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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


half cat half man half baked
You should fix the light and you can just boost up your res when they are shorter. Probably only need to change it a time or two during the stretch.


hey guys iv got a question about light and distance. in the cab that im building there will be 16" of room between the top of the res and the light. im thinking of makeing the light adjustable vertically. would i gain anything by this out of the 150w hps or should i just mount it solid?

In my case, I gained at LEAST 2 inches by mounting it to the top of the fridge. For me, that alone was worth it. You will have to prop your plants up a bit when theyre young, but under a 150HPS you dont need them that close anyways till they get bigger.

I say mount it to the top all the way. Is it 16" to the bulb itself? And is that with it mounted to the top or hanging? Remember, anything closer than 4" to that HPS risks getting burnt. My top buds all got fried and they were considerably more harsh even after a 2 week cure.

Good luck whatever you decide!!


weed fiend
disfunktional, no reflector? That's one of the easiest adjustable light setups. You probably have an idea what you want but here's a suggestion. A simple grommet or (cord) strain relief can be sized tight enough to easily hold the weight of the bulb and socket by the cord. Simply pull your lamp cord to either side of the grommet to raise or lower the lamp.

I'm with catman and KolorBlind about it not being necessary. It would be cool, though.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
These days I'm all about simple, easy, and inexpensive. A couple of years ago I gave up all of the BC nutes and actually dumped all my various additives. Now I'm using a one-part nute for veg and a corresponding one-part nute for flower. The only other thing that ever gets thrown in is a bit of H2O2. In fact, if Miracle Gro ever came up with a cheap-ass hydro version that had all of the missing micro-nutes, I'd even give that a try. This approach works well for me as I only grow one specific sativa strain, and try as I might to get it wrong, I'm still producing more than I can smoke.

As far as the roots drying out goes, its not a problem. Take a look at the size of my airpump system. Even with just a half of an inch of liquid in the bottom of the tub, things are getting blown around enough to keep the roots totally wet at all times.

And as far as my house plants go.....they get the light that comes in thru the window, and they should consider themselves lucky if they get any food at all. Low level lighting, low level nutes, water once every week or two, don't move them, and ignore them. They'll live forever. Heck at 95 years old my actual mother still has a couple of plants that were started by her mother. I don't know what's more amazing, my mom living or those plants!!!

Please keep in mind, that just because I grow this way, I'm not suggesting anyone else try it. I have specific needs and limitations. I'm a medical grower/user with limited physical ability, I know the one strain that works for me as far as pain relief goes, I won't sell or give away excess marijuana, and as I said, I produce more than I need.


Pipedream its good to here from you! Im glad to here thinks are going ok. The method for taking care of the house plants sounds just like my grandmas. She has plants that are 60 plus years old and only feeds them a mixture of coffee grounds and egg shells in a 1gl glass jar that she keeps under the kitchen sink. Its amazing that they do so well, Iv always thought about trying that recipe on some mj. :biggrin: Peace
Once again, thanks for the great info, Pipe. Sorry i was unaware that you're no longer using BC nutes, as i am only on about page 180 of this thread! Sounds like 'simple' is the key for you. Are your one part nutes organic or chem?
You should fix the light and you can just boost up your res when they are shorter. Probably only need to change it a time or two during the stretch.

hey catman thanx for the input i was really wanting to stay awat from propping up the res if posible.

In my case, I gained at LEAST 2 inches by mounting it to the top of the fridge. For me, that alone was worth it. You will have to prop your plants up a bit when theyre young, but under a 150HPS you dont need them that close anyways till they get bigger.

I say mount it to the top all the way. Is it 16" to the bulb itself? And is that with it mounted to the top or hanging? Remember, anything closer than 4" to that HPS risks getting burnt. My top buds all got fried and they were considerably more harsh even after a 2 week cure.

Good luck whatever you decide!!

wut up KB? the 16" is from the top of the res to the ceiling of the cab itself. if you look at the pics of what iv got done so far you"ll see that the exhaust will be directly above the light. iv got a 75 cfm pc fan that il be mounting near the light in hopes of keeping it a lil cooler.

disfunktional, no reflector? That's one of the easiest adjustable light setups. You probably have an idea what you want but here's a suggestion. A simple grommet or (cord) strain relief can be sized tight enough to easily hold the weight of the bulb and socket by the cord. Simply pull your lamp cord to either side of the grommet to raise or lower the lamp.

I'm with catman and KolorBlind about it not being necessary. It would be cool, though.

hey DB iv been jumping back and forth on useing a reflector, i would like to but as i mentioned earlier when replying to KB the vent will be directly above the light and im worried that a reflector may hamper air flow. im thinking that i may try one and see how much it affects airflow. thanx for the idea with the strain relief i think i know what your talking about.

you know me well, it does sound cool to have a vertical light mover, lol

thanx for the input guys!!


Lookin good 150 crew!!




Thanks guys! Yea thats a piece of the cut steal you can buy at lowes. 18x12 that I bent like
tick's batwing.
Cant wait to get the new box rollin.... clones getting use to their new home as of yesterday :D






johnny had to calm lol i mean TIE this bitch down






Some kiwaski sweets, johnny calls it that because it smokes super smooth and taste and smells fruity







A top view of The Blueberry from dutch passion


Johnny put her next to the Led light to get that different light spectrum







sorry if i put to many pictures guys il take them off if ya want me too?:smokeit:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
LOL No such thing as too many pix yo! Bring um on! :rasta:
Some of my own. Group shot.

Close up.

That's Muscadine Mash ~ 52 daze. Don't know much about the strain. It was gifted to me.
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Lookin great vin!! how long you gonna let her go?
I bet she smells ooooossooo good ..
How we do..:joint:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Thanks Bro. They're pretty dank. There's a very faint hint of grape knee high odor. One is by far the stickiest plant I've ever grown. I've tried to inquire more about this strain. Bout all I know is that it's a FAM cross that goes 70 days.
Your grow has got to be one of the finest examples of 150 scrog I've ever seen :rasta:


Checking in peoples.

Snapped a couple of pics of what I have going on over here and will post them in a little bit. A friend of mine had grown some herb for giggles under some seriously low wattage cfl's and came up with 3 females....so he sent one home with me after a visit so now I have something to do aside from my clone and the 3 different types of herb I sprouted from seeds won/bought on the bay.

I am starting to get excited about the prospect of seeing some buds forming. Although, my stomach is still in knots about the pending orders...none of the exceptional stuff has made its way to me. Still no OJD SSSDH beans in the mail - shipped Jan 8, my payment for CHEMHAZE x Chemdog has not been recieved although sent 2 + weeks ago and the ChemDDxChemdog was just shipped (sent payment 1 week ago). I am crossing my fingers that everything will make its way here just fine.

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