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1800w Ebb & Gro


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Hey Immortal! Thanks for stoppin by!

New picture - just changed the res - girls loved it - ridin @ 900 ppm right now.

Day 13


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Madrus..........I hard plumbed my setups with 1" cpvc with the largest ebb and flow overflow fitting they made at the time for no feed/drainline clogging guaranteed inside the bottom buckets , while also implementing separate inline feed and drain pumps on separate timers, to blast feed into the bottom buckets pushing/keeping roots from accumulating over said area while as the drain pump kicked on and sucked juice back to the rez at light speed , the overflow fittings in the bottom buckets diverted roots sideways and angled away from the plumbing FTW with each cycle training em more and more away from the holes for max juice flow in and out......

Lookin good bterzz...Way healthy plants......

2stoge .......How many plants I ran`s in your quote.....DOH.....lol..

Holler if I can help......DHF.......

Madrus Rose

post 69
Madrus..........I hard plumbed my setups with 1" cpvc with the largest ebb and flow overflow fitting they made at the time for no feed/drainline clogging guaranteed inside the bottom buckets , while also implementing separate inline feed and drain pumps on separate timers, to blast feed into the bottom buckets pushing/keeping roots from accumulating over said area while as the drain pump kicked on and sucked juice back to the rez at light speed , the overflow fittings in the bottom buckets diverted roots sideways and angled away from the plumbing FTW with each cycle training em more and more away from the holes for max juice flow in and out......

Lookin good bterzz...Way healthy plants......

2stoge .......How many plants I ran`s in your quote.....DOH.....lol..

Holler if I can help......DHF.......

Yup , that's the ticket DHF ! :yeahthats

For why not go the full 1" piping for just a little more cost ? Many often times the KISS methods require just doing some overkill on the plumbing, pumps & fans etc , which isn't really overkill ...just more efficient, professional & scalable . Think i have some tech links for those size fittings somewhere . Have always gone with larger fans for exhaust for instance , for why skimp when u can always put them on a digital rheostat & not run them full , but have that extra exaust power when needed ....
(so usually have gone the full FanTech hi-torque 12" or eqivilent).

That u have seperate pumps for quick draining too ...didn't think that was necessary ...that's really E&D ! The seperate , more capacity pumps really push those roots aside , yup can see that . Always good to just spend the initial money & get her done right with the basic high quality equipment . Roots must enjoy that kind of flush action too , like going to a bubbling spa ! :biglaugh:



ps: don't know if u caught this 420lite E&F & Top drip Med set-up dmt is doing up
in Canada . Only uses rocks once each round then discards in the garden ...had
no idea they were going this big legally up there ...enjoy<G


Used separate feed and drain inline pumps on separate timers for max pull and push/suck and blow/aerated rootzones.....

It`s the lil thingie`s that make up dialage IME.........Where`s Heathie when I need him........



Active member
Used separate feed and drain inline pumps on separate timers for max pull and push/suck and blow/aerated rootzones.....

It`s the lil thingie`s that make up dialage IME.........Where`s Heathie when I need him........


So DHF could you explain how you controll this in more detail? So you pump from the rez into a "control" bucket containing a high limit float switch. When the buckets are full it activates what a NC relay?? killing power to the pump? The second pump drains the buckets and a low limit switch kills the pump when its empty? I'm really interested in using this type system for our med coop. Sorry for the hijack


Bterrz.....You needta pull the trigger on them bitches and flip em cuz the rootmass is gonna keep growin till end of stretch , clog the bottom containers , and bring feed/drainflow to a screeechin halt causin potential crop failure.....

That`s why I built mine with bigger feed/drainlines and used 5 gal buckets for more volume/rootmass......

You might still have buncha room down below since I`m not sure what strain/variety you`re runnin , but those are a lot bigger than what I usedta run before the flip in 5 gal buckets , and bottom containers were way full , but still with enough room for juice flow by end of stretch when roots stop growin....

I`ve been wrong before......but not much.......lol.....

Hopefully you`ve already checked the rootmass in the bottoms.......other than that , those are some healthy plants.....Killer work........

