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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


vintner said:
Well. econolight.com still has very inexpencive 150's, but they recently started to omit a part from their balasts, so I'm not so sure if it's such a good deal anymore. Maybe Pipedream or DiscoDuck will chime in and help you out there. Has anyone seen DD around in a while?
As far as yield, a lot depends on your grow medium, nutes, temps... From my reading, I will say that SOG is not the most efficient way to use a 150, but if you keep your grow limited to about 75watts/sq ft, you should average about an oz/sq. ft, but you can practcally double that by using LST or Scrog. Hope that helps.
I recently ordered on of the 150hps setups from ebay, it should be hear Monday I’ll let you guys know how it is! Looked like a quality lamp + its an actual company with chain stores not some guy in his basement as they say.
$89.95 shipped


Active member
zappa66 ... that is one of the nicest little plug-and-play 150 set-ups i have ever seen, and the delivered price is very good. i wouldnt hesitate to buy that package if i needed one. also, HTG is an established supplier which, as far as i can recall, has a good record of backing their warranty.


Considering I'm about to try my first grow here in a month or two, the ease of that setup looks pretty damn enticing! No messing with wiring or anything (though, I think I'd actually like to learn all that eventually..). The only thing is could I make a decent cool tube with that big socket? What do you all think?


TraneRek said:
could I make a decent cool tube with that big socket?

Unfortunately that things looks pretty fat. However this is the world of DIY so modding is always an option. I'm not sure why they have that huge cylinder on the backside of the socket beyond simply to hold it on there, I don't see why you couldn't just remove it? I went digital for my first ballast and I'll never look back. Rigged her up using the DIY reflector from a mailbox and threw a cooltube in for additional temperature control. It's all up to your own ingenuity :joint:

Then again not everyone has got the equipment needed for all this tinkering so for what it is, looks like a good buy.
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Ya, I was gonna get my lamp from 1000bulbs but I'm a little worried about how well I could wire it. Though I consider myself pretty handy, I have no electrical experience what so ever and all that wiring looks so complicated to me.. I'll see what zappa says about it once he gets it in the mail and go from there I suppose, because I think I'm going to need a cool tube..


Actually I'm going to (try) to make it an enclosed hood, with plexi and lots of that reflective tape. The side panels of the reflector are removable so the large socket might not be a problem. I guess we’ll see.

I’m getting my cab tomorrow stay tuned!


edit: 150th post in the 150w Club w00t! :joint:
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Here are my girls drying after 54 hours darkness. they flowered for 54 days also. unfortunately one was a hermi and i just kept it. it seeded up some of my girls.



Active member
really nice harvest, labtec . good work . heres the first plant harvested from my perpetual mini-sog attempt (not going as smoothly as i had hoped due to seedling/cutting problems) . even so, i am happy with this satori, and i can see why people grow sog-style, rather than tree-style; it's just so much easier to trim a plant that is mostly one big cola ...

(the plant on the left is the one shown hanging and trimmed>
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Daamn, both look beautiful to me! Were those both just under 150 HPS's? All of these pictures are driving me crazy..

I can't start even start assembling my cab till mid-august, and I've been dying to grow for like 4 months now.. I've been lurking for a while here on IC, but finally started to post a little.

You all have really inspired me to grow with a 150w! I debated a while between getting a 150 or 250, but I think I've finally chosen. 150 just seems more like the proper amount for what I want to achieve (just a personal stash), and for the amount of space I want to grow in. If I can grow half of what you all crank out I 'll be happy! Amazing job to both of you and good luck with your next grows.

much love
-Rek :rasta:


thanx green_grow that plant looks awesome. yeah i like the sog. doesnt take as long in veg either.

tranerek- that might be a good thing that you cant get it going until the end of august, unless you live in the basement. i ran into a heat problem. i live upstairs and it was hot as hell the last month. i had to have my ac on almost all the time. and yeah mine was with a 150 watt hps florolux.

if you guys look at the plant on the far right youll notice the bottom buds are bigger than the top.(they are upside down of course) thats weird. ive never seen that b4. it wasnt getting extra light or anything.
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New member
a new 150w grower signing in, i just got my mother cab and flower cab setup in a stealthy kinda way.
i used to grow witha 400w but it was a waste of light and power for what i needed, so a 150w was perfect :jump: .
i havent got any pics of my setup yet but i will soon,i also got hold of some cuttings from a friend but they werent sexed so i am not sure if the male or female yet.i have one clone in a dwc setup in the mother cab and two which just went in to flower today, and there in a ebb and flow setup.
i was looking threw the thread and some of the 150w grows are great! and so many things i`ve never really thorght about. :respect:


Over all I think this is a very high quality lamp. The ballast is very heftily constructed and the cord is heavy duty. This is the first time I have seen a HPS bulb and I have to say it looks badass! The reflector bends to increase the light footprint.

The funny part is the HTG Supply decal and lighter (w/ bottle opener built in) that was included…that’s not transparent right?

In reference to the first pic: w/ a bit of DIY and some JB Weld or something you could do away with that bulky bit.


New member
hey fellow 150 growers, my cab is almost to where i want it, and looks a little bare on the plant side of things.......but that will change soon :canabis: (i hope lol).
the picture are here but i cant put them up?


New member
Got it!:jump:
whole stealth cab

Mother/Clone cab


Flower cab

enclosed 12v pc fan, extracting from both cabs.



New member
hey zappa, i had to buy the cool tube when i was using a 400w,it was bargain! only cost £15($30). i need to change the mother cab bulbs to cool white cfls(am using warm white because my dosey arse sat on the others :cuss: ) but other then that and the odour control most of the cab is done.


Hi guys,
How do you think, how many Lowryder#2 can I grow using 150W HPS? I was thinking about Lowryder#2 or crosses (AutoAk47, Diesel Ryder...)? Is here someone who grows autoflowering plants using just a 150W (or 2 x 150W). Thanks.


Active member
couple of pics of my first grow with a 150

couple of problems in beginning of flowering(heat,nute burn,cal problems)....ok,more then couple :violin:

re-did my cab,for the next grow,still in progress,but i'm just revegging this plant,which was already a re-veg,so actully re-re-veg....

oh...yeilded a half z,which was more then i was hoping for,consedering all the problems

re-vegging plant

ghetto light raiser :laughing: does the job tho

total wet

a dry shot

what do you guys think?

it was a bag seed btw
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not bad at all for your first grow more then i got my first time around with a 150

nothing wrong with bag seed it was my first grow and was excellent

did not look or taste like the stuff that came in the bag

i still have the mom i take clones from

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