the point that no more salt dissolves, so if there's salt sitting at the bottom then it's good! I put a tsp in 8oz of water and drink it every morning on an empty stomach. It's super high vibration and they call it liquid sunlight. When you drink it on an empty stomach and wait a couple hours to eat, your body picks up the high vibration of the salt and holds it for up to 24 hours! The salt helps you retain so much more water which in turn boosts your electrical current, so legit! There are companies that bottle the stuff for over a hundred dollars, but I think this sole at a mixture of 1tsp per gallon will be a great place to start. Can't wait to see how my plants react to all the minerals! So im ready to water but it seems the plants still don't need it after back watering the 5gal pots before transplant, and it's been 2 weeks. So we will see what happens there. It's also time for an ewc tea, so this next watering will be compost tea, sea salts, potassium silicate, coconut water, and aloe Vera juice. I'll keep you all updated! Peace
You can see how bending the plant over really makes it start to bush up and produce a lot of new tops. These plants are so healthy and like, beyond organic. I will probably let them veg another 3-4 weeks, I want to have a big harvest! But anyway, here they are! Peace guys!


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What's up everyone! Day 4 Week 4 of veg today! Yesterday I watered with Himalayan sea salt "sole", potassium silicate, aloe vera, and coconut water at a half gallon per plant. They still didn't look like they were in real need of water but it was time to get them some goodies after 23 days! I played with them some more tying them down, evening out the canopy and for the moment I am completely content with how they are looking, they love life! [insert toke break]. Ok so I'm thinking I will start a compost tea right now and it will finish up this time tomorrow :) Here's a couple pics of the bushed up, tied down, and spread out girls lol, peace out for now, I'm gonna start posting updates more frequently when prime time starts rolling around, taking it kinda easy on ya in veg lol but you get the picture!



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hi season! they are looking very good bro, they´ll strech a lot in this pots (4~5 gallon?)
watching from here, best vibes!
hi season! they are looking very good bro, they´ll strech a lot in this pots (4~5 gallon?)
watching from here, best vibes!

Always nice to see you stopped by all the way from Brazil! I picture it to be like a jungle over there, kinda humid, tons of plant life, some good rainfall! But I may be way off lol I wanna see for myself. I must meet the women of your country! Lol but Yeah bro, 5 gallon pots so I'm kinda feeling out when I should flip to 12/12. I'm thinking about 2 more weeks, which would be 6 weeks of veg after I transplanted to the 5's. Def good vibes man, see you next time!

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