HOM.......I`ve not seen anyone go to my OCD extremes in many many yrs like I usedta run , but DMT`s thread on mega plants and wattage for a Canadian collective`s as close as yas can get to my setups usin the same hardplumbing aspect , with I`m sure different setup for flood level control/overflow....but.....

My shit`s bulletproof with failsafe devices in place.....His may be as well.....I would certainly hope so with that many plants in one location......Flooding would be a bitch with that much sq ftg.....

All my pumps were inline and outside the rez`s.....Inline pumps only shoot juice one way with no backflow like a check valve , so that`s why I needed 2 separate units for feed and drain....Plus.....

Twice the power blastin feed in , pushing stagnant air from the bottoms up and out of the upper buckets , then the drain pump sucked juice back out at lightspeed while pulling fresh O2 back down with it through the medium 3 times a day with the 5 gal buckets full of lava....

No relays Bro , just float switches in an extra bucket in the bloom rooms wired directly back to the feed pumps as "kill switches" in case the rootmass displacement/volume filled up to the overflow levels before the feed pump kicked off....simple....babyshit.........

The drain pump timers were set at 5 minutes beyond end of feed cycles........Not sure how DMT`s setup is run for overflow and feed cycles , but if yas need any help just holler........



Active member
Hey brother. No worries. They're flipped! :p Roots just starting to stick outta the bottom quite a bit, actually trimmed them tonight cuz I saw a little slime.

Started zone, and flipped.. ridin @ 950 ppm.

Thanks for the help/compliments :D


Active member
and decided to add a steel framed ScroG. :p


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Cool beans Bro.......Looked on the first page ta see yer runnin Green Crack/Cush .....Ever run it before ta know how much they stretch ?....

Steel scrog net.......Not sure they`ll get THAT heavy.......LOL........but overkill never hurt nuthin.....

Now......WTF with root slime in ebb and flow buckets .......Never heard such shit.....Gotta be slow feed and drain and they`re sittin in stagnant low dissolved O2 nutrient solution way too long before draining out......

Any juice left in the bottom buckets after end of drain ?.....Could be part of the cause , although I always left a good inch in mine in case power went off they`d still have lil solution ta live off of before dryin out....

I ran "thru-hull" bait aerators in my big ass rez`s for millions of microscopic bubbles suspended in solution at all times , but you could prolly get micro-pore air diffusors with a decent air pump ta definitely help the smaller system.....

Also , a powerhead pump ta keep shit stirred up in the rez will help with O2 as well........Just tryin ta help yas bring home a bumper crop B......

Not tryin ta tell yas what ta do , but get some fukin bubbles in your juice......buncha smalluns......:blowbubbles:

Never ran Zone before cuz we always tried ta keep chlorine and chloramine outta our juice , but I guess it has it`s place......mostly in DWC though from what I`ve gathered.....

I guess whatever it takes ta keep the dreaded slimy shit from rearin it`s ugly head in yer rootzones.......Pullin fer yas over here........

btrzz, lookin real good. i about the make the jump from e+f. very nice looking plants.

deadhead u have any pics of your setup, ive been admiring your style since if first came on.


Beautiful lush canopy!

Cant wait to see how that scrog turns out


You guys should start a new thread and let the man have his show.


New member
So, looks like i'm doing the update today.
Today is Day 2 of bloom. Riding @ 1000 ppm and 5.7 ph.

Going to consistently tuck down the branches and let them get a nice fully canopy. The strain stretches but not to incredibly much. She doesn't need much support as she grows like a bush, but I like the net for training purposes.

Thanks for stopping by! :thank you: :jump: :wave:


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DIY or by the ebb and grow

DIY or by the ebb and grow

DHF do you have a thread on your DIY set up. Sick of watering dirt. Been leaning towards Ebb and grow too long. I have also considered running continues top feed. Any pros or cons. DHF did you veg vertical too. I would give you a shout but I figured others would want some input also.

Much respect.


Well.......Apollo 11 wants me ta quit cloggin up Bterzz thread even though Bterzz said no worries and he appreciates the input.......nonetheless......

Never started a thread in over 15 yrs being at on line weedsites cuz I don`t post pics.......

Hit me in PM if I can help.......DHF.......

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