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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Beautiful plants bro!!! Wow they did stretch alot!!! Thats a good thing:dance013:
Hows the smoke? The buds look tasty for sure...
great work AcroPhobic:)
Thanks bro.

Haven't smoked any of the outdoor bud yet as it's a few days curing and I already have 4 jars of curing indoor buds that keep me blazed enough already. :) Be harvesting those 4 small SD x SKK buds in a week or 2 and boy is that smoke good! I got sample buds along with the clones from a friend awhile back and it's a keeper for me. The buds are dense and rock solid .. high calax to leaf ratio and the smell n taste is hashy-fruity-fuely.


I should be joining the 150w hps club soon. Ordered my light and am finishing up yet another cab. Will link to the post when it is finished being built.


weed fiend
16 days in flower and what a heap. Can't tell at this point whether I'll get defs straightened out or not. I was certain I had depleted N until the onset of ram horn. What looked like even fade last week is splotchy now. Gotta be Mg def at this point, minimal Ca spots confirm.... me thinks. What a fickle little beech she is.



weed fiend
Awesome awesome, big ballin 88. :wave: I especially like the verti-CMH/HPS combo, best of both worlds. Even though I rock only one bulb, I wish I had considered a verticle setup before I bought my cabinet. I might still harvest more with a vert bulb but a square footprint is soooo much better. Your harvest potential is prolly on par with a horizontal, 400 watt gig.
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big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Right now i am on about the same page as a 400w. However i just switched it up to a perpetual setup with 3 plants going in at a time so total yield is down. Overall though I'm managing about an O to 2-O's per plant with a capacity of 4 plants depending on veg. I'm expecting an O per plant now with 9 plants in smaller pots.

I used to just use the CMH but the 4k bulb is terrible for flowering. The 3k with the HPS is giving me everything i want and can ask for. Strong structure meant for building weight and minimal vegetation(with the 4k i had almost 2x-3x the amount of vegetation as usual). The CMH adds to the density greatly while the HPS gives nice long buds with long internode space so less fan leaves also. I'm very happy with this setup vs a single 250w.

I miss the square footprint since its so easy to work with and never worry about getting blinded or too close to the bulb. As of recently my DR40 has been hard to work with since there is only a couple of inches away from the bulb. Might have to move back to a Cylinder Screen of Green. If this wasnt a stealth setup i would move up to a DR80 or DR60 and buy another 150w CMH for veg.

Personally i could never go back to horizontal though, the increase in yield and growth is worth the little bit of extra energy required to make it work.


Hey guys.

Soo, I had a really bad time past couple weeks. Living situation went from OK to bad to I moved out in about 10 days. Sucks, but in the end it was actually alright. Only problem was I had to chop way early. The Ice was about done, so not too worried there, but the other girl was still atleast two weeks out. The real issue, though, is that I couldn't hang them to dry. I had to wrap them up for a couple days before I could even trim.

So basically they sat wrapped up wet in plastic bags for three days or so. Right now they are sitting with the bags open. I still can't just hang them to dry.

Do you guys think that I'll still be ok if I dry them now? Any good ideas as to how to do it without hanging them, basically under the radar? This sucks so much ass, if I could have jus had another couple weeks I'd be chilling with an oz and a half atleast. They didn't have time to fill out, though, so I think I'll be lucky to get a half.

Will the high even be worth it? Should I even bother tryin to salvage this bud?

Thanks, all.


weed fiend
blwd67, can you lay them out on a screen? I'd hate to throw em away. Probably won't be as good as finished. Sorry to hear about the setback.

Watch out for mold. :clock watch:


weed fiend
Right now i am on about the same page as a 400w. However i just switched it up to a perpetual setup with 3 plants going in at a time so total yield is down. Overall though I'm managing about an O to 2-O's per plant with a capacity of 4 plants depending on veg. I'm expecting an O per plant now with 9 plants in smaller pots.

I used to just use the CMH but the 4k bulb is terrible for flowering. The 3k with the HPS is giving me everything i want and can ask for. Strong structure meant for building weight and minimal vegetation(with the 4k i had almost 2x-3x the amount of vegetation as usual). The CMH adds to the density greatly while the HPS gives nice long buds with long internode space so less fan leaves also decreased. I'm very happy with this setup vs a single 250w.

I miss the square footprint since its so easy to work with and never worry about getting blinded or too close to the bulb. As of recently my DR40 has been hard to work with since there is only a couple of inches away from the bulb. Might have to move back to a Cylinder Screen of Green. If this wasnt a stealth setup i would move up to a DR80 or DR60 and buy another 150w CMH for veg.

Personally i could never go back to horizontal though, the increase in yield and growth is worth the little bit of extra energy required to make it work.

100 watts per year is pretty good savings. 1/2 lb plus is a good haul. I've done ~4.5 zips but only once, 15 plant sog. I'll start it up again after the local sheriff election, lol.

I didn't realize your tent isn't sq. Really nice inside.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
100 watts per year is pretty good savings. 1/2 lb plus is a good haul. I've done ~4.5 zips but only once, 15 plant sog. I'll start it up again after the local sheriff election, lol.

I didn't realize your tent isn't sq. Really nice inside.

The power saving/efficiency is the main reason i went vert. The 150w's actually impress the hell out of me. I like being able to light up the whole plant with 2 bulbs compared to one bulb with a barely longer arc. I was pretty much getting between 2-3oz horizontal but i really wasn't dialed in or have enough plants to increase yield for max output.

I actually love these Secret Jardins their pretty amazing and make stealth easy. People have been in my room and thought it was a suitcase when looking at it, and trying to look for my grow op. I'm looking to get another one and a 70w CMH for veg since their way better than my computer clone/veg box. I'll probably get the next size up so i can fit more plants and grow them bigger before flower. Vegging with CMH definetly helps cut down veg time.

The Cylinder of Green is actually pretty amazing with 150w's. I veg for 2-4 weeks to keep plants short and it works perfect for my small setup. It allows me to keep the plants right in the direct light area. I think that will bring me up to a consistent 400w yield.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
blwd67 - Here's a great way to dry your harvest without hanging it. I've used it for many many years with great success, no mold, and good tasting results. And, it's super simple...

Use regular brown paper grocery bags. Fill them about one third of the way at most and don't pack them down. Keep the buds loose. Make sure the bag stays fully inflated and fold over the top inch or two. Hold the fold closed with paper-clips. If you have a hole-puncher, like the ones for school notebook paper, run it down the four corners putting 3 or 4 holes in each fold. The more holes the faster it will dry, but the harsher the smoke. So if you're not in a rush, just do one or two in each corner. You can leave your buds in there till they are totally dry and ready to smoke.

Get them out of those plastic bags before they start to mold and become toxic garbage.

Good luck, PD


Thank you guys so much. Great tip on the paper bags, I am going to do that after this post.

What I ended up doing was just laying them out to dry, loosely covered with paper. They don't smell or look moldy, even though they were in plastic for over three days.

They don't smell like great bud, though, which is disappointing. I guess at this point I should be happ to get anything, I cut them weeks early at 3am while I was being kicked out. No bueno.


weed fiend
Don't be surprised if smell returns after the water drys off. So long as you dry slowly, (7 to 10 days, depending.) You're probably in the hay(smell) period of drying.


I am in the hay period of drying, in fact. Probably should have learned what to do after the growing part is finished.


weed fiend
for 150w that pic looked good

Yep, if you're referencing the grocery sack of produce, it's pretty darn impressive. Hats off to all impressive growers in the 150 club.:tiphat:

I am in the hay period of drying, in fact. Probably should have learned what to do after the growing part is finished.

I'm with you, blwd67. The only thing I can add is keep it simple. Don't dry too fast and don't get it too dry before jarring. You can get a mini-hygrometer that takes the guesswork out of moisture levels. I don't have any figures, I just dry until small stems snap, not necessarily break apart. Fiber can hold even dry stems together.

Jarring involves observation for mold. If it's a bit dry, I try not to open that much. We need a bit of moisture for the cure process. Extreme, relative humidity can play a role.

When I open the jar, I smell for signs of what to do next. An ammonia smell might indicate burping is necessary. When ammonia wanes, I know that burping is less necessary. Or, at least the intervals and or duration are reduced.

Hay smell is a toughy. I haven't developed a consensus opinion whether "hay" is typically too-wet or too-dry. I have to feel it and compare to past cures in order to determine what to do next.

