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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Active member
Hey Pipedream and everyone!

Felt it was about time I introduced myself to the club that inspired me to build my very own150w growcab. I'm nearing harvest time with my 1st. grow with said cab, and felt I should now join the few, the proud, the 150w HPS CLUB!!!

Here's 2 pics of my rig - very early-on, and just last night:



If you're interested, you can visit my growthread, in Micro Grows, HERE.
Always happy to have visitors!!

Thanks Y'all - for all of the really great ideas and inspirations!


I didn't know ET grew chrons! :abduct:

Haven't seen lights like that before.. The plants look great!

-Rek :rasta:
thank you, I think these lights are great by themselves( check out my pure led grow in my gallery) but added with an hps- well its like adding alot of useable light without the heat- the cab is running 73-75 degrees and with the leds added( its easy and cheaper to build your own) I get fat bushy plants with no wasted stem space-perfect for micro-growing. Thanx again peace


Whats up 150 watt crew. Here's my recently completed grow. I ended up with 103 grams. Here's some shots right b4 i cut down, and a shot in my jars.



weed fiend
Great effort I2KanGrow, labtec and everybody!

I've yet to see a single thread as large or informative as this one. ~5000 posts and well over a half million views. Did Cervantes or Rosenbam (sic) ever sell a half million books? Pipedream may have the single most influential pot growing thread on the net. Any doubters?


Great effort I2KanGrow, labtec and everybody!

I've yet to see a single thread as large or informative as this one. ~5000 posts and well over a half million views. Did Cervantes or Rosenbam (sic) ever sell a half million books? Pipedream may have the single most influential pot growing thread on the net. Any doubters?

No doubt.. this thread rocks, and has taught me a lot.. An epic thread for sure


Good lookin' grow labtec. How long did you veg for, and how tall are those girls?

Oh, and is there such a thing as TOO much air flow? b/c I'm having some trouble w/ my seedlings and can figure out what it is (and my airflow is overkill IMO).

-Rek :rasta:

EDIT: ps- I've gotta have like 70% of my posts in this thread alone! Dunno what I'd do w/out all of your help..


Thanks TraneRek. I vegged for about a month. I'm guessing the height on most of them to be around 18-20", maybe 24" on the tallest one. Lets see some pics of your seedlings. What kind of soil are they in, how much are you watering?


Well I guess I'll start from the beginning..

I had problems from the get go, but couldn't figure out what it was. They were lookin' like this:

These had been vegging for like 10 days already..

Then I changed a few things:
-First, I turned off my Stanley Blower and used one of my circ fans (a small PC fan) as an intake fan (easier to do than an exhaust).
-Then I added some veg nutes to my water.
-I also started foliar watering (my RH is only around 35%).
-Lastly, I changed my lighting from 4x26w CFL's to just 2.

I got WAY better results.. They grew 3x their size in a matter of days.

Well I figured they were big enough, so I decided to turn my blower back on, and the result was the wilting again..

My entire box is 16"D x 21"W x 48"H. The Flower cab is 12" shorter. I read somewhere that Stanley blowers are around 250 CFM's, which is like 4 times more than I need..

I'm just worried that my blower is going to be too much regardless of how big my plants are. I dunno when/whether my RH is gonna get any higher, so I'm sorta stuck. Any thoughts?

-Rek :rasta:


half cat half man half baked
They look over-watered to me TraneRek.

Fill a cup with 100% dry soil and learn the feel of the weight. In small cups I like to water from the bottom-up. You should already have drainage holes in the bottoms of the cups and a couple of holes on the sides about a inch up don't hurt. Simply wait for the soil to dry out and fill a container with water and just give the cup about a 1/2 hour to soak all the way up to the top of the soil. It's very hard to over-water this way!

The growth speed is very sensitive to watering, but don't fret, they only be delayed a short bit. Some strains take much longer in this stage than others as well. \

2x26w should be plenty for now.

They should respond well to foliar feeding in low humidity, but once again... low humidity doesn't harm them, just slows them down a bit. 35% is probably the highest you would want RH during flower so it's better to live in a location with lower RH than higher. Soil will dry out faster in RH which can be a good thing because then you get to water them more often giving them more frequent oxygen that they love.

If your temps are in check without the blower, stick with the PC fans.


Good call catman, thats what i was thinking. You might not need any nutes right now also. What kind of soil are you using?

Hey bluebuds I am running two bagseed strains. They are both really bomb.


Ah, over-watering could be it.. I'd say I'm more on the too frequent side rather than the not frequent enough side. I do have drainage holes, but I'll try the bottom watering method next time I water.

Just using the CFL's my temps are fine w/out the Stanley blower (75-81F), but when I'm ready for the 150HPS I'll need to turn it back on. Is that much air flow going to be a problem later on? (9.333cu.ft. x 5 = ~47 CFM's: Stanley blower is rated ~250CFM's)

Also, I'll cut back on the nutes. I've only fed them twice so far, so hopefully that'll be good enough for a while.

Thanks again for the help fellas.
-Rek :rasta:


How important is light proofing while vegging? w/out my Stanley blowing the door has a minor gap in it..

Also, bump on the ventilation question above ^^

-Rek :rasta:


How important is light proofing while vegging? w/out my Stanley blowing the door has a minor gap in it..

Also, bump on the ventilation question above ^^

-Rek :rasta:

I've never had any issue with too much air flow, so can't answer that question for you. Would you be able to get a speed controller for the blower fan?

Do you have a flowering box attached to your veg box? If light is leaking into a flowering box, it could cause problems. The only reason to light-proof a veg box would be for security reasons, and the tolerance for that is all personal.


I'm still having quite a bit of problems with my seedlings as well. These are over a month old already. 2 weeks in I transplanted from crappy peat pots to the current plastic ones and that seemed to help the weaker of the 2, and now it's the stronger looking one. The stronger one exploded a bit the first week after transplant, but then has slowed down a lot since, while the weaker one looks like it hasn't changed since transplanting.

So temps are around 76-82, humidity about 50% PH right around 7.
The only thing I could think of is the messed up watering these have received. With the peat pots I was watering about 1/2 cup every day or so becaue they absorbed so much moisture. I cut that down to about a 1/2 cup every 2-3 days, but now thinking that's just too much water.
Do people water their seedlings until run-off comes through a bit and then let that dry up for a few days, or should I be watering less quantity, more frequently?

Maybe there's something else wrong that I'm missing.

This is how they look:


weed fiend
Day 35 12/12

(OG Kush x SD IBL) x Deep Chunk. Been throwin the nutes at em but they're still a little pale. Dusted four budlets at day 21 for some beans. Also took 4 clones after 2nd week, all 4 rooted. These two have been a little pale the entire grow but the clones are a deeper green. Maybe I'll do a little better the second time around.


So temps are around 76-82, humidity about 50% PH right around 7.
The only thing I could think of is the messed up watering these have received. With the peat pots I was watering about 1/2 cup every day or so becaue they absorbed so much moisture. I cut that down to about a 1/2 cup every 2-3 days, but now thinking that's just too much water.
Do people water their seedlings until run-off comes through a bit and then let that dry up for a few days, or should I be watering less quantity, more frequently?

Ya, looks like over-watering. Look at catman's post a few back for advice.

What lighting setup ya got? That was another problem my seedlings had- too much light.

-Rek :rasta: