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i have a question... if I manually pollinate one bud to produce seed, will that hurt THC production in the entire plant or just that site? Any help would be appreciated.


:bump:150 watters are closet people...

the great outdoors are for different type of people [and plants]:dance013::tiphat:
I'm a closet 150 grower and a outdoor grower. :rasta:

Check out my outdoor harvest curing (StrawBerryDiesil x StrawBerryCheesil).. I did veg em' with the 150 .. :)

3 more outdoor plants left to harvest .. 8 StrawberryDiesil x SugarKaneKush clones flowering indoors still
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i have a question... if I manually pollinate one bud to produce seed, will that hurt THC production in the entire plant or just that site? Any help would be appreciated.
No .. the plant will be fine. The bud you pollinate will convert energy to make seeds instead of thc


Hey PD, good to see ya around again and very true words sir. Did you get that 12/12 from seed op goin? Very interested to see how that turns/turned out for ya. Want to do a 12/12 myself.

I wish my view about the world was more positive like yours PD, but I can hardly go on day after day without breaking down in rage about how fucked up our planet has become, because of us. I'm a fighter and as long as there is hope, no matter how little, I will continue to fight, but every now and then I fall to my knees and I need someone to pick me back up again. Thanks for the kind words and I hope I can help pay the favor forward by picking up others who have fallen. I'm more so interested in cultivated other fighters, but we all have our roles and we'd be no where if we didn't work together. Taking a trip outside of our modern worlds allows me to realign and question what is worth fighting for and frees mind to better plan my attacks.



ok, got another question. How important is supplementing co2 in these small spaces? If it's pretty important, when should you start? from sprout, 1 week into veg, flower only?

In my tiny space I plan on using the ol' yeast, sugar, and water trick... mostly overnight since the fan runs during the day. Might be a little high maintenance but I'm fine with that. I've got nothing but time.


Good question Hobby, I've wondered about that myself. Hopefully some of our more experienced veteran club members will chime in on this topic.

I'll say from what I've read, it seems that extra CO2 is really only necessary for large grows like over 1k watt and/or grows that use a big light in a small space, like a 400W in 4 sq. feet for example. Or maybe CO2 supplementing can help any size grow?

Not to change gears from Hobby's question too much, but can someone please go in depth on this pollinating one bud/branch of a female? As in how long do you need to keep a male alive to get pollen, and how to use the male flowers/balls to pollinate just one bud in a cab ful of females. Move extremely slow? Dont bump into anything in order to not release pollen into the air? Just rub the ball cluster onto the bud you want to pollinate? I assume I should keep growing confirmed males in a separate cab until I can get pollen, but how far away from the female cab should the male cab be?

I realize all that info is probably on google, but I very much value the opinion of my 150 Club mentors over that of random google links. How do YOU go about making seeds? (lookin at you Acro as you seem to have specific exp. w/this :thank you: )


weed fiend
ok, got another question. How important is supplementing co2 in these small spaces? If it's pretty important, when should you start? from sprout, 1 week into veg, flower only?

In my tiny space I plan on using the ol' yeast, sugar, and water trick... mostly overnight since the fan runs during the day. Might be a little high maintenance but I'm fine with that. I've got nothing but time.

Your additional co2 has to be constant and steady, in addition to more heat, ferts and water. A new controlled system might start at $1500.00. Used systems are hundreds of dollars.

I think I tried sugar and yeast when I started growing indoors. I ended up putting another plant where the co2 bottle used to sit.


weed fiend
for more info, check the breeders thread or try an advanced search = pollinate, pollination or pollen etc. Lots of misspelled threads too, lol. Here's a list of threads from a "pollenation" advanced search. https://www.icmag.com/ic/search.php?searchid=12138507

Not to change gears from Hobby's question too much, but can someone please go in depth on this pollinating one bud/branch of a female?

A clean, dry artist's brush can be used to paint a bud with pollen.

As in how long do you need to keep a male alive to get pollen, and how to use the male flowers/balls to pollinate just one bud in a cab ful of females.
Just a few dabs of pollen from the tip of a brush is enough. My latest session netted ~75 seeds from two buds with a couple of brush strokes each. Pollen particles are tiny, you can estimate 15 to 20 seeds with each dab from the brush, depending on bud size etc.

IME, seeds need about 5 to 6 weeks to mature. After seeds are dry, put em in the fridge for a few weeks before planting. The ratio will improve.

You can collect pollen as soon as a male plant releases it. A dark piece of paper underneath the pot will contrast with the chartreuse pollen particles. Scrape the pollen in a small pile and you're ready for the brush and a female bud.

The balls will open up into flowers and release lots of pollen. They don't have to be open to release and they often release before you know it. That's why it's a good idea to keep your male(s) away from females until pollen is needed.

Move extremely slow? Dont bump into anything in order to not release pollen into the air?
Yep, the shit is like weaponized anthrax... it can blow miles through the air and still be effective. Start with a match-head sized pile of pollen (from another room if possible) to keep accidents small.

Water kills pollen. You can mist the plant after you pollinate, keep an eye out for mold as mist isn't a great idea for buds.

Just rub the ball cluster onto the bud you want to pollinate?
You could probably use pollen from the bulb but it might not be viable. IMO, newly released pollen captured from a piece of paper etc is the best way to get mature, viable pollen.

I assume I should keep growing confirmed males in a separate cab until I can get pollen, but how far away from the female cab should the male cab be?
Males need to be away from the female intake air. This stuff get's airborne outdoors but it won't necessarily indoors. It can also get on clothes, skin, hair etc. Large mature males can mess up the show. Try your best to manage the fallout, lol. Select male candidates for their best appearance, smell, growth rate or whatever your criteria.

I realize all that info is probably on google, but I very much value the opinion of my 150 Club mentors over that of random google links. How do YOU go about making seeds? (lookin at you Acro as you seem to have specific exp. w/this :thank you: )


Thanks Disco and jpiz. 1500 is way out of my budget, shoot, even hundreds is out. I think I'll stick to the yeast and sugar. I'll document growth in my grow journal and report my findings.


I realize all that info is probably on google, but I very much value the opinion of my 150 Club mentors over that of random google links. How do YOU go about making seeds? (lookin at you Acro as you seem to have specific exp. w/this :thank you: )
Well .. DB just covered it. I pollinate a few small buds 3-4 weeks in flower and just let plants finish (10-12 week strains). Sometimes I'll have seeds pop out on own or by being brushed against with hands/arms and be on floor which is layered in white plastic. Always healthy mature brown seeds with tiger stripes. :)

Another thing .. I know a guy that has a 600watt grow in his closet .. he kept a Lifesaver male branch in a water bottle on his window with paper to collect pollen. Well needless to say some pollen got in air in room and was intaked into his closet which pollinated his entire crop. Wound up with a shit load of unwanted seeds.


Thank you sirs. Will definately remember this info for when the time comes to make seeds.

BTW, the dude I was borrowing the camera from somehow broke it, so I wont have any pics for a while untill I can just buy my own. Shame too since I just harvested my other female/hermy and it looks like it will be alot better yield. Atleast I have some female seeds now(I think). Sorry guys.


Got another question for the brilliant minds in this thread.

Got a small grow tent on the way. It's 36"x20"x62" comes out to a little over 25.5 cubic square ft. The tent has several 4" vent ports including on on the top where I plan to use a this 4" inline fan with carbon filter combo rated at 190cfm $130 on Amazon (here). I'm also looking at this 4" inline duct fan rated at 65cfm (here).

My question is will this be enough to keep temps down and properly exchange airflow in this small space? Should I consider two of these inline duct fans?

I also plan on getting a temperature switch that will turn on the fans when a certain temperature is reached, thus automating this process.

Are my plans sound? Are there better, cheaper solutions? Any help would be appreciated.


weed fiend
HobbyGrower, the 65cfm might not pull through a scrubber, The 190cfm is more than enough for the job, just check the dimensions to make sure it'll fit where you plan to put it. A speed controller on low might be better than off/on.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey everyone!!
I thought I'd post a pic ( or two!!) of my recent scrog attempt...


I trimmed all the leaves underneath( like you all said I should do!!) and she's lovin it!! thanks!!


here is a pic with the lights on..
I'm building a cab so I can fit this light in properely..temps have'nt gone over 82 with ambients at 71....not too bad...
its because I followed your advice:)
thanks again!!


Got another question for the experts. (maybe I just like picking everyone's brain)...

I got my grow tent today and it's perfect for my setup. I'm able to keep temps way down with the doors closed and a single fan providing fresh air that can run constantly if need be.

I've got 4 plants (don't know if they're female yet) that are a week or so old (starting their second set of true leaves). Since they sprouted they've been under 18/6 but now that my temps are under control and ventilation is no longer an issue, can I switch to 24/0? Will that stress my plants or cause them to be hermie or any other weirdness? Should I just continue with the 18/6?

Here's my set up:
Grow tent is 36"x20"x62" (25.69 cubic feet)
150watt HPS (might supplement with 100watt cfl)
using emily's garden to hopefully grow 1-2 plants (basically a small dwc bubbler)
growing 2 northern lights and 2 afghan. will separate the males when they show
60cfm fan going constantly - intake (got a 4" 190cfm carbon scrubber combo on the way)

don't really know if 2 plants can qualify as a sog and don't plan on scrogging as this is my first time grow and I want to see what it takes just to get them to harvest. Just going to let them grow and see what happens.

I'm totally open to suggestions and criticism. Thanks so much.

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