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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Active member
User Name said:
sup suga! got the 150 going again?
yep. my 150 is on pretty much 12/7 .... LOL... yeah i got a couple of girls in there midway through cycle. one oregon90 clone and a trainwreck seedling. tw is from woodhorse seeds and i'm excited to see it finished ! i wonder how it will compare to what i've heard of the clone. i'll throw up some pics tomorrow.


New member
Another former 150w OGer checking in. Hope my membership to the 150w club is transferable :biglaugh:

Currently doing my second Afghan 150w grow in a C13. Switched from MH to HPS and 12/12 last week. I lucked out with 3 girls out of 3 plants!

Username, I love your grow setup. That's a thing of beauty!


Is their any alternatives to an exhaust system?!?! Is it really all that necessary for a 150 in a small cab?!?!.. say about yay big?

One more questions for you guys with a single 150 would it be better for 2 small scrog plants distributing the light or one scrogged plant being spoiled....Yield wise?

Thanx for whoever lays their knowledge upon me! :sasmokin:
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Active member

I can not emphasize enough that you must have some form of exhaust system. A 150 in a small cab will quickly raise the temps and fry your plants.

Also your plants need to breath. Air flow and air movement is very important. The air in the cab must be replaced every few minutes as the plants will be using up the CO2 in the air and also transpiring queit a bit of moisture in the form of water vapor. This must all be removed and replaced with fresh cool CO2 laden air.

For the cabinet you are looking at I would suggest a two plant scrog as the footprint is more rectangular than square. My cabinet which is 29" wide x 15" deep x 29" tall interior space (pretty much the same size) fits two super simple scrogs under the lamp. I could probably fit three except the left 6" is taken up by the exhaust fan and electonics.

Oh and one last thing about exhaust fans, growing pot is smelly business, depending upon the strain the odor can become a big problem and you will want some form of odor control . The best solution IMHO and experience is a carbon filter as most cabinets are vented back into the room they sit in. In order to effectively use a carbon filter you will need a strong fan.




Active member
Small Cab + HID = Good Venting (A decent exhaust fan) No way around it, you have to deal with it, or grow outdoors. If you do it the right way, the first time, you'll save a shit load of time and money. But I had to do it on my own too, wish i'd listened to all the great advice, here and at OG.
keep reading

How much weed you want. 1oz a month, every 2 months?
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sugabear_II said:

I can not emphasize enough that you must have some form of exhaust system. A 150 in a small cab will quickly raise the temps and fry your plants.

Also your plants need to breath. Air flow and air movement is very important. The air in the cab must be replaced every few minutes as the plants will be using up the CO2 in the air and also transpiring queit a bit of moisture in the form of water vapor. This must all be removed and replaced with fresh cool CO2 laden air.

For the cabinet you are looking at I would suggest a two plant scrog as the footprint is more rectangular than square. My cabinet which is 29" wide x 15" deep x 29" tall interior space (pretty much the same size) fits two super simple scrogs under the lamp. I could probably fit three except the left 6" is taken up by the exhaust fan and electonics.

Oh and one last thing about exhaust fans, growing pot is smelly business, depending upon the strain the odor can become a big problem and you will want some form of odor control . The best solution IMHO and experience is a carbon filter as most cabinets are vented back into the room they sit in. In order to effectively use a carbon filter you will need a strong fan.


Well then I suppose theirs no way around it thanx for that! :sasmokin:


Active member
Overdoze - if you're looking for an ounce a month you will need to harvest 3 ounces per grow as most grows take around 3 months minimum start to finish. If you can have a separate veg cab you can get a grow done in 8-9 weeks or 2 months. Another option if you can have a separate veg cab is to go perpetual and harvest a plant every month and rotate in a new clone every month. 2-3 ounces from a 2 plant scrog under a 150 is pretty easy to do IMHO so you can meet your goal.

a few pics

full cab from left to right trainwreck and oregon90

oregon90 macro

trainwreck buds

oregon90 plant shot



Awesome setup sugabear.I hope I can get in the 150 club with what I have here.2-150 hps's in a 2x3x3 foot space.I am kind of worried about my height as I want to scrog but not sure if I have enough room.Please,any advice is much welcomed.Here is what I have now.I was hoping to scrog 4-6 plants in this space.Is it possible?I have 13 skunk x hawaiin seedlings going now.I am vegging with 2-65 watt cfl's.



sugabear_II said:
Overdoze - if you're looking for an ounce a month you will need to harvest 3 ounces per grow as most grows take around 3 months minimum start to finish. If you can have a separate veg cab you can get a grow done in 8-9 weeks or 2 months. Another option if you can have a separate veg cab is to go perpetual and harvest a plant every month and rotate in a new clone every month. 2-3 ounces from a 2 plant scrog under a 150 is pretty easy to do IMHO so you can meet your goal.

a few pics

full cab from left to right trainwreck and oregon90

oregon90 macro

trainwreck buds

oregon90 plant shot

Looking good sugabear!!

