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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Senior Member
J.C GROWER: Gardens looking good. Love the sunsystem same light i got :) Thos cfls will for sure help with adding some extra lighting in there. What i would recommend is getting that 150 a little bit lower then what you have it at now. Keep the stretch minimal while there in veg and also when you flip to 12/12. but other then that there looking good man! KEEP UP THAT GOOD WORK BOTHER! SUCCESS IS ALL I SEE!

Have Fun Be BLUNTED!


weed fiend
Disco i was wondering if you think this area is too big for a 150 hps, im not quite sure of the dimensions but i think theyre about 3'x2'x5'
heres a couple of pics to show the space. im going to add 4 X 100 watt CFLS, on each side of the hps, in order to create a broader light span. is this a good idea?:thank you:

I wouldn't say it's too big. 50 wpsf is std but not necessarily required. It helps if the bulb element is parallel with the short walls of the cab.

How big is your fan?


Can i join the club? I have 150W HPS SYLVANIA in box size 2ft X 2ft X 4ft.

some pictures in vegetation

DAY 36 from seed

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

btw should i put net there already becouse i will do some scrog or i wait a little bit. I intend to veg her/him/it for at least 1 more week.

willy bibbit

ICMag Donor
ventilation in my 150 watt hps closet

ventilation in my 150 watt hps closet


i use a ruck vent in my closet 350 c
i build a softbox myself as you can see:laughing:




good ventilation is very importent .:gday:

willy bibbit


Active member
first time 150w hps run unknow strain guessing its kush sure is tastey.

first time 150w hps run unknow strain guessing its kush sure is tastey.

God dam this shit i grew sure is tastey kinda like a hint of lemon candy on exhale and then its followed by like 10 hours of perma jolly rancher mouth watering juiciness


Active member
End of week two was monday, pics to come later today.

I'm giving the 12-1 lighting schedule a try, and see what happens...

How much supercropping is okay to do at once? I have about 10 or so good branches, I cropped about 4 of them. Will I be okay, stress wise? Lst is in heavy use as well


I'm giving the 12-1 lighting schedule a try, and see what happens...

How much supercropping is okay to do at once? I have about 10 or so good branches, I cropped about 4 of them. Will I be okay, stress wise? Lst is in heavy use as well

12-1 lighting schedule? Could you elaberate?
You should be fine w/the super cropping. Just wait 5-7 days to do any more. :ying:


How big is your fan?

i believe i have a 10 inch fan, i want to get another, but at the moment there is no money :(. haha once i get the money ill probly get a clippable 8 inch fan to go on top, facing down at the ladies.
good idea?


Active member
12on-5.5off-1on-5.5off. Makes for faster growth, and tighter node spacing. Read a good artice, so I figures I'd give it a try


update on cab

update on cab

so i took some advice from NE_grower and moved some of my ladies around so they could be closer to the light. this is how it turned out

my Pure kush @ 14 days veg. LST'd around the pot

shes lookin happy :)


Active member
Sorry for the double post, but that light regimine is for veg, not for flower. I repeat not for flower!!!!


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
is it possible to get a one once cola or bigger with 150w hps?

Anything is possible, some things just take a bit more effort and planning.

Not quite an ounce, but then there were other buds on the plant........

With pampering, planning, and proper pruning, what you seek is within reach.



Active member
ok here is my new plant any suggestions to grow a fat ass cola let me know any ideas

ok here is my new plant any suggestions to grow a fat ass cola let me know any ideas

id like to grow the fattest biggest cola that a 150w can do i have 2x2 area advanced nutes any experianced with this let me know?
Last edited:


In my experience when you eliminate lower branching just up to the top internoding section or close to, more of the plants effort will be put into top cola production.


Active member

day 17 flower. now its getting interesting

and dark vade:
what strain?
or you could do a SOG style with it and put it in flower now

willy bibbit

ICMag Donor
all pics gone

all pics gone


i could not update pics so i deleted a few
and now their gone .
is there a limit on uploading pics ?

the flowers get fatter and fatter .
only the santa maria has some troubles .
they gonna get rainwater only for the last
4 weeks .




what a blockhead this sour nlx ian dury will turn in his grave .



willly bibbit


Senior Member
@ WILLY: Garden is rocking for sure man! got some nice colas in there. Looks like you got some nice smoke coming up soon. Def let us know how they all smoke!

@ E_24: Ladies are looking real nice man! Gonna be a nice bush with some stackin colas for sure!

@ J.C. GROWER: Looking nice now. The ladies will appreciate the lights being closer to them so they dont have to stretch for the light. The LST is coming out nice for ya and the ladies seem to be taking a liking to it. If you wanna get the lower internodal growth to catch up to the main top just simple FIM her. Cut the new upper growth in half but dont fully top her. Thought that might help you out a bit. I have uploaded a pic of what the FIM should looking like so you get a better visual.

@ DARKVADE: what MagicChef said.

@ PIPE DREAM: Damn brother! nice looking cola for sure and she is stackin. The D.A.R.E. ruler made that pic all that much better to look at :tiphat: good work for sure man.

Heres the FIM pic for you J.C.

Heres some Ace Of Spades Day 47. These are from 3 days ago.




Active member
willy did you flower them from seed or how tall where they before you flowered them ? Also to anyone who knows i was kinda wondering if you do 12/12 from seed does this make a 8 week strain take longer then 8 weeks . if so do i give them flowering nutes from seed or how do you estimate when to add certain nutrients like big bud over drive and other specific flower enhancers?thanks:dance013: