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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Active member
smokey ... it's really up to you. more light, all other things being equal, will give more yield, but the 150hps will do just fine by itself in a cabinet that size.

happy growing !


smokey ... it's really up to you. more light, all other things being equal, will give more yield, but the 150hps will do just fine by itself in a cabinet that size.

happy growing !

ya i just finished up my first cycle in pretty similar size and i just pulled out 4oz dry
gotta love the 150hps =D
but i still think i can increase my yeild but a qp for your first grow aint bad


southpaw nice tv set up and shred420 4oz dry is nice but isnt that about the max a 150 will pull?

na i think you can pull more the 4 oz pretty easy if you have the right settings
its possible to get a gram per watt of the 150 and that's a little more then 5oz

you just have to learn how to maximize your light space and still have the plants tall but not to tall so the 150 can penetrate the whole plant evenly cause with using such a low wattage you only penetrate so deep so its good to have a even nug growth


ya its better to set your expectations low your first time and manly use it as a learning process because each harvest you'll find ways to improve for the next one
i would also recommend using supplemental cfl's with hps if you can handle the heat it can make a good difference for pretty cheap


What would you all say is the smallest footprint you could go w/ using a 150? I know 50 w/sq.ft is optimal, but what happens if you go, let's say, double that?

Also, what seed bank have you all found to be the best and/or most reliable?

Thanks all,
-Rek :rasta:


What would you all say is the smallest footprint you could go w/ using a 150? I know 50 w/sq.ft is optimal, but what happens if you go, let's say, double that?

Also, what seed bank have you all found to be the best and/or most reliable?

Thanks all,
-Rek :rasta:
you go 100 w per sq/ft you will have more denser nuggs..yet you will also have more heat buildup and will need to have a good venting system in place.. there people with 150 w per sq/ft..go as much light as you want just give it the air it needs to thrive.

Attitude seeds.. just redid there site to.. !


Pass That S**t!
:jump: Count me in guys :jump:








Great setup Pontiac!! Hey I was curious, are those two darkroom louvers 4" ones? I have heard that the airflow is restricted a lot through those, how many CFMs are you pulling through them, and is the fan pretty loud?

Sorry for all the questions, just real curious.



Pass That S**t!
Great setup Pontiac!! Hey I was curious, are those two darkroom louvers 4" ones? I have heard that the airflow is restricted a lot through those, how many CFMs are you pulling through them, and is the fan pretty loud?

Sorry for all the questions, just real curious.


Are you talking about those two round pvc pipe fittings above the Ebb & Flow? :D

Those are actually my DIY darkroom louvers. They block most of the light, yet allow a respectable amount of airflow at the same time. I'll make an article if I ever get the time. :chin:

No the fan isn't that loud with a solid state fan speed controller and some cushioning to absorb the fan's natural vibrations, along with the controller's electrical hum. At max speed it draws 170cfm but at the lowest setting, I'm guessing around 100cfm.

If you wan't more info, feel free to tag along with my diary.
My plants are about 7" now and pretty bushy i was wondering if yall thought that it would be fine to clip a couple five bladed leaves even if there's nothing wrong with them to let light in to the lower branches?


weed fiend
tennesseetoker, trimming fans is cool. It's also an art to discover how trimming affects the plant. Fans are like solar panels. Their large surface area absorbs more photons than smaller leaves. They also store water and nutes, transferring them to other parts of the plant if needed. It's a judgment call, IMO. While the bud(s) below the cut fan may get more light, they still might not produce like buds higher up. The bud adjacent to the cut fan will lose it's helper but will be ok because local secondary fans will grow and take up some slack. Make mental notes of how plants respond when trimmed. This will give insight for future consideraton. Might be better to trim small plants a little at a time, allowing the plant to recover before next trim.

There are some great threads here that ask the question whether to trim fans. When a fan grows a petiole (stem) it is changing from a sink (user) to a supply. Sink leaves are dependent on supply leaves to manufacture the sugars necessary for growth. Supply leaves are big enough to supply the plant while sustaining themselves.
:yes: thanks for the input. what about the height?

NP,J. The height is not as much an issue. You can grow the plants as tall as you want, the only problem is the light penetration is a fixed measure you can not get around. Sure you can grow a 5' tree under a 150w, but the only decent area of the plant will be the first 12-18" under the light. I keep my total overall height (including the pot) to under 30". The 150w is great for sogging of scrogging, but since it doesn't penetrate well, growing the plant and tall trying to get the low popcorns is a waste of time IMHO. I cut all that stuff off and focus on the top 18" for production. I'm trying to find a pheno out of the group I've started to get one that likes to budsickle for me. A bud on a stick with no side branching will work best for me. I have scrogged in small pots with a lot of success, and would suggest it for anyone using a 150w in a cab.

Good luck!