I realize the subjective nature of all this. That's why a hygrometer, small enough to jar seems convenient AND scientific. We'd still have to trial the moisture levels. But as soon as we connect success with numbers, consistency might seem reasonable enough to replace the meter with experience. :dance013:

It's kind of like an EC meter and measuring salt ferts. One teaspoon of Floranova (my current ferts) added to one gallon of (my) tap = ~1 EC. No surprises, at least not enough to render consequences. Been there and done that, I know what to expect.

Not so much for curing, lol. But I'm much better than I was the first two or three cures. Maybe I let too much ammonia dissipate before sealing. Or maybe I compromise another part of the process. But I'm further satisfied with the results as I practice.

ICMaggers enjoy a level of success early on. Unlike pioneers that might have learned through trial and error.

A local grower recently allowed me to sample his latest, outdoor harvest.

Smell - Dank... so far so good.

Visual inspection - early harvest, not so good.

Breaking up a bud - plethora of immature seeds. Probably late-season nanners and lots of em. Allowing this stuff to grow any longer was probably a losing battle.

Taste - most discouraging test, tasted like ferts. The deep-green color looked odd for near, harvest-level. My guess was too much N, too late in the game.

Of course I didn't let on like the dude fucked up. He was pretty damn siked it delivered a kick. It just made me more appreciative of the info I've learned from IC members. To all at ICMag, :thank you:

A few days later the same grower and I shared a spliff of my latest. I didn't admit I grew it for security reasons. When he saw it, smelled it and enjoyed the kick-ass stone, I doubt he'd believe I actually grew the shit.

My humble opinion:

his - homegrown

mine - pretty darn close to top-shelf. Couldn't have done it w/o ICMag, a book from Cervantes, or Rosenbaum.

You're doing much better than your nearest competitor who doesn't enjoy top genetics and documented experience from IC members. World-class genetics versus above average street beans is no contest. Don't underestimate your success and recognize how proud others are to sample your buds. Even if they don't know the source.


Yep, if you're referencing the grocery sack of produce, it's pretty darn impressive. Hats off to all impressive growers in the 150 club.:tiphat:

I'm with you, blwd67. The only thing I can add is keep it simple. Don't dry too fast and don't get it too dry before jarring. You can get a mini-hygrometer that takes the guesswork out of moisture levels. I don't have any figures, I just dry until small stems snap, not necessarily break apart. Fiber can hold even dry stems together.

Jarring involves observation for mold. If it's a bit dry, I try not to open that much. We need a bit of moisture for the cure process. Extreme, relative humidity can play a role.

ICMaggers enjoy a level of success early on. Unlike pioneers that might have learned through trial and error.

A local grower recently allowed me to sample his latest, outdoor harvest.

Smell - Dank... so far so good.

Visual inspection - early harvest, not so good.

Breaking up a bud - plethora of immature seeds. Probably late-season nanners and lots of em. Allowing this stuff to grow any longer was probably a losing battle.

Taste - most discouraging test, tasted like ferts. The deep-green color looked odd for near, harvest-level. My guess was too much N, too late in the game.

Of course I didn't let on like the dude fucked up. He was pretty damn siked it delivered a kick. It just made me more appreciative of the info I've learned from IC members. To all at ICMag, :thank you:

A few days later the same grower and I shared a spliff of my latest. I didn't admit I grew it for security reasons. When he saw it, smelled it and enjoyed the kick-ass stone, I doubt he'd believe I actually grew the shit.

My humble opinion:

his - homegrown

mine - pretty darn close to top-shelf. Couldn't have done it w/o ICMag, a book from Cervantes, or Rosenbaum.

You're doing much better than your nearest competitor who doesn't enjoy top genetics and documented experience from IC members. World-class genetics versus above average street beans is no contest. Don't underestimate your success and recognize how proud others are to sample your buds. Even if they don't know the source.

blwd67 .. you'll still get high even though you had to harvest early and were in plastic for 3 days. As long as you dry em with no mold and cure a bit those buds will be better than nothing at all.

DB .. I hear ya. A few folks I know still smoke shwag/ brick and think that's good herb. When they see / hit my buds they say how dank they smell and how sugar coated the nugs look. Not to mention they get blasted beyond what they are use to smoking which is subpar compared to potent properly grown sinsi.