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161 watts easyryder grow in a pc

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks Roortokeage..
My pc has 161 watts in it right now with a delta 151cfm fan sucking all that hot air out..the temps on my scrubber are 82 with it 77-79 inside..the hps is ceramic too..plus my case is aluminum which is great at dissipating heat...
I can't go any bigger grow wise right now...
Okay, the carboload has all beneficial sugars for the plant..alot of xylose20%,20%xylulose etc...the bigbud is15%phosphate, 40%potash, and magnesium(which the plant is lacking big time) is7%..plus all sorts of beneficial acids, and vitamins...
the only reason I didn't do this earlier is there is a huge snowstorm here and I did'nt want to go outside.....:eek::
Let me know what you think


Well I need you to tell me the names of the bottle dude. what are they I need to see more info on these. I still am stuck on this. And would lke to see b4 u dose her up./


They are both made by advanced nutrients..they are bloom enhancers..
do you need more info?

Seriously I know your not that dumb or that slow. Now lets get something straight. If you want help and want to get that plant great you need to help us and not be so vague and crap.

Look I have Fox Farms Products. I can go get the bottle and give u any info you want. Why??? Becuz its on the back of the bottle. Why dont you stop throwing me around and show me pics of the bottle. I understand they are Bloom enhancers, but If I dont knwo whats in them and what they do. Im not gunna tell you to add this or that. Becuz I could PH_uck it and I dont wanna do that.

So lets get to it and show me what you have, and then we can go from there. Im sure you didnt listen anyway and prob fed your plant what you want. I mean yeah its your plant, you can do what you want. But hey Im not even growing my plant. My buddy from over seas is helping me and Im listening to him, cuz his plants are amazing and look at myne.

Ill be here all day, just let me know.:thanks::thanks::smokeit:


He already told you the names... Advanced Nutrients (which I don't recommend) Big Bud and Carbo Load. A simple google search can pull up the info on these products. Carbo load should be used with voodoo juice to feed the micro colonies in the the voodoo. Molasses is just as good or better considering you have no microbes and need magnesium. Just go really light if you decide to use the Big Bud, and I doubt it needs more than 1-2 feedings. I'd probably just use water from here on out but then again how many days from flower/sex is this? and how many weeks does easyryder flower for 6? 7?


Big Bud is 0.9% Sulfur, 38% Potash, and 17% Phosphates. Says to use one teaspoon per 16 quarts... I'd go real light...

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Mr.meds..All the info and everything thats on the packages(i got them for free..samples packs) is a few posts back..thats all it says on the packages..I had to google it too..I wrote everyhthing 3 posts ago..look back...
I am going to stick with the water/molasses route..safer for now, plus a dash of BigBud for fun..
Yeah, its 6 weeks of flowering for EasyRyder so that means I have 1 and a half weeks left to feed plus 2 weeks to flush whatever is left in the soil...70 days total is what the joint doctor says on his site
Thanks..I'll post pics later

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Are AK/48's auto? If not I guess I will master the EasyRyder and grow it again next time..
I should go to that other thread but I'd thought I'd ask here first..
I also have dina*** hashplant haze plus a slew of others..I like auto's so I want to stay in that line..
Thanks all


Thanks Mr.meds..All the info and everything thats on the packages(i got them for free..samples packs) is a few posts back..thats all it says on the packages..I had to google it too..I wrote everyhthing 3 posts ago..look back...
I am going to stick with the water/molasses route..safer for now, plus a dash of BigBud for fun..
Yeah, its 6 weeks of flowering for EasyRyder so that means I have 1 and a half weeks left to feed plus 2 weeks to flush whatever is left in the soil...70 days total is what the joint doctor says on his site
Thanks..I'll post pics later

Thank you, and I pushed My Ryders 2 weeks longer. Just watch the Trichs, and You will be fine. And what you are doing will be fine. Keep up the good work.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Roortokeage..you have been a great help...
How long is too long as in letting her grow as long as I can?
ie.you went 2 weeks over the 70 days?


Try to pick up a 60-100x microscope for around $5-$20. You can then check out your trichomes and determine when you'd like to harvest. (50/50 cloudy/amber etc)


Try to pick up a 60-100x microscope for around $5-$20. You can then check out your trichomes and determine when you'd like to harvest. (50/50 cloudy/amber etc)

What meds said. Go to RadioShack and get there 12 dollar Microscope. Thats what I use. Now what you do is while watching the plant grow past the 70 days. You keep an eye on the Trichromes. When they get about 50% dark and 50% clear that is when you know the Plant is in the Perfect stage or Ripeness. If you go to far the high will be not as strong.

Get us some updated pics, and a close up of some Buds :thanks::thanks:


You'll notice that the trichomes on the sugar leaves will turn cloudy then amber before the trichomes on the flowers. When 100% of the trichomes are amber on the sugar leaves then you're going to have some sedative smoke. It's all preference really... Different cannabinoid levels are present at different maturities.


You'll notice that the trichomes on the sugar leaves will turn cloudy then amber before the trichomes on the flowers. When 100% of the trichomes are amber on the sugar leaves then you're going to have some sedative smoke. It's all preference really... Different cannabinoid levels are present at different maturities.

Good info there. :xmasnut:

Paranoid one

Maaaan. Dude!!! I Can't wait till your harvest!!!!!!!

It's like a dog house here!! I can't do jack squat! My pc is put on hold and that is pissin me off! Ugh only have1 more power strip which I need to secure on the side and I'm done! But no.. People all around.

Oh well.
and go with MH lamps over HPS.

End of commen/rant.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Mr.Meds,Roortokeage and Paranoid one!!
Its Christmas, so there's going tpo be people everywhere! Me too...
I'll try to go get a microscope tomorrow..thanks you guys..
I just fed her plain old ph'd 6.5( I hope! kidding...) water.. I have given up trying to pick those balls(fertilizer) from hell outa my soil..sheesh...what was I thinking trying to pick them all out! I'll go nuts...Anyways..
I like the bud to be able to knock me out..I broke my neck, back and both feet in an accident so it helps me sleep better..the doctor would rather have me on codeine the rest of my life but bud has ALWAYS helped and it does'nt ruin your liver..sorry, maybe I should'nt say all that..don't think you all really care about my boo-boo's...
So here are some pics of day 48..please say she's looking better!..I think its okay now...so what about the BigBud Roortokeage? I read that flushing with water and half teaspoon of molasses per gallon, really helps..
Anyone else read this?Or tried it?
Mr.Meds, It's like quantom physics trying to set my avatar-whatever it is to view Roortokeage's thread..UGH...

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Here are 4 more pics...
See what I mean! I can't even put more than 4 pics at a time AND my attachment file is almost full!
Please give some feedback you all
Thanks and Happy New Year or gung-hay-fat-choi..I think thats how you spell it