Overdoze :wave:


Active member
hey coffin - welcome - I like your avatar I didn't realize what it was at first but then I looked more closely and realized it's much more than a froggy! LOL

anyways if you use a super simple scrog method you will need approxiametly 1 square foot per plant. So with your 3 x 2 space you could scrog 6 plants. You should be fine on height as long as you don't veg too long. First you'll want to figure out which are the males and then identify your 4-6 females to keep. Then put on the scrog screens.


Yeah I see yet I didnt pick up any cab due to stock issues but I know what your saying!!! :wave:

You guys are very helpful I'll need that when I start! :sasmokin:


Hello folks, yet another OG refugee here! While I must admit I don't recall this group or thread on OG, it's mainly because I had set up a med size grow, and then got married, bought a home and then just reciently had a daughter. During this time, I closed down the medium size grow because other half an I just didn't think it was worth the trouble, especially with a child in the home!

So that leads me to why I'ld like to joing in on this group. Other half and I haven't kicked our habit, just down scaling it a bit. I want to start a small 150w scrog grow. And I have a few questions about it.

Details.... Other half an I don't do alot of entertaining. So we don't have a constant flow of folks coming and going. But by pinching pennies I have assembled a rather nice multimedia entertainment center. Right now I'm using those little dinky speakers that came with my sony reciever, but I intend on using some larger, better, bookshelf sized speakers for front and rear. And I intend on building stands for these to sit on.

It's inside these stands that I wish to hide my small scrog set-up. One stand will be flowering chamber, one will be for holding mothers, sexing, cloning and breeding, third one as drying rack, and forth for holding meters, fertilizers and other accessories. Each stand will be 2'x2'x4' tall.

I've already bought the needed lumber for the first two stands. I've used my router to place a rabbet along the edges to make them nice and air tight as well as more them stronger. Then I've alread primed the inside with kilz primer.

Questions I need answers to...

1) With a 150w bulb and diy remote balast, what rating should I be looking for in a muffin fan(s)?

2) Wife already has those glade plug-in things in just about every outlet in the house that I'm willing to let her get at. (I think she'd put 'em in the my workshop and the garage if I let her!!! LOL) If I use activated charcoal aquarium filters over the exhaust fan outlets will this be enough oder control? fyi...I lean towards indicia strains, already have Aurora Indicia, Citral and Snow White.

3) Are those oder controlling cfl's worth the price? Has anyone used them and liked them?

4) I plan on using both an active and passive air flow. For now, I'm planing on having a vent approximatly 3x the size per what is recommended in question #1, AND also place a muffin fan blowing in halfway between the lid of my dwc and the screen. Should I also have a another fan above screen level? Say half way from the screen to the highest my lamp will be.

Sorry If I was a bit long winded, I just wanted to get across what I"m trying to do and why.



alright champ ill try to answer some of your questions..

1) i use a stanley blower and so far it works great. I use the main suction part for the cab and the other side (with the outlets) to help the In-Line ducting booster i have (waste of money). http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=29341&highlight=stanley

2) setup a box type carbon filter and have the stanely suck the air from your cab through your filter out the box. now im not 100% on this because ive never had a problem with smell but have definatly thought of what to do. here was my idea..

get 2" -3" box and cut the top and bottom off. On the bottom leave a half inch or so so you can glue a filter to it. At home depot they have a product in the venting section that has a layer of carbon filter mesh. fit that to your box and glue a couple layers to the bottom. Now you can either get activated carbon (pet store) or i just saw a commercial on tv for kitty litter that now has carbon in it and it just might do the trick.. but put an inch or two (depending on how well stanley is still suckin) then another layer or the carbon mesh and you should have a nice little ghetto carbon filter ;P

3. i dunno but i would doubt they work.. do a serch :p
4. The stanley should give you enough suction for just passive intake but it sounds like you wanna have fresh air blowing over the tops (like meh ;)) i used one of those lasko blowers you can get a walmart and 4 inch duct taped to it. it give me nice cool air blowing in right over my tops and i can adjust it as i wish.

hope that helped if it even made and sense. Damn bongs they retard me everytime. ill give you an update of my girls in a few day after they get a little more developed

happy happy grow grow


Active member
Jaxom said:
Hello folks, yet another OG refugee here! While I must admit I don't recall this group or thread on OG, it's mainly because I had set up a med size grow, and then got married, bought a home and then just reciently had a daughter. During this time, I closed down the medium size grow because other half an I just didn't think it was worth the trouble, especially with a child in the home!

So that leads me to why I'ld like to joing in on this group. Other half and I haven't kicked our habit, just down scaling it a bit. I want to start a small 150w scrog grow. And I have a few questions about it.

Details.... Other half an I don't do alot of entertaining. So we don't have a constant flow of folks coming and going. But by pinching pennies I have assembled a rather nice multimedia entertainment center. Right now I'm using those little dinky speakers that came with my sony reciever, but I intend on using some larger, better, bookshelf sized speakers for front and rear. And I intend on building stands for these to sit on.

It's inside these stands that I wish to hide my small scrog set-up. One stand will be flowering chamber, one will be for holding mothers, sexing, cloning and breeding, third one as drying rack, and forth for holding meters, fertilizers and other accessories. Each stand will be 2'x2'x4' tall.

I've already bought the needed lumber for the first two stands. I've used my router to place a rabbet along the edges to make them nice and air tight as well as more them stronger. Then I've alread primed the inside with kilz primer.

Questions I need answers to...

1) With a 150w bulb and diy remote balast, what rating should I be looking for in a muffin fan(s)?

2) Wife already has those glade plug-in things in just about every outlet in the house that I'm willing to let her get at. (I think she'd put 'em in the my workshop and the garage if I let her!!! LOL) If I use activated charcoal aquarium filters over the exhaust fan outlets will this be enough oder control? fyi...I lean towards indicia strains, already have Aurora Indicia, Citral and Snow White.

3) Are those oder controlling cfl's worth the price? Has anyone used them and liked them?

4) I plan on using both an active and passive air flow. For now, I'm planing on having a vent approximatly 3x the size per what is recommended in question #1, AND also place a muffin fan blowing in halfway between the lid of my dwc and the screen. Should I also have a another fan above screen level? Say half way from the screen to the highest my lamp will be.

Sorry If I was a bit long winded, I just wanted to get across what I"m trying to do and why.


1. Depends on the size of your grow space. I would think 100CFM would be fine to keep temps down.

2. depends on the strain. you can make your own and or use a professional one. they will be fine for the amount of smell a one or 2 plant grow will produce.

3. haven't heard anything positive about them. they produce negative ions and from what I've heard no-one uses negative ion generators for odor control as they're not strong enough.

4. in my experience active exhaust and passive intake as well as a fan to move the air around inside the cabinet is all you need. Active intake fans are usually not used or required in a micro environment.

A 2x2x4 stand will provide plenty of room for up to 4 plants. in fact the footprint (4 square feet) is almost too much space for the 150 to light along. That is to say a 150 is ideal for a 3 square foot or less space (50 watts per square foot).


Username how your girls doin? im definatly interested in how those come out i think thats the setup im gunna do next. think you could get some more pics up?


greetings all!

wasup iamhigh! my girls are doin great! i'm seeing some spider mites as usual, but damn they're growing! i'm gonna go ahead and switch them to 12/12 this week, and get this show on the road, you know...


I got a problem I use a 150 what security light I don’t know if is a hps or metal halide but it a big bulb that’s white I cant see inside

The light is constantly flickering so I was wondering if it’s getting enough power too the bulb?

I got one plant in there (growing in soil, taken from outdoors) and she is about 1inch from the bulb the bulb its side mounted with no reflector. There has been little or no growth for 2weeks

Do I need a reflector?

It had a dusk to dawn sensor that I just cut off and run the power direct to the ballast


Active member
bajanbudder said:
I got a problem I use a 150 what security light I don’t know if is a hps or metal halide but it a big bulb that’s white I cant see inside

The light is constantly flickering so I was wondering if it’s getting enough power too the bulb?

I got one plant in there (growing in soil, taken from outdoors) and she is about 1inch from the bulb the bulb its side mounted with no reflector. There has been little or no growth for 2weeks

Do I need a reflector?

It had a dusk to dawn sensor that I just cut off and run the power direct to the ballast

hate to break it to you but you but it sounds like you have a mercury vapor light to me, and these are not good for growing.

I base this conclusion on the fact you said the bulb is white and you can't see through it. Generally that means it's a phosophor coated mercury vapor, although it's possible that it's a phosphor coated metal halide.

If it is the wrong kind of bulb for the ballast then that explains why it's flickering. It's also possible that the bulb is old.

What did the box that the security light came in say on it?

If not can you read the label on the ballast and the bulb?

As for the lack of growth it could well be due to the wrong kind of bulb and or the wrong kinda ballast and bulb. Mercury vapor does not produce the correct spectrum for plants to grow.

It could also be due to poor air movement, bad soil, or anything else. Can you take pictures? how often do you water? it could be overwatering.

anyways we're here to help so just provide a little more info and we'll get you moving in the right direction.


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